“Where is this?”

Gaze at the endless yellow sand, countless piles of sand dunes, and steep mountain walls.

Paimon almost stuck out his tongue to dissipate heat.

“And… How long will it take to cross this sea of sand?”

It is clear that he has been flying, and he feels more tired than Ying and Luo Chen.

No way, under the scorching sun, even the air appeared slightly distorted.

During the journey, the little things have never encountered such a harsh environment, and their eyes began to feel dizzy.

“Soon, through the big red sand sea, it is the destination. ”

Luo Chen casually said perfunctory, and at this time, as far as the eye could see, the golden world was in front of him, and with the occasional blowing breeze, it swept up a burst of gravel.

After leaving Meru Castle, the three of them are now heading to an eternal oasis located above the Great Red Sand Sea.

Or rather, where the eternal oasis once existed.

The entire land of Yanglu was divided into three regions during the Divine Dynasty.

The rainforest of life where the Great Cishu King is located, the Great Red Sand Sea where the Red King is entrenched, and the flower sea nursery where Luo Chen and the flower god inhabit last.

“Wow, what’s over there, what a spectacular building!”

Not long after entering the Great Red Sand Sea, Paimon, who was originally ill, suddenly became energetic, staring at the magnificent building in the distance as if it wanted to connect heaven and earth.

A huge building shaped like a pyramid, and above it there is an inverted triangular platform that ignores the laws of physics.

Just looking at it, the grandeur and recklessness from ancient times greet you.

Luo Chen looked at it at the same time, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

“That’s the Red King’s Mausoleum, the relic left by the ancient demon god who once ruled this desert. ”

Seeing the mausoleum, he recalled the scene when Ahmar was buried in the abyss in front of him.

The lonely king, who was meant to open up a new era for the Son of Man, went astray and fell into the trap of fate.

Obviously feeling that Luo Chen’s mood was a little strange, Ying did not ask, but just remembered the Red King Akhmal in his heart.

It’s probably like the ancient Salt Demon God and the Vortex Demon God in Liyue.

“You know that demon god well?”

Anyway, on the journey, Ying simply asked him about the ancient history of Meru to pass the time.

Luo Chen’s erudite name is well known in Liyue, and I think even Sumi’s secrets should know a little bit.

“Understand… Hehe. ”

It’s not that simple.

From the founding of the city of Gür by the people of Ahmal, the spawning of the city-states of all nations, to the eventual collapse, the entire era was seen by him.

If even those who experienced it don’t know, I’m afraid no one knows.

“Since you want to know that some knowledge may be useful later, I will tell you about it.” ”

“Let me think about where to start. ”

After sorting out his thoughts and collecting the rather uncalm thoughts of coming to the old place, Luo Chen began to slowly tell the story of that era.

“Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the foolish king had not yet disappeared into the dunes, and before the ruined gilded land, there were many short-lived city-states. ”

“In the era when kingdoms are lined up and pavilions collapse like sand, and heroes come and disappear like meteors, narrative poems of the sea of sand are scattered everywhere…”

As if returning to that ancient and reckless god dynasty again, Luo Chen’s voice became low.

The vicissitudes of tone, mixed with the years, instantly attracted the attention of Ying and Paimon.

In this way, in the process of telling the myth, the three of them cross the Great Red Sand Sea and gradually move towards the location of the eternal oasis that has long been forgotten by the people of Meru.

Not much different from listening to a story, Paimon will occasionally interject to ask about topics of interest.

For example, the respective dependents of the demon gods.


Luo Chen paused and said, “The dependents of the owner of this sea of sand are the same constructed life forms that you saw in front of the Red King’s Mausoleum before that have not stopped for thousands of years. ”

“What about the grass god?”

“You didn’t see each other when you first arrived in Meru. ”

Hearing him say this, Ying and Paimon suddenly froze.

They really can’t remember when they saw the dependents of the grass god.

“You guy, you’re not lying to us!” Paimon stared at him suspiciously.

With a smile, Luo Chen said lightly: “The life form you saw on the first day, which you called very similar to mushrooms, is the Grass God Family, a forest spirit born from the Jue King Tree, named Lannaro. ”

“Ah, that little thing is the grass god dependent?!”

Paimon was taken aback, with a strange sense of absurdity.

The gods look like that, and they don’t feel majestic at all, and they insist that there is an ugly and ugly beauty.

“You’re not much older than Lannaro. ”

“Hey, don’t compare Paimon to them!”

After the strong protest, the white floating spirit still muttered something that was not so strange about himself.

Not to mention that the demon companion was talking to himself there, Ying rarely took the initiative to ask:

“There are only these two demon gods in Meru?”

“Of course, not only, but also the last flower god. ”

“Flower God, are we going to a place related to her?”

I have to say that Ying Mei is very smart, even if Luo Chen did not mention it, she vaguely guessed some.

Turning his head to meet the gaze cast by the blonde girl, he didn’t answer, and the words were sold.

“It won’t be long before you know, including the dependents who are finally affiliated with the flower god, and you must be able to witness it with your own eyes. ”

Ying: “…”

What I hate the most is riddlers like you!

If there is anything that cannot be said at once, it must be appetizing!

“It’s arrived!”

The mood had not yet eased from the depression, and the reminder from Luo Chen made Ying and Paimon subconsciously stare ahead.

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