The change in the celestial phenomenon directly made all the people of Liyue cheer in place.

This means that heaven and earth seem to agree with the words of the human emperor.

Listening to the cheers from the people, the pure faith is simply heartwarming.

Luo Chen seemed to see the tide of fate, beating on this era of life.

All kinds of divine visions emerged from the sky, and the beast looked like a fairy.

It’s impressive.

Such an important and solemn moment.

The upper floor on the other side of the altar.

In the end, Luo Chen’s figure was always reflected in his eyes, full of a faint misty mist, mixed with a trace of pride.

Heulia pursed her lips lightly, also glad that she had chosen to surrender, glad that it was such a person who would be committed.

The immortals, on the other hand, bowed their heads slightly, shocked by the brilliance of the human emperor.

At the same time, Morax stood up, and his originally cold and emotionless face showed a look of relief.

He knew that he was not looking at the wrong person.

That human emperor is the right person who can truly lead the clan to glory.

Beside him, the immortal Yasha, who was attached to him, also lost his mind for Luo Chen’s brilliance, and lowered his originally proud head.

At the altar!

Only after the announcement ceremony was over did Luo Chen insert the first stick of incense into the middle of one of the nine dings.

“May the Terrans be like this incense and rise for nine days. ”

Whispering softly, he took two steps back, yielding the joy and joy of the moment to the people.

He saw that countless people were in tears, but they had extremely happy smiles on their faces.

At this moment, whether it is the people of the Salt God, or the people of Morax, or those who have come out of tribes large and small in the mountains and wilderness.

They are all proud of their Terran identity.

From today on, they have a common country, and “May Forty Zero” adheres to the same identity position.


[You used Jiuding to suppress the veins of the Liyue Earth, sweep away most of the demon gods’ resentments, and restore clarity and tranquility to the world]

[You completely ended the Demon God War and liberated the creatures of the world from terror]

【One hundred and thirty years of the emperor】

【To recognize your merits and honor your great deeds】

【The people of Liyue spontaneously hold a festival for you】

[The first human emperor festival appeared]

[Liyue Port, return to the city, leave the city, end of the city…]

[All cities are in a carnival]

[Even in the mountains, there are tribes that like to live in seclusion to pray for you from the bottom of their hearts]

[They hope that you can live a little longer, even with heaven and earth]


Liyue Port!

It has been three years since the city was founded.


In this noble place, the palace of the human emperor was naturally built, next to the rock hall of Morax.

Although Morax claimed to be only a witness, Luo Chen still did not exclude him from the upper circles.

After all, according to the gradually weakening physical functions, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive for too long.

And Liyue can’t lead without a master.

The so-called era of rule by man is, of course, good.

But it needs to have enough strength and confidence, far from what it can be achieved now.

Once he dies, he must need a successor who is strong enough and prestigious enough to rule.

Morax, the rock god, is his confirmed successor.

Liyue also has half of its hard work, and it is impossible to let it go.

“Oh, I said, what have you been thinking about since just now, how can you not give up, but now the people spontaneously hold a festival for you. ”

Above the banquet, he finally found that Luo Chen, who was in the main seat, was a little distracted, and couldn’t help but come over and ask.

Close to him, the girl almost weighed her whole body.

Luo Chen knew that she was doing it on purpose, and couldn’t help pinching her delicate and soft face.

“People are old, it’s like this, it’s always easy to be in a daze, and…”

Frowning, he finally interrupted him.

“Nonsense, you’re still very young!”

Although she said so, the panic that flashed in her eyes was obvious.

Mentioning this taboo again that I don’t want to touch, I don’t even have the courage to face it.

Luo Chen smiled and didn’t tease her anymore.

He is already one hundred and thirty years old, and according to the age of a normal person, he should have entered the soil a long time ago.

Even the longest-lived people must be full of white hair, tall figures, and half a foot into death.

He is still middle-aged so far, thanks to the influence of the Holy Sword Scabbard.

Even if he loses his divinity and scabbard, his body can remain young for a considerable period of time.

