Holding back his complaints, Miko restrained those negative emotions.

“Your Highness will wait a little first, and I will inform His Royal Highness and Lord Mother Zhen. ”

After speaking, the son of God decisively got up and left.

Seeing this, Luo Chen had some regrets, if only the little fox spirit came over again.

Maybe he can trick Shadow into doing something further.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but tilt his head to look at the God of Thunder who was in a daze.

The simple god is touching the slightly red and swollen lip flap, falling into his own world.

Judging from her constantly changing expression, she should still be reminiscing about what happened not long ago.

Obviously has such a beautiful and charming appearance, but she is a stupid earth girl paper.

The sense of contrast is really too strong.

Not long after, it was less than half a quarter of an hour before the departure of the Son of God.

There were a few more messy steps outside.

A few seconds later.

In addition to Yae Miko, the figures of Raiden Shin and Fox Saimiya also appeared together.

The two women came to the bed together to observe Luo Chen’s situation.

Unlike Kage and Miko, who are concerned about chaos, the two mature beauties known for their calm and wise hearts instantly let go after confirming that he had not deteriorated.

Especially Saimiya, he sneered for the first time:

“You guy, you actually dared to do that, it really opened my eyes. ”

The extent to which he gritted his teeth, if Luo Chen was still lying weakly, it was estimated that he could really hit him.

The big vixen narrowed her eyes dangerously, God knows how panicked she was at the time.

Tang Zhai Gong almost made a joke.

Luo Chen had no scruples about the identity of the sick number at this moment, :

“This is not a gamble to win, it is really resurrected, I am still alive, everyone rejoices.” ”

Glared at him viciously, and the big fox didn’t have a good breath:

“What if I lose the bet?”

“If the bet is lost, it’s a big deal, let’s return to the earth vein cycle together, and continue the frontier in the next life.” ”

Taking a sip, Saimiya charmingly brushed her eyes away.

Where there is any afterlife, return to the earthly cycle and everything will be over.

Listening to Luo Chen and Yu Li joking with his friends, Lei Dian really let go of his heart.

Just as she wanted to say something, Leng Buding noticed her sister’s strangeness.

What’s wrong with you. ”

Waking up from his trance, Ying panicked slightly, “I didn’t… It’s okay. ”

Seeing that her sister’s behavior was slightly strange, I couldn’t help but wonder, and then my eyes were on her lip flap that changed too much.

Squinting, the gentle god seemed to understand something.

The tilted head 383 glanced at Luo Chen, who was arguing with Zhai Gong, and then withdrew his gaze to stare at his sister, thoughtfully.

But for a moment, a light smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, which quickly disappeared into invisibility.

“Okay, Saimiya, you don’t have to say two words. ”

Stopping his friend and Luo Chen from continuing their verbal confrontation, Raiden Zhen came to him.

Facing the lover who can still be seen again after a thousand years, even in her state of mind, it ripples and cannot be calmed.

“It’s too risky for you to resurrect me in such a way. ”

In the end, she couldn’t help but complain.

Although it is you who benefits from it, you would rather die like this than let your loved partner take such risks.

Luo Chen smiled, did not respond, and said softly instead:

“Remember what we said between us before I left?”

Without waiting for a real reply, he took care of himself and told himself.

“I said, belong to my gods, no matter where you are in the future, I will find you back. ”

“The only thing I’m sorry for is that you’ve been alone for five hundred years after you waited for a long time. ”

Speaking of this, Luo Chen showed an apologetic expression.

Disagreeing with his words, he shook his head vigorously, and his eyes showed incomparably pure love.

“No, it’s none of your business, it’s my fault, I have a hunch tomorrow morning. ”

How could it not remember that memory.

I gave him the most precious thing, and because he predicted the end of possible death in the future, he did not intend to leave any regrets.

For this, even my sister was hurt.

And before he left, he seemed to foresee his possible ending, but he still left those words.

Around that time, he began to prepare and find a way to resurrect himself.

“Ahem, there are other people here, even if you want to show affection, you have to consider the feelings of others.” ”

Interrupting the atmosphere of the two of them, Saimiya made a sour tone.

Fortunately, he is really not a thin-skinned person, and he doesn’t care about this, just glances at his eclipsed sister more.

Considering that it really hit the shadow relatively hard.

