Six huge meteorites.

condensed in the sky.

Infinite flames.

Rolling and running on it.

Everyone in the Dao Alliance was so frightened that they trembled all over.

This flame is not false.

But the real horror.

What a terrifying power it is to completely pull everyone into a realm of karmic fire.

For a while.

Morale among the Aboriginal people was at rock bottom.

"Aren't you going to attack? Or...have you lost your courage? If that's the case, all you need to do is kneel down and surrender..."

Faced with Rosalind's proposal.

People in the Dao Alliance looked at each other.

Finally, he looked at the leader.

In fact, everyone’s meaning is very obvious.

With such a huge gap in combat power, failure to admit defeat would mean death.

And admitting defeat... means the fall of the world.

The head of the Wang Quan family was silent for a while and said: "Our Taoist Alliance is the last force to maintain order and protect the world. How could we give up so easily...

Please give me a helping hand. "


Everyone formed a seven-star formation.

Infuse spiritual energy into the body of the head of the Wang Quan family.

At this moment, the opponent's hair flew up.

The whole person became aggressive.

I saw this old man roaring angrily.

"The power of the sword...unparalleled in the world, slaying demons..."

Golden light.

Erupting with infinite power.

It even shattered the meteorites in the sky.

Rosalin smiled faintly and said: "Well...this is a bit of strength, not bad...but the gap in hard power cannot be made up by gathering the strength of a few people."

Her hands conjured.

The core in the body burst out with power.

Countless karma fire red lotuses.

Emerging from that hellfire.

Countless red butterflies.

Flying in the air.


The sword energy is everywhere.

Hit it directly.

The red butterfly followed and flew over.

Although the sword energy was violent, the countless red butterflies continued to eat away at that power.

Until he came to Rosalind.

There is not much sword energy left.

Seeing this scene, Wang Quan's family leader's momentum continued to decline, even to the point where the oil was exhausted.

He was already old.

In addition, the Royal Sword Intent is activated by life span.

This leads to a point.

The body cannot bear it.

Reverse death.

Looking at the old man whose aura was constantly declining, Rosalin lifted the realm.

The battle is over.

There is no need to take action again.

" won't listen even after I say it, you have to fight hard...Forget it, I am in a good mood today, I will spare your life...cherish it.

If your cultivation is gone.

But, cultivate yourself well.

Able to live for five years. "

A red butterfly flew into the body of the head of the Wang Quan family.

The life of the other party was extinguished.

A little more fire.

The old man looked at the incredibly strong lady with strange eyes, wondering why the other party wanted to save him.

If you want to conquer the world.

Kill them all.

Is it the best choice?

"Okay... Idiot old man, we have already said... I am not going to kill you, why can't you understand... Stop resisting, just be a subordinate of Boss Su Han.

Later, you will know how lucky you are today. "

Faced with Inuyasha's taunt.

The head of the Wang Quan family sighed slightly and said: "This is the only way, I am a sinner..."

"Don't say that...the gap in strength is too big. We are willing to surrender..."

Just being a dog.

It's not death.

Moreover, look at the other person’s appearance.

It seems there are many hidden secrets.

We can only take one step at a time.

after an hour.

This group of older people have all surrendered.

At this time, two people walked over to the gate of time and space.

That aura like a ferocious beast.

The existence of this group of Taoist alliances makes them very fearful.

One is a thin man with a sense of loneliness.

One is a man with a girl, who exists like a lone wolf.

"Hey...Ulquiorra, is this the new world that the master mentioned?"

"Well, we need to guard it for a while. The Death World does not need us to fight, so just stay here for a while... Stark!"

Through a conversation between two people.

Everyone understands.

These two people are also Su Han's subordinates.

Moreover, that aura can crush everyone present.


On the World Tree.

Su Han hugged Nilu and woke up from his deep sleep. After watching Rosalin's report from the All Heavens Task Group, he couldn't help but smile.


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