In the distant mountain stream.

The waves are rough.

Countless streams of water surge into the sky.

A lot of violence poured out of the water.

Feeling the power in the air, Qin gritted her teeth and said, "What a terrifying power. This momentum is almost more terrifying than the Whirlpool Demon God..."

"Well, but...that's all."

Thunder Movie closed his eyes.

I feel that the enemy is not as powerful as myself.

My heart settled down.

And Mandrill said: "The water monster came out..."

In the whirlpool.

A huge monster.

Quickly condensed from that water flow.

Cyan scales.

Scarlet eyes.

Several heads.

Hundreds of meters tall.

The pressure is directly stretched.

At this time, the man standing in front of the water monster laughed maniacally and said: "Yes...Old friend, you are out again...wreak havoc on the earth to your heart's content.

Let this dim world.

Towards the ending it should have.

Let us destroy this world..."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult laughed wildly.

Because of the emergence of water monsters.

It will represent the coming of disaster.

It is the enemy of all things.

A monster that can destroy everything.


The water monster lived up to the call of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader and started creating floods as soon as it arrived.

This kind of irrational monster knowledge.

By nature there is only destruction.

This is its instinct.

Just like plants absorb sunlight.

Animals eat like they do.

Water monsters are born to destroy everything.

This is its instinctive power.

Floods swept across Miao territory.

Zhao Linger and others came after hearing the news.

Chapter 489 Lei Movie’s Immortal Killing Sword Formation Appears, the Moon Worshiping Leader’s Real Trump Card

"No, the water monsters have begun to invade the Miao's the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult!!!"

"What to do? Huge floods have begun to inundate nearby cities!"

Looking at the monsters that are ravaging the earth.

Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao were both shocked.

If the water monster is allowed to continue like this.

I'm afraid it's the entire Miao territory.

No...the whole world is going to be in ruins!

The wind raged.

The dark sky became gloomier.

Zhao Ling'er took a deep breath and said to her lover beside her: "Brother Xiaoyao, what happens next depends on you... I must stop this water monster!

Because this is my mission as a member of the Nuwa clan. "

With that said, she flew out directly.

The body turned into the body of Nuwa in mid-air.

Although small in stature.

However, Zhao Ling'er's body released huge spiritual energy.

Three people watching from a distance.

Looking at the woman whose lower body turned into a snake, she did not directly choose to help.

But I want to take a look.

The power of the Nuwa clan.

Zhao Linger was seen holding a staff.

Countless spiritual energy bombs were shot out wildly towards the water monster.

As powerful as a rainstorm.

pouring out.

In an instant, he was beaten by the monster and screamed in agony.

It's just that although this kind of attack is terrifying, it can't do anything to the water monster.

The other person's body was in that flood.

He turned around and returned to his original appearance.

Wasn't hurt at all.

Lei Xingying shook his head and said: "Such an attack is not possible... The water monster will grow when it comes into contact with water. If you don't imprison the area, you won't be able to fight it at all.

No wonder the previous Nuwa descendants.

Choose to use your own body to suppress this monster.

Indeed... not powerful enough.

Seal is the best option. "

"Then what would you do if it were you, sister?"

Facing Qin's inquiry.

Lei Qingqing said with a smile: "My words...naturally choose to face this ugly monster head-on. Well...that girl is exhausted. If she continues to fight, the mission will probably fail."


I made the first move..."

After Zhao Ling'er was forced back by the water monster with magic.

When despair arises.

A ray of silvery white light flew from behind her.

The flood water was pouring.

The speed also slowed down.

In the sky, the originally proud leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

At this time, his expression slowly became stiff.

Because he felt a very terrible force appeared.


Silver-white horse training.

Explodes from the sky.

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