Forest of Towns!

A banquet for a hundred ghosts at night!

“Your Highness, there seems to be a monster playing chess over there, can I go over and take a look?”

After walking around the festival for a while, Kamisato Ayaka seemed to blend in, and a smile bloomed on her cute face~.

She had never played with so many people.

Because of the identity of the eldest lady of the Kamisato family, she must strictly abide by the etiquette of the family everywhere, and must not do anything that insults the family style.

From childhood to adulthood, this is the case.

But now, because there are monsters around, I don’t care about my identity.

On the contrary, girls can release their nature a little, do not need to maintain such calm, and have a little fun.

Of course, this is also based on Luo Chen’s deliberate indulgence.

With the Aquaman’s talent bonus, just getting along for a while, Ayaka couldn’t help but feel good.

So much so that he took the initiative to invite him.

“Of course you can, go ahead. ”

Seeing the girl with permission, she walked briskly between the group of youkai and watched them play chess.

Luo Chen couldn’t help but ask the little fox on his shoulder, “How?”

In the eyes of others, it may not be clear what this sentence without beginning and end means.

But Shenzi immediately understood the meaning and snorted softly:

“It is worthy of Your Highness, the means of pinching the little girl are always subtle, so quickly and effectively, it seems that we don’t need to make a move.” ”

This sentence corresponds to the previous joke that she wanted to fool Ayaka into Luo Chen’s hands.

Sending a preserved fruit to Miko’s mouth again, watching the little fox bite it off, he couldn’t help but shake his head with a smile.

To be honest, after so many years, taking down a little girl who is only ten or twenty years old does not need to use any special means at all.

“Okay, let’s go over and see what attracts that girl so much.” ”

Just about to leave, I suddenly remembered something.

So he turned around and whispered a few words to the snow girl and the bride who followed behind him.

The two big monsters were slightly startled, then nodded, and turned to leave the monster market not far away.

Miko listened carefully on the side, and his tail couldn’t help but flutter more actively.

“I thought His Highness forgot. ”

“How come, if you don’t bring back the things you should bring, you will be treated coldly for a while, but I have already had similar experiences.” ”

The two talked about riddles that puzzled Kujo Oro as they approached Kamisato Ayaka’s location.

Because I don’t know when Ying and Paimon ran away halfway, now only the Tengu girl is accompanying Luo Chen.

When they approached the circle of monsters, Luo Chen waved his hand to signal that they didn’t need to be afraid of saluting, and they continued as usual.

So many youkai relaxed.

Walking behind Kamisato Ayaka, he realized that what fascinated the girl so much was two youkai who were playing shogi.

Probably entering the state, the two monsters did not notice that a big man had come.

“It’s actually shogi. ”

Luo Chen reacted instantly, remembering that Ayaka began to learn this thing when she was a child, and she had won against her mother, and her talent was not low.

After thinking about it, he said out loud: “It’s not interesting to just look at it, why don’t you try it yourself?”

Awakened in a state of fascination, Ayaka was slightly frightened, and then found that His Highness had actually come over.

Only then did he react, he was a “subordinate” accompanying His Highness, how could he leave the master and run to the side, and quickly admitted his mistake.

“Sorry, Your Highness, I was rude. ”

“It doesn’t hurt. ”

Luo Chen unceremoniously let the two unfinished monsters open up and give way.

Then sit down under their excited adoring gazes and invite Ayakado:

“Come on, accompany me for the next round. ”


The girl was a little moved.

Knowing that it was useless to shirk, she had to obey His Highness’s wishes and sit down opposite him.

“No, like me, I have sacrificed ugly before His Highness. ”

First confessed, Ayaka fiddled with the chessboard.

Then, a shallow confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Your Highness, please go first. ”

As a lady show, Qinqi calligraphy and painting are basically compulsory courses, and flower arranging, kendo, archery and the like are also not missing.

In addition, embroidery, tea ceremony and other temperament sentiments must also be proficient.

Born in a famous family, he has been burdened with pressure since childhood, not to mention the family downfall.

Because of this, Ayaka rarely expresses her wishes, and she rarely has friends.

Originally, the traveler was her first foreign friend, and it occupied a lot of weight.

But now, unconsciously, it seems that His Royal Highness who is noble in front of him also has a good impression.

Of course, this is just wishful thinking on my part.

Perhaps His Highness did this only out of the intention of taking care of the little girl.