She converged a lot, stood up, and said positively:

“Okay, now Luo Chen wakes up, Saimiya, God Son, it’s time to announce that news, I have to bother you to prepare.” ”

“Ah, just say a word to drive people, what a desperate woman. ”

Although he said that he was chasing people, Fox Palaces knew that this was not the case.

Friends must have something bad to say in front of so many people, and need a quiet environment.

So, she took the Son of God very knowingly and prepared to leave.

Since he knows that Luo Chen has nothing to do, he will have time to get along in the future, and he is not in a hurry.

Moreover, there is indeed a serious announcement.

For example, to announce the return of the Lord of Yokai to the entire Inazuma.

There is no doubt that this news will shock everyone.

The sudden reappearance of the lord of the monster who has disappeared for a thousand years will surprise both the people of the shogunate and the people of the Umigo.

At the same time, the banquet of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk held for this purpose should also be put on the agenda.

At least before Luo Chen is intact, all the preparatory work must be done and sure that it can be carried out at any time.

When the big and small fox spirits left, Raiden Zhen looked at his sister with twinkling eyes again.

Unlike her attitude towards her friend, she slowed down and said:

“Ah Ying, you have been staying here most of this time, you should be tired, now there is me, let’s go back and rest for a day.” ”

The shadow wanted to say that he was not tired, but the words could not be spit out when they came to his mouth.

Even if she didn’t understand people, she could see that her sister was clearing the scene.

So I had to stand up in a muffled voice and leave the room with my back to the mood of lost soul.

“Sorry, Shadow, sister will compensate you. ”

After apologizing to his sister in his heart, Makoto turned around again and looked at his partner, whose expression changed slightly.

I don’t know what I really plan to do, Luo Chen secretly guessed.

Immediately afterwards, the next words from the beloved god broke through the defense, leaving him stunned.

“My love, before we came, you bullied Ying should be very happy. ”

“Uh, nothing. ”

How can it be admitted at such a time.

While observing the real expression, Luo Chen thought about how to respond.

“I’m not a dumb shadow, I’m so foolish, just as you know me, I know you very well.” ”

I don’t know if I plan to find a place for my sister or what, I really like to lie down on the edge of the bed, turn sideways and face him with a swaying beauty.

Seeing the abnormality of her sister’s lips, she can roughly guess eight or nine and ten.

Even if the process means cannot be completely guessed, the final result is absolutely error-free.

Although he didn’t know where he was making a mistake, Luo Chen knew very well that since he really said such words, it meant that he was 100% sure.

It is almost impossible to rely on lies to deceive her.

Therefore, after a second of consideration, he admitted very simply.

“I just teased a little before I could do anything. ”


There was something wrong with his eyes, and Zhen said word by word: “What to do?”

She looked Luo Chen lying up and down, and she couldn’t help but have a touch of doubt in her heart.

“Are you really so weak now?”


Too perceptive, he was arrested if he accidentally missed his mouth.

However, Luo Chen is completely confident, and this can be concealed from his partner.

“Well, maybe a little better than behaved, but not too much to be able to look up and move your hands or something.” ”

His helpless expression and just the right performance made Zhen fall into deep thought.

After all, he has personally experienced the life of human beings, from incomparably weak to old age and death.

Now it’s just a one-to-one simulation, which is absolutely real.

Even with her observational power, it is impossible to see the details without evidence. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Choose to believe your partner’s words for the time being.

Lei Dian Zhen turned to another topic: “I believe that you also understand the intention of the shadow, what do you plan to do after that?”

I thought she was going to get down to business, but I didn’t expect to ask such a direct and sharp question.

Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but look at the clear and magnificent purple eyes of the person next to the pillow.

You can see that there is seriousness and undoubted inquiry.

Undoubtedly, this is not a joke, let alone a temptation.

I really want to know what he really thinks.

If you fool the past, or avoid talking about it, you will disappoint the other party.

Considering this, plus Luo Chen himself did not disdain to lie on this kind of issue, and directly confessed his heart.

“Like you, Shadow can’t leave me. ”


Looking directly at the pillow person, Luo Chen had no pressure.

“After all, even Saimiya can accept it, but he can’t accept his sister. ”

It is this that makes him unscrupulous.

