Just as Luo Chen was thinking about how to minimize the shadow’s anger.

The words from a third person awakened him from his contemplation.

“For more than a month, the subjects of Meru intend to restart the Flower God’s Birthday Festival to celebrate Buyel’s return, and at the critical moment, you are actually hiding here. ”

Luo Chen looked up at Nasida almost at the same time, and was not surprised to see the figure of the flower god.

It is also true that the Palace of Pure Goodness is the place where God comes, and ordinary people will not dare to trespass without being summoned.

In the past, when Nasida was there, no one may have paid attention to it, but now that the Great Compassion Tree King has returned, the people of the Holy Council are more honest than quails.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen couldn’t help but touch the poor little grass god’s head again.

Being bullied by God, being bullied by others, how can it be a gas bag.


Not quite understanding the sudden caress, Nasida blinked her eyes quite puzzled.

Luo Chen pinched her soft and sticky face, and turned to Marikata and said:

“In that case, let’s go, I also miss the Flower God’s Birthday Festival that has been thousands of years long.” ”

Inside Meru Castle!

A month ago, the entire city was obviously filled with various oppressive atmospheres.

The mercenaries of the thirty-man regiment patrolled back and forth, as if there was a premonition that a big war was about to break out.

Although the premonition is indeed correct, now that there is peace and tranquility, a divine war has broken out.

Although the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not proportional.

And now, a month later.

Those repressions, and the harshness of the rule of the Patriarchy, are like the wind of yesterday.

In less than a month, all the damage suffered by Meru after the war was repaired.

Not only that.

On the tall altar voluntarily set up by the subjects in the center of the city, flowers and green leaves decorate the “923”.

Looking at the atmosphere below, full of vitality, all the people of Meru with smiles on their faces, Nasida, who was holding Luo Chen’s hand, was greatly shocked.

When she was the grass god, she had never seen this scene.

Thinking of this, Nasida’s eyes darkened slightly.

Sure enough, he is far from being comparable to the mother goddess.

“Remember, sooner or later, you can do it too. ”

The force coming from the palm of her hand made Nasida raise her head and look at Shangluo Chen with an encouraging look.

“The years will gradually precipitate wisdom, and in the future, it will be like a sponge, absorbing the knowledge that Buyel possesses.” ”

Nodding slightly, Nasida perked up again, and the four-leaf clover’s eyes shone again.

In fact, Luo Chen didn’t need to encourage her, and the little grass god was also able to change his concept on his own.

After all, she is also a demon god.

With a smile, Luo Chen led her to the front of the altar and said:

“Engrave this scene in your memory, and try to get closer to this direction in the future.” ”

“Hmm. ”

Looking down from the altar, you can see half of Meru Castle.

Luo Chen saw that the Great Cishu King, who had been eroded by the power of the abyss, had once again reverted to being the mature and wise goddess, no longer a slightly green girl.

She sat on a sumptuous float, wearing a garland and waving with a light smile to the subjects on both sides of the street.

The people carrying the floats below were extremely excited, and their faces were full of proud and honorable smiles.

What a blessing it is to be able to take on the body of a god yourself.

Holding a holy flower branch in his hand, the Great Compassion Tree King gently threw it around.

As the flowers splash with dewdrops, all subjects who wish to be tainted with divine grace are thirsting.

They were not disappointed, obviously it was a little dewdrop, but it formed a silky drizzle.

Every Meru subject receives equal blessings.

Then they were pleasantly surprised to find that after bearing the manna, their bodies suddenly became much lighter.

Some people with hidden diseases are even more ecstatic, and those diseases disappear all at once and are treated in an instant.

For this reason, the subjects were even more fanatically and religiously praying for the Great Mercy Tree King.

The floats traveled all the way, and a long dragon almost formed on both sides of the street.

The knight of flowers throws petals and candies while making eye contact with acquaintances, and then attracts a wave of envious and jealous eyes.

This festival continues until the float stops at the altar.

Walking down from the float, the Great Compassion Tree King strolled on the high platform, and appeared in the public’s field of view at the same time as Luo Chen, Nasida and Marikata.

The grandeur of the four gods directly pushed the festival to a climax.

At this point, the festival, which lasts for three days and three nights, officially begins.



“Hurry, hurry, phew!

In the crowd, before the “Flower God’s Birthday Festival” began, Yingmei and Paimon finally returned to Meru City.

