All were captured and forced to do hard labor. "

"Doing hard could this happen? Did Hegemony offend you know which force the enemy is from? Since it doesn't hurt anyone...

There must be a reason. "

"This...the other party claims to be someone from the fairy world, and the purpose of coming is to absorb our world...According to reliable information. At present, the Eastern Spirit Clan has joined the other party's forces.

At the same time, the area where Tushan was located mysteriously disappeared.

This morning, the leech clan moved collectively..."

Listen to your friend's report.

The old alliance leader said solemnly: "The fairy there really such a world?"

"I'm not sure about this. Anyway... some witnesses said that Wang Quan Hegemony and others... were defeated by a woman who used a fairy sword.

Just one move.

Everyone is defeated! "

"Hiss...this strength is really terrifying...although those brats are a bit young, but together they are a powerful force.

No matter which one of us, if we deal with them.

It still requires a bit of waste of effort.

But the opponent was defeated by his own strength. It was really awesome... How about it? Royal Family...What should we do..."

"That goes without saying... The next generation of the Dao League has been imprisoned. We can't just sit idly by. Let's go... It's time for the Dao League to take action!"

After a night of gathering.

More than ten sects.

At dawn the next day.

Landed directly near the fortress.

However, what they saw in front of them made them dare not act rashly.

Tens of thousands of people were stationed.

At the same time, there are a large number of formations to restrict access.

This is no longer a mountainous area.

But the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.

InuYasha, who was carrying Tie Suiyasha, looked at the people above his head and said with a smile: "Hey... you are here to save those brats, right? How about you take my move first...

Wind injury! ! ! "

Blessed by the power of the elements.

The power in the body exploded crazily.

A huge slash.

Cover the entire sky.

Everyone who is okay for now has been mobilized...




Traveling to autumn.


These people are all in the fortress.

And their mission is to defeat them all.

The monks in the sky felt the powerful slash and quickly began to respond.

Magic weapons and Taoist techniques were used one after another.

The head of the Wang Quan family and others were on the defensive.

However, those who were slightly less powerful were chopped and flew out one after another.

"Tch...his strength isn't that great either. I thought he was that strong. Hey...Katakuri-sensei, do you want to come and play?"

"No...leave it to you and Xingqiu and the others. These guys are average in strength and I'm too lazy to take action..."

Katakuri lay on the sun lounger.

Drinking juice leisurely.

The head of the Wang Quan family followed the sound and saw his children not far away, carrying tools and building a fortress.

He immediately said with murderous intent: "It seems that you are the manager here? I wonder why my children offended you..."

"I'm not's just that you people are used to being aloof all day long and need to be suppressed!"

"Hmph...what a shameless statement! The power of the king's sword..."

The old patriarch roared angrily.

The terrifying sword energy penetrated directly into the sky.

Although he is old.

But the strength is very terrifying.

Especially this royal sword intention is several times stronger than the previous sword intention of royal hegemony.

When Inuyasha saw this, he flew up and struck with a knife.

However, the other party lightly struck the sword.

He suppressed him back.

InuYasha fell to the ground and moved his body several times, but could not escape the sword intent.

The head of the Wang Quan family looked at Katakuri and said, "Come on... let's do it. Since he is a figure in the fairy world, he must have some strength... If I am, I am no match for you.

Then don't say anything.

If you can beat one trick...please let my children go. "

" are very good at being able to suppress Inuyasha, but...compared to me, there is still a big gap..."

Katakuri's body disappeared.

When he appeared again.

He has arrived behind the head of the Wang Quan family.

Its speed was so fast that no one could react.

King Quan Hegemony's eyes narrowed as he paid attention to the battle.


The opponent is so fast.


Nian Gao fist, hammered it hard.

Katakuri doesn't know how to cultivate immortality.

But the power he exerted was still very terrifying.

Even if it is Li Yingqi, the two swords are incompatible.

It also takes some effort.

Only then can you defeat the opponent.

Because Katakuri can see the future, and at the same time, under Su Han's guidance, the opponent's strength.

It also improved horribly.

The golden sword energy surged.

While the old patriarch dodged the attack.

A sword stabbed Katakuri in the abdomen.

However, where the stab wound should have been, a strange hole suddenly appeared.

" this your attack? It's very weak..."

The fist came down again.

The old patriarch quickly dodged.

However, he is getting old after all.

There was no dodging this punch.

He was beaten until he vomited blood and flew backwards.

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