What’s more, at that time, the banquet of a hundred ghosts and nights, most of the participants were famous big monsters.

The head is the master of the youkai.

What a spectacle.

And now.

There are three or two monster big cats and kittens, and the old friends of the same era as the bride herself, almost all of them have disappeared into history.

Because of this, she and the snow girl are in semi-seclusion on Tsurukan Island.

It is also to protect the foundation of the Lord you serve.

Waiting for the day when the beloved host returns.

At that time, they will be able to serve joyfully as they did a thousand years ago.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was unceremoniously rejected, and Paimon was a little nerve-wracking.

“The other side seems to be very dissatisfied, if we resist so much, how can we complete the task?”

After the distress, she found that Ying was not panicked at all, and looked like a bamboo in her chest.


Is there anything good for travelers?

In doubt, I saw the woman as pure and clear as ice and snow speak softly.

“Go back and tell the Son that I really don’t want to step into the mortal dust again, and so does Capachli, and the invitation is over.” ”

Dropping a word, the snow girl planned to leave and return to the snow-covered mountain.

I thought that the Son of God had something important to discuss, but I didn’t expect it to be just a banquet.

“What to do, Ying, our mission is going to fail. ”

Compared with the online bride, the attitude of the snow girl is undoubtedly much better.

With the comparison just now, Paimon suddenly felt a lot more favorable to her.

“Don’t worry. ”

Signaling the little thing to keep quiet, Yingmei looked at the big demon trio again, and said unhurriedly:

Master…… Return?

The moment the last sentence blurted out, Ying only felt a flower in front of him, and a beautiful and dangerous face came to him.

“You just said that news came from the shogunate that our master has returned?”

The half-human, half-spider bride crossed the distance between the two in an instant, bent down to look down at the blonde girl face to face, and asked word by word.

Those turquoise eyes originally had a frightening gloomy color, but at this moment, there was hidden anxiety and excitement.

Glancing at the restless sharp spear foot of the spider woman’s lower body, she kept piercing the surface, desperately eager to get a definitive answer.

“Well, if you submit to the Lord of the Monsters, then I should be right. ”

After saying that, the next second, Ying not only shivered.

Suddenly the ambient temperature becomes cold?

Without waiting for her to react, she found that the snow girl, who had turned around and was about to leave, came to her side at some point.

The pair of ice-blue eyes that lingered fragile, feminine, and sad were even more beautiful when viewed up close, and there were faint ice patterns.


No wonder it feels cold, ice flowers are flying around, it’s strange if it’s not cold.

“Unknown traveler, thank you for informing you of the news, since the beloved master has returned, I will naturally have to wait to greet you. ”

The snow woman’s attitude changed immediately before and after.

I waited for a thousand years to wait for the news of the owner’s return.

No one knows how excited they are at this moment, how eager they are to see the Lord they serve again.

Ying felt a little subtle, because in addition to these emotions, she also vaguely noticed a trace of burning desire rising.

Its origin, in addition to the spider woman, there is also an icy and jade snow woman?

The blonde girl couldn’t help but be stunned.

Obviously, her recognition of the big monster snow girl is too one-sided.

Similar to the Bride of the Internet, the snow woman seems pure, but in fact likes to attract people with beauty and then freeze it forever, sucking their souls.

To say that the only normal thing present is the Thunder Demon Bird that has not changed much.

No way, Capachili really doesn’t have much good feelings for Luo Chen.

This point from the humiliation and submission in such a threatening way, the tsundere Thunderbird could not like him.

If it weren’t for Aru, he would rather die than surrender.

Thinking of the little creature in the depths of her memory that she could never forget, Capachri was a little sad.

Even if no one later turned against him, the lifespan of human beings would only last less than a hundred years, after which it would return to dust.

The short joyful end of the relationship, and there is endless loneliness.

The only thing that can relax Cappachili is probably to occasionally go to Kaijima Island to listen to the clouds singing whale songs.

“Unknown traveler, we will set off now. ”

The bride can’t wait to meet her beloved host.

The same goes for the snow woman.

The two great monsters who have existed for two thousand years have the same attitude.

“So soon? You don’t need to prepare?”

Ying didn’t expect it for a while, compared with the previous task, it was simply fast and easy.