To ask them why they were in such a hurry, you have to talk about half a month ago.

Due to receiving an adventure commission from Catherine, the two go to the Great Red Sand Sea to complete the mission.

I thought it was easy, who knew that I would be tired and half dead.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of intrigues and tricks about the gilded people, and of course, I also made many friends of the gilded people.

In short, after a series of travels, the two finally completed not only the task commission, but also explored the Red King Mausoleum, as well as a large number of architectural remains of the Red King era.

Probably figure out how the Red King Ahmar led to the abyss and voluntarily fell, and how Bahram, the god of victory, used the holy spear to penetrate the earth.

In addition, another of their more gains is the girls around them.

“Hmph, running so fast, actually leaving the seniors behind, really don’t know how to respect the old and love the young.” ”

The girl with her green double ponytail reprimanded the two in an elder’s voice.

The girl is wearing an openwork bud skirt with an off-the-shoulder design, and the overall appearance is a light and elegant lady style.

Her inverted triangular golden eyes stared straight at travelers and flying pets, giving people a cute and hateful feeling.

Apparently Paimon was not happy, and pouted:

“We are not people who do not belong to the Holy Academy, so we are not juniors, and if we don’t rescue you, you will still be in the ruins!”

I’ve thanked you for that, but little one, you don’t show the universal moral character of respecting the old and loving the young. ”

The girl who looks twenty-eight years old unceremoniously uses an old-fashioned tone to argue.

Paimon was suddenly speechless.

The girl, named Farushan, was rescued from a ruin.

The other party claimed to have spent a hundred years in the ruins, and his real age was much older than it is now.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but looking at the other party’s extremely familiar appearance with the Decree Academy, it doesn’t look like pretending.

“That’s it, I haven’t come back for so long, I think I have forgotten my genius name when I come to the Lingyuan, and I will invite you to dinner after I rearrange it.” ”

The girl named Farusan performed a lady salute in her skirt, and then strode into the crowd and disappeared.

Watching the “senior” leave, Paimon stomped his foot in dissatisfaction.

“It’s infuriating!”

Ying Mei was not impressed, and she could see that Falushan was just more arrogant.

In addition, the original age is not old, and the speech is straightforward and fast, which is easy to misunderstand.

At least three of them returned from the desert, and she offered a lot of help along the way, and privately expressed her gratitude and affection.

Not to mention that Paimon sulked alone, seeing the lively celebration being held, Yingmei stretched.

I am always on the road, and occasionally I need to relax and soothe my spirit.

Just as she was about to go to Luo Chen, she suddenly found an acquaintance in the crowd who should not have appeared here.

“Eh, that’s… Son of God?!”

At the end of the line of sight, a pink-haired witch dressed in a strange red and white witch costume was walking through the crowd, seemingly on her way to somewhere.

Of course, if you see an acquaintance, you have to go and say hello.

Ignoring the sulking Paimon, he hurriedly rushed to inquire.

“Son of God, why are you here?”

How the Miyaki of Inazuma Narujin Taisha Shrine appeared in Meru, she was very curious about this.

Hearing the sound of being shouted, the pink-haired witch turned around, revealing her gorgeous and charming beauty.

I saw that she was dressed in a witch’s costume with red and white as the main colors, the sleeves were separated from the top, and the waist seal was black.

When he turned around, the fox ear, which symbolized the identity of the divine envoy, the purple gemstone earrings set on it and the thunder attribute god’s eye were still shaking slightly.

“Oh, it turned out to be a little guy, no wonder I have been restless just now, it turned out to be a premonition that I am about to meet someone important. ”

The fox fairy palace master immediately showed a seductive light smile, and his tone was with a light groan, which couldn’t help but make people’s bones lighten a few taels.

Paimon pouted, “Son of God, can you be normal!

If others want such honors, they can’t ask for blessings. ”

Yae Miko wrapped one hand around his chest, biting his fingers astringent and tilting his head to express doubt, which made the trembling slime almost overflow.

Paimon: “…”

Can’t stand it! Can’t stand it!

I have to let Ying Mei come!

Adhering to the concept of same-sex repulsion, Yingmei exempts the “seduction” skill and asks her again why she came to Meru.

“It’s really acute 0..”

Immediately, Yae Miko converged his enchanted expression and said squarely: “The legendary King of the Great Mercy Tree has returned, and the shadow is busy with government affairs and has no time to come to congratulate him, at least I, the god on behalf of the god, must participate in the Flower God’s Birthday Festival.” ”

After all, the former seven gods have all gathered and met, and they can be called friends.