Raiden really knew absolutely about the relationship between him and the Fox Palace, straight.

Think and understand that the partner around me does not pay attention to this matter, and the only thing to consider is the idea of the shadow.

With a white glance at his lover, Raiden’s true eyes became soft, and he no longer had the slightest pressure.

“So what are you going to do?”

“This should not need to be elaborated. ”

Even if Luo Chen was thick-skinned enough, he couldn’t make a plan to tell how to raid the shadow in front of Zhen.

“Hmph, I don’t care what you want to do, the only requirement is not to make her sad. ”

When the last sentence is spoken, the tone really softens.

“Of course. ”

Luo Chen replied very categorically.

“But until then…”

As soon as the words changed, his tone suddenly softened when he spoke here.

“Can you help a little bit. ”

Really puzzled, he followed his partner’s instructed line of sight slowly, and then stopped somewhere.

“Your sister caused trouble, should the sister help finish up?”

Hearing such righteous words, Lord Thor almost couldn’t resist casting a strange look, and couldn’t help but grit his teeth with hatred.

This guy, isn’t it too proud.

Obviously thinking of refusing mercilessly, but seeing his uncomfortable look, his hardened heart softened directly.

Knowing that he may probably be pretending, even so, he still can’t say no.

“I really owe you this life. ”

Helplessly glanced at him fiercely, holding the power of the world, Lord Thor, who was dignified and honorable, approached him with a light movement.

The empty and gorgeous room fell silent instantly, and no sound came.


Inazuma Castle!

Since the events of half a month ago, the people living under the shogunate have returned to calm.

However, this calm was shattered with the announcement of the Austeres.

It was as if a boulder had been thrown into the water, causing an uproar.

The Lord of Yokai, who disappeared thousands of years ago, returns!

This sentence alone turned the entire Inazuma upside down.

Many people couldn’t help but think of the person who had interacted with the general some time ago, presumably the lord of the monster.

They are not afraid of this legendary figure, and the reason for this is purely because of the merits of his creation.

Because of the promotion of the harmonious integration of yokai and humans, the Abyss Calamity struck five hundred years ago, and the Inazuma shogunate lost so little.

This is all based on the premise that the monster is on top of the front and a large number of people are killed.

Humans are not a race that can’t remember helping.

To celebrate the exploits of the yokai, Inazuma later created quite a few shrines and monuments.

There are many monsters who cooperate with the Onmyoji to act as Shikai.

In addition, many yokai have also completely integrated into Inazuma Castle.

For example, the cat that acts as a courier sells wild fox spirits similar to oden…

The list goes on.

At the same time, the Narujin Taisha Shrine led by the Baichen clan also reported that the Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet would be held again.

According to the grapevine, the main of the returning youkai reinvigorated the youkai family.

When the news came out, not only the people of the shogunate talked about it and felt very curious.

Even more excited are the monsters.

Except for a very small number of old antiques who have lived from a thousand years ago to the present, most of them are small monsters who grew up after the Abyss Calamity.

They grew up listening to the legends and stories of the lord of the monsters, and they were full of longing and admiration for them.

Now that I have the opportunity to meet each other, I am naturally looking forward to it.

In addition, Kaijima was equally excited to learn the news of the return of the Lord of the Monsters.

It was the God Lord who had sheltered them from Narugami.

At the beginning, it was suspected that the demon lord was actually a demon god, otherwise it would be impossible to save the people of the sea from Naruto.

Now that it was confirmed by the shogunate, there was naturally a cheer.

There is a demon god hood, and there is no demon god to support it, which completely belong to two concepts.

So, when Ying and Paimon receive Yae Miko’s invitation to come to Inazuma from Meru, they are caught in a jubilant country.

Not only in Inazuma Castle, but also above the field, many flags are waving.

From time to time, you can also see youkai flashing through the forest, looking like they are busy with something.

“The banquet of a hundred ghosts at night, it sounds very powerful!”

Walking in the wilderness, Paimon, who automatically ignored the prefix, was focused on the banquet, and at the moment he couldn’t help but swallow.

“Let’s go, just go to Narujin Taisha Shrine and find Miko. ”

Ying was not very relaxed at the moment, her mind was still immersed in Meru.

To ask why, it is naturally because Luo Chen pointed out to her a past memory of her brother.

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