Think about it before, when you took a commission, you must encounter monsters along the way, or enemies, and you have to run around.

Now that Miko has commissioned, the monsters and enemies on the island have been cleaned up, and the monsters encountered are also very crisp.

Well, if only everyone I met was like this.

“You are right, how can you be so rash to go to my beloved Lord. ”

With a rare look of approval to others, the bride moved her sharp spider spear leg and did not know where to go.

The snow woman was reminded by this and was stunned.

“I also have to prepare a little surprise for the Lord. ”

In the past, the Lord loved her characteristics of “cold outside and hot inside”, and the poisonous spider woman bride was often the right protector of Huanhuan.

After a thousand years of parting, how can you flatter with the old tricks of the past.

So, the two female demons left back and forth.

Seeing this, Ying was stunned again.

It doesn’t seem like it should be reminded.

Well, but it doesn’t matter if you stay in Heguan for a long time, it’s always good to witness the customs and customs of a strange place.

Thinking of this, Ying looked at the only thunderbird who did not move.

“You don’t have to prepare?”

“Hmph, that dictator, domineering tyrant, why should I please him?”

Capachili gave an unceremonious review.

Even as a god of ways, the tsundere Thunderbird’s attitude is the same as ever.

Listen to orders and listen to orders, but she is not allowed to complain.

Ying was surprised: “Aren’t you his dependent?”

“What about the dependents, if he hadn’t forced me, I would have preferred to die in the first place.” ”


Unexpectedly, she met an object who did not have a good attitude towards the lord of the monsters, and the blonde girl suddenly became interested.

“Can you tell me a story about him?”

Capachili glanced down at the small creature in front of her, I don’t know if she was in a good mood or what, after a while, she really said it.


The castle tower!

When Yingmei was entrusted to run around bitterly.

The employer who gave it the task is now over in battle.

“Ah, Your Highness has really lived a dashing and happy time during this time, ruthlessly leaving us to run around and work hard. ”

Yae Miko was lying next to Luo Chen, his skin slightly crimson.

The narrow fox eyes are gentle and soft, as if rippling with water.

“I don’t know how Yue Yu feels, compared to His Royal Highness, what is the difference between me and the main mother?”

After a moment of silence, Luo Chen didn’t know how to describe it.

“It can only be said… Each has its own merits. ”

This was already the last day he pretended to be sick.

Wait until tomorrow, you can’t put it on.

After all, it’s almost a month, and it’s really a bit too much to lie down and pretend to die.

Even a stupid earth girl paper like Yiying can find that something is wrong.

“When the time comes, when you can find a day, you can try it together, and you may be able to feel the difference.” ”

Luo Chen made a relatively pertinent suggestion.

“I don’t care with the Lord Mother, I just don’t know what His Royal Highness and Ying think, if His Highness can convince the two, the Lord Mother and I are very welcome.” ”

The Son of God did not provoke at all, and directly faced it.

“Hey, there’s a long way to go. ”

Sighing, Luo Chen’s progress this month can be described as superb. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

There is a partner Raiden really acquiescence, directly let go of his hands and feet.

The results are very gratifying, and almost all kinds of fully automatic projects are basically unlocked.

However, it is still difficult to reach the level of the Son of God and Saimiya.

“By the way, how are the preparations for the Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet?”

No longer thinking about the future that people are looking forward to, Luo Chen turned to asking about business.

“Everything is ready and ready to get you back to business. ”

Recover the two words, and the Miko bites exceptionally hard.

After a month, a few people except for Ying can understand it.

This guy is completely intentional, obviously he has long been restored to live and jumping, and he has dragged it until now, which is really disgusting.

But his heart is full of his shadow, is really stupid and stupid, this has not been found.

I don’t know what has happened in the past thousand years, from the cold shadow warrior who killed decisively at the beginning to what he is today.

Ignoring the words of the Son of God’s implied mockery, Luo Chen nodded:

“Now, what are the old monsters left?”

“If you count from the era of His Highness, there are probably only five brides, snow girls, cats, jue, and big tengu. ”

Hearing half of it, Luo Chen was a little surprised, it seems that he has changed a lot.

The big tengu of the same generation as the fox palace turned out to be alive.

“Lingshan Fang?”

Chanting this name, if memory serves, the other party seems to be the mother of Tengu Mitsuyo.