If you have a good impression of a person, you will unconsciously find reasons for his various behaviors.

The same is true of Ayaka at the moment.

Even, together with Luo Chen’s words to her, she subconsciously understood it as deliberately teasing the little girl’s bad taste.

But it’s true.


The other side!

“Ying, uh… I’m full!”

Paimon touched his round little belly, and although he experienced a lot of hardships along the way, he finally got a satisfactory result.

The banquet of the hundred ghosts is really good.

Hearing this, Ying did not say a word, took out the bag containing Mora and shook it.

With a crisp collision or two, then the sound fades away.

The two fell silent at the same time.

Play is fun, is this money, seems to be a little can’t help spending.

“So, how about we go back and find them?”

Paimon suggested in a whispered voice.

Originally, I wanted to be dashing again, but it seems that the funds are not very supportive.

The two who were caught in the exhaustion of ammunition looked back at the banquet that was like a gold-swallowing cave, and silently began to look for Luo Chen’s figure.

It took more than half an hour, and finally the two finally found his trace after visiting most of the market.

“That guy is actually playing chess with Ayaka?!”

Finding the duo sitting opposite each other from afar, the two suddenly became interested.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the two of them, he saw Ayaka looking discouraged.

“I lost. ”

When the girl saw the dying chessboard, she let out a soft sigh and willingly admitted defeat.

Luo Chen said casually, “Do you want another plate?”

Ayaka shook her head and refused.

“I am no match for His Highness. ”

For more than half an hour, the two played three games.

Ayaka lost all three games.

From a slight loss, to a small defeat, to a big defeat.

The progression time of each round before and after is getting shorter and shorter.

Enough to prove the gap between the two.

However, the huge gap does not erase Ayaka’s fighting spirit.

She hesitated for a moment and said nervously: “In the future, can I still play against His Highness?”

Slightly startled, Luo Chen did not expect the girl to speak so bluntly.

“I want to improve in the chess path. ”

The girl who plucked up her courage looked directly at the noble superior.

“Interesting. ”

In the end, Luo Chen was just looking for some fun for himself at the banquet so as not to be bored, and there happened to be a beautiful girl he knew on the side, teasing her by the way.

If you really want to think about the strategy, you haven’t done it yet.

But it seems that it is a little unintentional to insert willows.

“If you want, go to Narujin Taisha Shrine and ask Miko, but I’m not necessarily there. ”

“Thank you for your Highness’s tolerance. ”

Ayaka leaned over to say thank you, when she heard Ying and Paimon’s voices.

“Ayaka, we’re back!”

Seeing the girl and the traveling duo greeting, Luo Chen slowly got up.

“Okay, little Ayaka, today’s escort mission is here, and then it’s free time. ”

Without giving her a chance to speak, leaving a word, he left with the nine robes. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Leaving behind a stunned silver-haired girl.

Little Ayaka?

This title flashed in her mind, and for some reason, the eldest lady felt a little ashamed, and her cheeks were slightly hot at the same time.

Say goodbye to the group.

When Luo Chen finally returned to silence around him, he heard the strange tone of the god son.

“His Highness’s ability to deceive the little girl, I finally got to see. ”

“Can this also be called a lie?”

“It’s just a lie, why is it involved in me?”

Completely ignoring his question, the Son of God asked himself.

Mentioning this, Luo Chen suddenly laughed:

“Did you say before that you were responsible for fooling Ayaka into my hands, but now you don’t recognize it?”


The speechless little fox had to use its tail to attack the owner under him without weight or itching.

Talking and laughing, when late night came, Luo Chen almost walked around the entire banquet.

When he returned to the place where he originally took the throne, the snow lady and the bride also returned with him.

Compared to when they left, the two big demons had a lot more things on them.

For example, Sancai dango, dango milk, oily tofu made by foxes, udon noodles and other foods.

In addition, there are some relatively rare and good-looking appetizers.

“Your Highness, what you want. ”

The two great demons handed him things one by one.

After receiving the items, Luo Chen nodded and instructed them:

“I’ll leave it to you next, and it’s almost time for me to leave.” ”

Despite some reluctance, the snow girl and the bride should bear it.

“Your Highness, please rest assured, I will definitely take care of the banquet later, and I will not let the monsters make trouble.” ”

After all, this is the first night banquet of a hundred ghosts since His Highness’s return, and if there is a mistake to smear the master, they will definitely not forgive themselves.

