The train continued to speed on the railway to Hai Mo Ling. Keqing looked at Ningguang's face quietly and asked: "After seeing him go back, those chaebols in Xuelavia will probably keep wondering if he was bribed by us?" Ningguang answered slowly: "All his men died, and he was the only one who went back alive. And he did nothing after going back. What do you think those chaebols will think?" "I don't know. Maybe they think he was bribed, or there may be other reasons." "It doesn't matter how you guess, but it's enough to make them feel suspicious." Indeed, such a method of making people suspicious can indeed lure out those chaebols. Even if he is caught and tortured after returning, no one will believe him if he tells the truth. It will only make people more suspicious, but they know nothing and can only guess.

This is the effect Ningguang wants.

"It's just a casual move. Our people will monitor him after he goes back. We have to destroy these chaebols and eradicate them from the root."

Ningguang pointed to a pile of information on the table and said, "In addition to the commercial blow, after finding out the details of these people, send them on a homemade plane."

Real business wars are often so plain and unpretentious. The so-called courtesy and reciprocity, these people dared to assassinate me, and it's not too much for me to send them on a homemade plane.

If they didn't want to take over the other party's industry, I guess they would have been sent to heaven long ago.

There was no conversation along the way. After arriving at Haimo Ling, Sanbing appeared in the villa that Ningguang and Keqing had booked.

At this time, there was no one else except Ningguang, Keqing and Sanbing.

"How was the journey?" Sanbing sat on the sofa and said boredly: "I have cleaned up all the forces of Hai Moling. Now you can develop well here."

"Fortunately, except for a few blind rich people who sent people to assassinate me."

"Do you want me to take action?"

"No, someone is ready to send them to take a homemade plane."

"Hahahahaha, homemade plane, really good." Sanbing laughed: "So after you take over here, how do you deal with the relationship with Zhidong Kingdom and the Fatui."

Ningguang had already prepared and said: "Liyue's power has not been fully established. We can't reveal that we are together now, so let's do it in front of everyone."

"In order to prevent others from suspecting that we directed and acted ourselves, we made a bigger fuss, leaked some information, and harvested another wave of cause and effect points."

"Do you have a script?" Sanbing thought for a while and said: "That's it, notify me when the time comes."

Then he waved to the two and disappeared.


A few days later, hundreds of containers at the port of Haimo Ling were piled up in a mess of scrap metal.

Sanbing sat on top, looking at the people kneeling on the ground below. These were the only few left after Sanbing cleaned up the gang forces in Haimo Ling.

"What I asked you to find."

"Yes, sorry, Lord Sanbing, I really haven't heard of the Heart of God..." The leader underground replied tremblingly:

"I have sent many people to inquire around, maybe there will be news soon."

"What a bunch of rubbish." Sanbing raised his left hand, and the leader-like person below screamed instantly.

Others buried their heads even lower, not daring to look up at each other.

In the past few days, Sanbing suddenly found them and asked them to look for something called "Heart of God" throughout Haimo Ling.

They had never heard of this kind of thing, and just by looking at the name, they knew it must be something extremely important.

The Fatui who followed him were also collecting relevant information everywhere.

There were no other clues about the Heart of God except its name and appearance like a chess piece, which posed a huge challenge to them.

"Lord Sanbing." At this time, a debtor of fire came to him and whispered a few words, and then Sanbing sneered: "Ningguang is here too?"

"Instead of doing her business properly, she dared to come to Hai Mo Ling to snatch the Heart of God from me!"

"She is really courting death!"

Then Sanbing jumped down from above, kicked the gang leader kneeling beside him and said: "Send some people to monitor Ningguang, I want to know what she did after she came."

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

"Get lost."

In the following days, the underground forces of the entire Hai Mo Ling more or less heard that Sanbing and Ningguang, who had just arrived here, were looking for clues about the Heart of God.


A huge reward was issued in the underground black market. As long as useful clues about the Heart of God are provided, they will become the only raw material supplier for the Francia Railway Project.

This is a staggering profit, which instantly shocked the entire Haimo Ling and even the international underground black market.

The Kingdom of Zhidong also intentionally or unintentionally issued a reward in the underground forces, and the reward was equally generous.

No one knows what the Heart of God is, but judging from the fact that both the Kingdom of Zhidong and Ningguang want to get it, it is definitely an extremely important item.

Just looking at the name, you can tell, the heart of the gods.

Could it be related to the gods? Many people are curious about this.

At the same time, the underground forces of Haimo Ling suddenly spread several news that are not sure whether they are true or false:

The first is that it is said that the Heart of God can make people have the power of gods.

The second is that the Heart of God is something used to awaken the gods. After awakening the gods, you can get the favor of the gods and gain invincible power.

The third is that the Heart of God is a treasure left by the gods in the world. If you get it, you can become the spokesperson of the gods in the world.

These three pieces of news contradict each other, making it hard to tell which one is true.

In the black market of Hai Mo Ling, countless intelligence dealers are exchanging information. This big deal has attracted countless people to come here.

After cleaning up the gangs, San Bing did not cause trouble for the black market, intelligence dealers, and spies from various countries, so this place is more lively than before.

"I think the Heart of God may just be a symbolic item, not the power of God or the heart of God."

"How is it possible? If it is just a symbolic item, how can the Kingdom of Winter and Ningguang offer such a high price."

"Maybe they are all more devout believers of God..."

"Do you believe this? The people of the Holy Trinity say that God loves the world every day, but their priests love little boys."


When intelligence dealers and spies are free, they will sit down in this bar and talk nonsense with each other. As long as there is no conflict of interest involved, everyone usually gets along well.

"Everyone, something big has happened!" The door of the bar was pushed open heavily, and a man rushed in and said loudly: "Ningguang and Sanbing have clashed!"



The man wanted to say something, but everyone heard a loud bang, and then Sanbing's angry voice penetrated the entire bar and Hai Moling.

"Ningguang! How dare you be my enemy?"

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