Ying followed Zhen and also participated in the banquet of the seven gods, and he was still familiar with the Great Mercy Tree King, and it was normal to come to congratulate him when he heard of his true return.

Even if I can’t come, send someone who can represent me, and the other party must be able to understand.

“So it is. ”

Paimon was amazed.

Indeed, it is necessary to send people of high enough status and representing the gods.

The entire Inazuma, I am afraid that only this generation of Narujin Taisha Miyaji, Yae Miko.

“Hey, there was originally another person who was more suitable than me, but unfortunately…”

Thinking of the Lord Mother of Baichen wandering among the red dust, the Son of God rarely showed a lonely expression.

It is probably disappointed with the shadow of five hundred years ago, or it is also unable to accept the real fall.

After Kitsunomiya socialized Narugami to Miko, he went to experience the world incognito in various capacities.

The Baichen family, leaving the god son, who was gradually maturing at that time, to provoke the beam.

Not noticing the strange appearance of the Son of God, Paimon was alarmed by a sudden cheer from afar, so he flew to a high place and looked around in amazement:

“Wow, although I know that the Great Compassion Tree King has returned and the Flower God’s Birthday Festival can attract many people, there are too many people, and many of them are foreigners. ”

Ying Mei also nodded.

You know, even Liyue’s Immortal Invitation Ceremony is not so exaggerated.

Yae Miko smiled and said quietly:

“It seems that the little guy doesn’t know enough about the Flower God’s Birthday Sacrifice, these people are not just here for the Great Mercy Tree King. ”

Not for the Great Compassion Tree King?

Ying subconsciously asked, “What is that for?”

Her knowledge of the Flower God’s Birthday Festival was limited to learning from Nilu, which was the predecessor of the Flower God’s Birthday, and she didn’t know exactly what the steps were.

Yae Miko did not sell the pass, looked at the fanatical crowd in the distance and said leisurely:

“Naturally, it is for the gift of the god king in the second half of the flower god’s birthday sacrifice. ”

“God-King’s gift?”

Ying has seen similar words in some texts, but has not seen an explanation, so its meaning is not clear.

“Simply put, you can think of it as a jousting. ”


The more Ying and Paimon listened, the more they wondered what was so attractive about a jousting.

As if reading their thoughts, Yae Miko continued:

“The competition is naturally not attractive, but the final reward is the point. ”

“Those who achieve the ultimate victory will receive the opportunity summoned by the god king Bahram, grant God-given wisdom, and incomparably powerful power. ”

“These lucky people who were killed from many samurai, known as [Garshasbu], are sought after and respected by the land of Meru, even if you are unknown before joining, you can still know 3.9 days in one victory, which can be described as one step to heaven. ”

“Legend has it that the first strong man who won the crown of Garshasb founded a country and prospered for a while. ”

Ying and Paimon listened to their hearts swaying, and they became extremely interested in the “gift of the god king”. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

However, thinking of the so-called god king Bahram, they have long been acquainted, and inexplicably have a strange strange feeling.

“Haha, this witch lady is right, the name of Garshasb is the supreme glory that all the people of Meru crave. ”

While the three were chatting, an outsider suddenly interjected halfway through.

The three couldn’t help but follow the prestige.

After seeing the comer, Paimon was pleasantly surprised: “Dixia, Candice, you are here too!”

They were old and new friends they had made earlier and this adventure to the desert.

Dixia, who was carrying a big sword, immediately said boldly: “Of course, there is a chance to obtain the heavenly gift granted by the God King, how can I and other martial artists miss it.” ”

On the other side, Candice, an exotic beauty with heterochromatic eyes, also greeted the two steadily.

“Traveler, Paimon, not seen in a few days, but fine. ”

“Uh-huh, it looks like it’s going to be especially lively this time.” ”

Paimon can’t wait to see the gift of the god-king in the second half.

Yae Miko chuckled, “Maybe it’s even more lively than you think, the gift of the god king is not only for Meru, but the heroes of the seven kingdoms will gather here.” ”

Hearing this, Paimon was completely stunned.

Seven Kingdoms?

Could it be that the friends they met in Mond, Ligetsu, and Inazuma all had the opportunity to meet this time?!

At the same time, Ying also realized this, and couldn’t help but feel very excited.

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