The two sides of the border are in chaos.

At Vestalia College, Fu Li was lying on the table, thinking about the next move.

It was his impromptu decision that San Bing became the secret master of Qiye Jizhao and then went to rule Shelavia. He originally planned to let Him go to the elves' territory to cause trouble.

But now there is no trace of the Church Order Institute, and Lisa found some strange things in the elves.

So he changed his mind temporarily and turned Shelavia into the Saha Kingdom.

The result was unexpectedly smooth. Except for the first few royal spellcasters, there was almost no resistance.

Although the man named Ulysses was a fanatical mystic, he was still quite good as a spellcaster.

Especially after the Seven-Leaf Silent Illumination Secret Lord appeared in the world, he harvested a large number of causal points.

As for how to manage the Saha Kingdom, this is not a difficult problem. It is different from the previous Byersos and Dranok. Except for the royal family and several noble forces, there are no casualties.

Local officials all expressed that they were emotionally stable. After all, working for someone is not working.

After all, the Seven-Leaf Silent Illumination Secret Lord is a god, which sounds much higher than the king.

It is now lunch break, and the classmates around Fu Li are discussing the big things that happened yesterday.

"You know, the gods have appeared again."

"Of course, I heard that the Secret Master Qiye Jizhao was once the executive officer of the Fatui of the Kingdom of Winter. It is said that the Queen of the Kingdom of Winter is very powerful. Even the son of the God of Thunder was once her subordinate."

"Didn't someone deduce that the Queen of the Kingdom of Winter is the Ice Goddess, one of the Seven Gods?"

"Look at the Wind God of Mondstadt. After the establishment of Mondstadt, he basically didn't care about anything. The political affairs of the Kingdom of Winter were mainly managed by Prime Minister Pucciniella."

"I guess the Secret Master Qiye Jizhao probably wouldn't personally manage the Kingdom of Saha."

You guessed it, classmate.

"Look at the magazine "Power". This was printed overnight!" Someone took out a magazine and shook it in the crowd. Fu Li looked in the direction of the voice.

The cover of the magazine was an art painting.

In front of the picture were dozens of people without specific faces. Among them were men and women, adults or children, but the only thing they had in common was that they all had a pair of braids on their temples.

This is the most popular hairstyle in the world, representing the influence of the wind god Barbatos on the world.

Behind the crowd is the image of the Seven-Leafed Silent Light Secret Lord holding the wind and lightning in his four arms in the sky.

The subtitle of the magazine cover is "The Influence of Gods on the World".

"Power" magazine is popular in the world for its political and economic content. Its headquarters is located in Vestalia, and many politicians and financial people subscribe to this magazine.

As classmates of the children of the nobility, it is not strange to subscribe to "Power" magazine and get it first.

"Look at the content. Some scholars speculate that the Demon God War is likely to be a fight for the position of the Seven Gods."

"The position of the Seven Gods?"

"Read it quickly."

"Based on the existing evidence, the scholar speculated that the Seven Gods are likely to be the winners of the Demon God War."

"From the words of the Secret Master Qiye Jizhao, we can roughly guess that the phrase "recreating a corner of the Demon God War" includes that there were many demons fighting each other in this world."

"After obtaining the Heart of God, Sanbing became the God of the Secret Master Qiye Jizhao, which shows that the Heart of God is very likely to represent the position of the Seven Gods."

"And from the news spread by the Beidou Fleet, the one named Yae Shenzi The followers of the Thunder God said that the Heart of God might not be that important to the Seven Gods. "

"So this scholar inferred that the Heart of God should represent some kind of symbol of becoming a true god."

"Just like the Eye of God, if you get the Heart of God, you can become a true god, and the rest are all false gods?"

"The Seven Gods have become true gods, so they are naturally not that important, but for the remaining demons, the Heart of God is very important."

"So the Demon War is very likely to win the position of the Seven Gods."

After the man took the magazine and roughly described the contents, he aroused the heated discussion of the classmates.

There are already two gods like this in the world, one of whom is likely to be Barbatos who won the position of the God of Wind in the Demon War.

The other is the son of the Thunder God, who also became a god after getting the Heart of God. I just don't know if He also represents the Seven Gods?

After listening to this, Fu Li also admired these scholars a little bit. They were able to make a conclusion based on the existing fragments.

The general situation has been guessed.

But it's good to let others make up their own speculations.

After some speculation, "Power" magazine concluded that the Seven Gods might come again in the near future, which would have a profound impact on the world. No one can tell whether this influence is good or bad.

"Fu Li, do you think that after all the Seven Gods come, the world will still have a war like the End War?"

My deskmate pushed Fu Li and asked curiously.

"A national war like the End War is unlikely to break out, but if the Seven Gods really fight, the destructive power will be..."

Fu Li thought about the destructive power of the Seven Gods. If they really fight, it might be the end of the world.

"You are right. The God of Wind can easily stop an army of 200,000, and the Secret Lord Qiye Jizhao can also change a country's political system in one day." My deskmate sighed: "The gods are really scary..."


The deeds of the Secret Lord Qiye Jizhao are still fermenting. No matter how shocked people are, life has to go on. The grand narrative is too far away for the little people.

They only care about the life and fun in front of them. For example, the dock workers in Haimoling today are staring blankly at the distance, and they don't even notice that the bags on their shoulders are about to slide off.

"Hahahahaha, Hai Mo Ling, I'm here!"

A tall man with red horns on his forehead and strange clothes stood in the middle of the dock with an arrogant expression and laughed wildly:

"I heard that the boss here is called Ningguang? Very good, I have decided to challenge Ningguang! Only the strong are worthy of Hai Mo Ling!"

People looked at this person with mocking eyes. Duel with Ningguang?

What are you talking about in your sleep?

There was also a woman with a strange face armor beside him. She looked at him helplessly at this time: "Boss, we are here to do something, why do you want to challenge her?"

"Don't you know that a fierce dragon crossing the river will suppress a local snake? Ah Ren, don't be afraid. I am the most powerful person in the world, and I will not be afraid of Ningguang!"

The man who called himself "the most powerful person in the world" put one hand on his waist and laughed with a huge mace in the other hand:

"I have already issued a challenge to Ningguang. I want to have a sumo duel with her on the streets of Haimoling!"

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