Countless monks chased him crazily.

He even risked his life to catch up with that flying sword.

But the other party happened to be very flexible.

With a few moves, he left everyone far away.

One of the monks gasped and cursed: "Could this flying sword be someone else's treasure? Damn it, why is it so fast?"

"It's impossible for someone to control this flying sword. If so...why haven't we seen anyone after watching it for so long? You don't mean to say that a ghost controls it."

" has already flown dozens of miles away. How can anyone's spiritual thoughts be so strong..."

"You're right. If you don't want others to chase you, just say something like this... you'll save 12 people from being disgusted."

He was scolded by everyone.

The monk didn't dare to talk any more.

I can only grit my teeth and fly as hard as I can.

After almost one stick of incense.

Everyone flew across a jungle and looked at the flying sword inserted into the soil. Everyone was ecstatic.

He ran directly towards the flying sword.

It’s a pity that it hasn’t landed yet.

Countless arrests fell from the sky.

"Hahaha... Brother Su Han, the fish you mentioned has indeed been hooked... These guys are so stupid, they didn't even know it was a trap..."

"Kelly, do you understand now? If you can't catch what you want, it means it's bait..."

"Yeah, Kelly knows!"

Two figures, one large and one small, descended from the sky.

Look at the smiling man.

The monks reacted instantly.

This is a trap.

Because the flying sword actually flew back from the ground into the opponent's hand.

"Thief...what did you do to trick us here?"

"We are members of the Dao Alliance, and some even belong to big families. It's best to let us go...otherwise, I will let you know how powerful the Dao Alliance is."

Look at the guy who was still talking harshly after being caught.

Su Hanlian smiled and said: "Oh...that's it, then just...shut your mouths."

I saw him snap his fingers.

Countless thunderbolts fell instantly.

Just electrocute these guys until their heads were bloody.

Keli even felt that it was not enough to relieve her anger, so she just dropped two more bouncing bombs.

However, the guy who has been stunned.

I never thought that I would be so miserable.

Soon the monsters from Inuyasha's world took these captives away.

Directly block the power.

Combined with the seal in the flowers.

These people directly lost all their spiritual power.

Only physical strength remains.

As for magic weapons and the like.

Naturally, it was confiscated by Su Han.

Although it is a garbage magic weapon.

But it would be nice to stock up on some inventory.

This was repeated six times.

There are more and more people at the construction site.

The monsters swung their little whips and said: "Work quickly... otherwise there will be no food, you idiots... If you dare to speak ill of the master again,

Be careful we beat you to death. "

Originally a disciple of various sects.

Now they have become construction workers.

And he was enslaved by monsters.

The humiliation was too painful.

But if you don't obey.

It will really kill people.

There is no doubt about this.

Because the monster has killed six people.

Didn't eat it though.

But there was no burying either.

Just like that, the corpse was exposed outside.

Everyone who saw it felt miserable.

at dusk.

Inside the city inn in the distance.

A pair of sisters stayed there.

The petite girl looked at the rain curtain outside and asked doubtfully: "Sister. Didn't you say there are many righteous disciples here... Why didn't I see any of them?"

"I don't know... I just heard from some people that there seemed to be flashes of light during the day. Then those people left with their swords. I don't know if something happened."

The woman in green clothes put down her umbrella.

He said softly.

The girl muttered when she heard this and hummed softly: "I still want to teach those rude guys a lesson. It's so boring..."

"You, you only have that little ability. Who else can you teach a lesson to? It's better to practice hard and strive to form elixirs and achieve greatness as soon as possible. That's the right path."

The woman looked at her sister dotingly.

The words are full of teachings.

Because their mother died early.

He only has one father, but he is still pampered and raised.

Therefore, my sister has already started to be naughty and outrageous.

The world is dangerous.

If you don't restrain yourself.

But you will suffer a big loss.

"But... Daddy doesn't have an elixir, so how can I... I don't have as good a talent as my dad... Huh? Sister, did you hear that?

It seems like someone is asking for help..."

The girl who was about to continue to complain and show off.

Suddenly, his ears moved.

A faint cry for help was heard.

And her sister heard it too.

The two people rushed outside regardless of the rain.

The spiritual energy turns into a shield.

Block everything out.

The two men chased after the sound.

I saw it in the woods.

A figure lies prone.

The opponent was covered in wounds.

Already dying.

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