He was very relieved to the two big demons who often undertook the rain and dew, and Luo Chen left a word, and tore the gap.

But before leaving, he looked at the Kujo Hiroshi, who had been following him without any flaws.

“Yes, the future is promising, waiting to see the day when you become a big tengu.” ”

I don’t know what kind of major impact this sentence left on Qiluo.

After irresponsible pouring chicken soup, Luo Chen immediately stepped into the gap and disappeared here with his things and the divine son on his shoulder.

Leaving Qiu Luo standing in place, stunned.

A moment later, after a short digestion, the tengu beauty trembled slightly.

“Your Highness just now… Are you encouraging me?”

The question of not being very confident made the still immature Pi Luo’s mood rise and fall.

When it finally subsided, an unprecedentedly powerful momentum burned in her eyes.

“His Highness is so important, and Qiu Luo will definitely live up to his expectations. ”


The castle tower! The top of the attic!

When familiar spatial fluctuations appeared, three mature beauties with different temperaments looked at each other almost at the same time.

The pitch-black crack inlaid with scarlet pupils tore open.

Then Luo Chen stepped out of the shadows with the little fox on his shoulder.

“Look, as soon as I talked about people, I immediately appeared, and it was really on time. ”

Kitsunomiya is always the first to speak out.

When she saw Luo Chen in the form of a teenager, her eyes couldn’t help but light up.

Then he got up and came to him, and looked around the boy with the little fox on his shoulder.

“Ah, what’s this weird mood again?”

The young man paired with the fox, judging from the various tricks that one person and one fox have tried, it is difficult to explore the new continent again.

Ignoring Saimiya’s deliberately joking words, Luo Chen instantly returned to his original youth form, and the son of God also jumped down and turned into a human body.

“It just so happened that drinking was a bit monotonous. ”

Raiden, who applauded him at the right timing, took the many food boxes handed by his partner.

Then open the food boxes one by one without hurry and place them in front of everyone.

“Well, it looks quite hearty, Ah Ying, your favorite three-color dango.” ”

Ma put her sister’s favorite snack in front of her.

Without waiting for the next opening, he saw the Fox Palace quickly closing a few of them in front of him, revealing a gluttonous expression.

“It turned out to be my favorite oily tofu and udon noodles!”

“Mother, please don’t forget that there is my share in it. ”

In order to prevent the Fox Palace from occupying all of them alone, Shenzi coldly opened his mouth to remind.

“Well, you should have had enough at the banquet. ”

Speaking of this, the Son of God’s eyes moved to Luo Chen and said:

“It should have been so, but who let His Highness only feed me preserved fruit?”

The tone of lamentation and resentment is really my pity.

In the end, is it my fault?

Luo Chen has a deep understanding of these women who always like to target themselves when they get together, and he is not angry.

After sweeping his gaze, he found that there was only a gap next to the shadow between everyone.

It is not clear whether it is intentional or not, but since it is arranged this way, he naturally follows the unspoken rules and sits next to the shadow that is biting the three-colored dango with a happy face.

“Enjoying good food and tasting wine is the happiest thing in the world. ”

Next to it, a piece of oily tofu and a sip of wine have been eaten happily, Fox Palace, can’t help but sigh.

Seeing her like that, even the fox’s tail was exposed happily, and she fluttered with pleasure.

Seeing her bold temperament, Zhen laughed and joked, and the son of God echoed from the side.

With the support of His Royal Highness, the little fox spirit also dares to count the big fox spirit.

Enjoying a scene like a memory from a thousand years ago, Luo Chen coldly found that there was a notice in front of him that I don’t know how long it had been put.

“What is it?”

He picked it up curiously and looked at it, only to find that his appearance was painted on it.

Huh? Why have yourself?

Following the text next to the portrait, after reading it, Luo Chen’s expression directly froze.


[This is my family’s guest secretary, who has been missing for several months, and I hope that the insider will provide clues]

[If it is successfully recovered, the parish master will be rewarded with a generous reward, guaranteeing one million Mora]

[Those who have clues can find Liyue Past Life Hall, and letters can also report address information]

【Bounty Winner – Walnut】

In just a few lines, Luo Chen was directly silenced.

That girl is really out of the ordinary.

It is clear that he left a letter explaining that he had something important to leave, and he resigned for the time being, but he was still so unforgiving.

Although it does have her style, it is something that Walnut can do.

But the bounty is not important, what matters is, why is the bounty here?

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