Holding the final hand, Luo Chen turned to look at the rock god who was enjoying the entire view of Liyue Port on the side.

“Morax, speaking of which, this is your god’s name, don’t you have a real name or pseudonym in the world? ”

Hearing this, the expressionless rock god fell into deep thought, and then shook his head.

He couldn’t think of walking the world in an avatar for the time being, but he could consider it in the future.

was torn away by Luo Chen, and finally became interested.

“How about we give you a pseudonym?”

Iwakami was indifferent, looking at his expression and not knowing whether to agree or refuse.

In the end, he didn’t care about this, he didn’t finish talking to himself, put his head on Luo Chen’s shoulder, and thought for a long time.

At a certain moment, she suddenly said happily:

“I thought about it, if not to take the name of the city before me and him. ”

“Finally leaving?” Luo Chen was stunned for a moment.

“The final word is not appropriate, if it is slightly modified, the bell rings well, and it is good to call the bell away.” ”

In the end, he turned his head and proposed to Luo Chen with interest.

Good guy, it turns out that Zhongli came like this?!

Wordlessly, he pointed to Morax and said:

“It’s useless for you to tell me, the Lord is there.” ”

Without responding to this, the rock god took a sip from the wine glass, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

However, Luo Chen, who knew the future life, understood that this name, the Rock King Emperor finally remembered in his heart.

Seeing that the main lord did not respond, he suddenly lost interest and bit his lip cutely.

Then he simply shrunk into Luo Chen’s arms and counted the stars boredly.

Seeing this, the rest of the immortals were not surprised at all.

The intimate relationship between the two has long been revealed.

Helplessly gently stroking the girl’s silky hair, Luo Chen looked at the brightly lit Liyue Port in the distance.

Although it is not as prosperous as the later life, it is also extremely exciting.

Today’s prototype, when it develops slowly step by step, can reach or even surpass.

Just as he was thinking like this, there was a slight movement around him.

Turning his head slightly, he found that it was a chubby little Ganyu, humming and arching to his side.

Lift the little one into your arms and drop it to your chest.

With the toy, the girl immediately stopped counting the stars, and began to “play” with Xiao Ganyu with great interest.

For a while, he couldn’t help but miss the time limit of the simulation task.

According to the rate of weakening of body functions, there are at most one or two hundred years to go, and it will enter the earthly vein cycle.

Unfortunately, if they come for another thousand years, they can be by their side for even longer.

But fortunately, this death is not a farewell.

Back in the afterlife, there is still endless time to accompany you.

“Sorry, I’m going to leave you alone for a long time in the future. ”

His murmured words made Gui Lifelong stiffen.

The girl held the humming little unicorn stunnedly, and did not move at all for a while.

“But with so many people by your side, it shouldn’t be so lonely.” ”

Luo Chen smiled and swept around.

Inside the wine banquet, Liuyun and Ah Ping were showing off something with four old friends such as Lishui, Ming Hai, Cutting Moon, and Moving Xiao.

On the other side, Yingda, Vayan, and Morax belong to the three Yasha, Ray, Floating House, and Mi Fu fight.

Obviously a woman, but the amount of alcohol is very strong, which is eye-catching.

“What a beautiful scene, this life should be as bright as gold!”

………… [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

[The first human emperor festival lasted for seven days and seven nights, and finally ended successfully]

[You are very satisfied with this, this life is imprinted, completely engraved in the history of Liyue]

[Only in the end, he seemed a little reticent after that banquet]

[But half a month later, she recovered as before, happily discussing music rhythm with Ah Ping in her free time, and arguing with Liuyun about mechanics]

[The only thing that has changed is that she has spent more time with you]

[No matter where you go, no matter what you have to do, every night, she will always quietly pretend to scare you into your room]

[You guys didn’t do anything, just chatted quietly]

【Memories of the past, Liyue today, imagination of the future】

[When it comes to these, there are always endless words in the end, you understand her thoughts]

[The girl just wants to use all her free time to fill up her memories with you in a limited time]

[Because you know this, you have always obeyed her]

【140 years of the emperor】

[You came to Ogihua Prefecture again, this time, you will still be by your side in the end]

[You told her that the agreement between the two was once that it was time to fulfill it]


Ogihana State!