After a moment of silence, he asked, “What about the earth spider?”

“Five hundred years ago, the earth spider died in the abyss, and died with a golden king beast before dying. ”

“That’s how it came to an end. ”

Shenzi looked at Luo Chen with a look of emotion and nostalgia, and did not say comfort.

After so many years, the God Lord does not need others to put his beak at all.

“It’s ironic that man-eating monsters end up dying to protect people. ”

To be honest, as the first Shikami to follow him, Luo Chen still remembered the original scene.

In the night of thunder and rain, the murderous demon has just finished cannibalizing, and is forced to submit to him by strength.

Since then, he has been diligent in his actions as a subordinate.

In terms of loyalty, few Shishin who recovered later can compare.

It’s a pity.

Unexpectedly, the spider monsters who ate countless people eventually died to shelter humans.

It has to be said that this is also a kind of atonement.

Even if its original intention was only because of Luo Chen’s order, rather than subjectively wanting to protect humans.

“That’s it. ”

Dispelling these thoughts, Luo Chen’s heart moved, and the whole person returned to the youthful posture of the lord of monsters.

Immediately, the aura around his body changed, and scarlet pupils emerged from the torn pitch-black gap, setting off him strange and evil.

Who knows, Yae Miko’s eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

“I didn’t expect that witnessing the gesture of His Highness’s Monster Lord would be so cute. ”

Compared with his own youthful posture, the young Luo Chen’s figure is more than two heads shorter, and his height directly reaches the chest of the Son of God.

In the same way, the appearance should also be immature, and what will not change is the same handsome appearance as always.

Biting his lip, Miko blinked his watery eyes, trying his best to restrain the sense of novelty and contrast that welled up in his heart.

“Your Highness, do you want to try driving a big car?”

Luo Chen: “…”



Forest of Towns!

From the moment the first rays of sunlight crossed the horizon in the morning and shone on the land of Narugami Island.

This lonely and quiet forest welcomes countless strange guests.

If anyone comes to watch, they will find that the forest that was empty half a month ago has more things that can only be found at countless wine banquets.

All of these things are provided by Narujin Taisha Shrine, and there are also shogunate agencies that are responsible for backup.

There were even shogunate soldiers waiting here.

“Hey, why are so many soldiers in charge of guarding, are you worried that the monsters are messing around?”

The one who asked the question was Paimon who returned from Tsurukan Island a few days ago.

At this moment, she and Ying, as well as the third person who followed her, walked here.

The lady who was side by side with the traveler heard Paimon’s simple question, and covered her face with a soft smile.

“Not really, little Paimon, although 4.1 is really worried about the gathering of monsters and causing changes, but it is mainly another reason for shame. ”

Paimon wondered, “Another reason?”

“Well, that’s guarding the safety of the youkai. ”


Keeping youkai safe?

Paimon couldn’t help but widen her eyes, she heard right?!

Even Ying was surprised.

“Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. ”

The pure lady who covered her face with a fan began to patiently explain.

Due to the weakening of the yokai after the Abyss Calamity, and the integration of the two races for many years, humans are no longer so afraid of youkai.

Inazuma unexpectedly appeared in the business of catching weak yokai for sale.

Because the shogunate explicitly forbade it, these greedy merchants went so far as to secretly engage in smuggling.

Once the monster is caught, it is exported to other countries overseas, and even evidence cannot be found.

If it weren’t for the previous lockdown order, Inazuma was full of thunderstorms off the sea, and it was difficult to do smuggling, I am afraid that it would have become an extremely large dark industry.

But since the repeal of the lockdown, the industry has begun to expand wildly.

The shogunate army has arrested several smuggling merchants and rescued hundreds of little monsters, but it still can’t stop those lustful guys.

No way, because of the rarity and particularity, no matter what kind of monster, it can be sold at an extremely high price.

If the monster is a little more special, the price will be at least two or three times.

In the face of such costless profiteering, those businessmen’s eyes were red, and they could not even spare their lives.

“So that’s the case, those people are too hateful!”

Walk through the Forest of the Town and watch the large number of shogunate troops who are guarding the periphery.

Hearing the explanation of the eldest lady of the Kamisato family beside him, Ying and Paimon suddenly realized that they were also very angry.

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