Among the sea of glazed lilies!

“Call me out, is it a date?” asked cheerfully.

Luo Chen shook his head lightly and took out the stone lock that had been placed for more than a hundred years.

“Your wisdom, I have already solved, the contract I made at the beginning, should I also fulfill 0…”

In the end, it was a stunned.

I saw that the earthly lock in his palm radiated with brilliance.

With the words, the stone lock gradually changed.

Stone chains unfolded along some mysterious path, but before revealing the core area, Luo Chen stopped it.

There is no need to go on, the agreement made more than a hundred years ago, after all, he won.

In the end, his eyes trembled, and he whispered: “You have already won.” ”

That stone lock has long ceased to matter.

Little by little now is what she cherishes.

“Then answer me a question before untangling it completely. ”


Luo Chen leaned into her ear and whispered.

He lost his mind for a moment, and then nodded slowly.


[You made a similar request to the end]

[No doubt, she agreed]

[In Ogihua Prefecture under the starry night, in the sea of flowers of glazed lilies, you have made your first union]

【Take the ground as the bed, take the sky as the cover】

[You spent three days and three nights of joy in Ogihua State]

[When you went back, Liuyun was surprised to ask where the two of you went]

[In the end, happily tell her that it is a secret between the two]

【One hundred and fifty years of the emperor】

[The first white hair appears on your head, and I will carefully cut it off for you in the end]

[She no longer avoids lifespan issues as before, and occasionally jokes with you]

【160th year of the emperor】

[Little Ganyu began to grow up, but he is still fat and gluttonous]

【Emperor 170】

[The gray hair on your head is gradually increasing, and your spirit is no longer as full as before, and you can feel that your body is slowly weakening]

【Emperor 180】

[Lin and Liuyun also discovered this, the immortals are no longer as happy as before, and they occasionally show sad emotions]

【200 years of the emperor】

[You have indeed become old, your skin has begun to loosen, and your appearance has begun to move towards old age]



【Emperor 260】

[Everyone can see that your life has come to an end, and the body that was once able to move mountains and mountains is constantly fading]

[In the end, Helin never went anywhere, let go of all the things in his hands, and accompanied you every day, every hour, every moment]

[Heulia’s face often shows sadness, and the immortals are even more dull]

[Morax occasionally sighs, after a hundred years together, you have long become friends]

[He did see the splendor of the Terrans, and Liyue Port has prospered a hundred times more in a hundred years]

【Emperor 290】

[You have weakened to a very terrible level, I’m afraid for a few more years, it will be difficult to even walk]

[At this time, you challenged Morax]

[At the end of life, you don’t want to simply grow old and die again] 5.1 [You want to fight with the rock god in his heyday, which can be regarded as completing the curiosity you have always had]

[Morax understands your idea and agrees]

[You are fighting in the distance of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion beyond the Cloud Sea]

[Not a killing, but a competition]

[Old you, as if returning to the light, fought with the rock god for three days and three nights]

[In the end, you win the battle]

【Year 299】

[The people of Liyue know that their human emperor is aging and gradually dying]

[They are terrified, they are restless, and pray to heaven for their ruler to live long]

[However, because of the battle nearly ten years ago, your body is about to collapse]

[If you don’t fight that fight, you may be able to last longer, but instead of living in old age, you would rather end up in splendor]

【Three hundred years of the emperor】

[You can no longer get up and walk on the earth alone, you need someone to help you walk]

[Even if you still have great strength, the weakness of your body’s vitality makes you simply not have enough capital to exert these powers]

[You realize that your death may have come]

[At the last moment of your life, you let the end take you all over Liyue Port and see every corner]

[Finally, you plan to spend the last night of your life at the top of Tianheng Mountain]

[Here you can see the entire Liyue Port, even at the last moment of life]

[You don’t want to die in bed, but look at this great city built by you, like-minded friends]

[You see the tears in your eyes at the end]

[At the moment when you are about to die, she still can’t suppress her grief after all].

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