The strange and quiet atmosphere spread in the room, and everyone was terribly silent.

Holsin kept wiping his cold sweat with a handkerchief, looking at his men, his eyes were trembling slightly, with fear in his eyes: "Bastu is dead, and even his head was thrown into the secret room yesterday?"

His men also had a horrified look, swallowed their saliva, and spoke with difficulty: "Yes, boss, what should we do now."

"This must have been done by Ningguang's people. The discussion in the secret room yesterday must have been monitored by her!"

Holsin has been in Hai Mo Ling for decades and has seen many threats, but this time he really felt that there was a sword hanging over his head, making him panic.

He stood up and paced back and forth, puffing on the cigarette in his hand.

He stopped only when he finished the third cigarette in a row and his throat was almost smoking.

"We should not do anything during this period. If other gangs contact us, don't care." Holson instructed his men: "If Ningguang wants to do something, don't stop her."

"... I understand." The men replied heavily. Now they can only do this.

"You leave first. I need to be alone."


Watching his men leave, Holson looked at the ceiling with dull eyes. After a long time, he took out the note from his pocket.

There was a string of addresses written on it. He struggled for a long time on his face, and finally sighed: "As long as she can really do it..."

After that, he closed his eyes and rested, but the news of the head in the secret room echoed in his mind.

When it was night, Holson sent his men away and quietly came to the address on the note.

This is an underground casino. The gambling table is full of chips, pokers, and even half-drunk drinks and cigarettes.

There are no gamblers. It feels like something happened, and the people here suddenly disappeared.

"Are you curious about where everyone has gone?"

A woman's voice reached Holson's ears. He was startled and looked in the direction of the voice. The woman was looking at him with interest.

"Are you... Miss Ye Lan?"

Holson looked at the other party carefully. Although she looked sexy and beautiful, he didn't dare to have any thoughts now.

"It seems that you have decided?" Ye Lan stared at him, and the dice in her hand kept shuttling back and forth in her hands.

Holson took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I agree to your conditions, but I have to ensure my own safety and the conditions you said on the note."

"Don't worry, Ningguang will never break her promise if she agrees."

"That's good..."

Holsson breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried since he found the note at his bedside this morning and heard about the head in the secret room.

He is an intelligence broker in Hai Mo Ling and has good relations with spies and intelligence dealers from various countries.

"I will give you all the information about Hai Mo Ling's current forces."

Holsson took out a thick file bag from his arms and handed it to Ye Lan. Although he was a little entangled in his heart, he could not refuse the conditions given by the other party.

"Ningguang...really agreed to help me kill that person?"

Ye Lan raised her eyebrows and looked at the other party: "Who doesn't know the great nobles of Vestalia, your enemies, and the underground forces of Hai Mo Ling."

Holsson's experience is not difficult to find out, and it is not a secret in the underground forces.

Back then, his family was persecuted by a nobleman in Vestalia, and he was the only one who fled to Haimo Ling. In the following ten years, he became an intelligence broker with his own ability.

"Remember to read the newspaper after a week." Ye Lan took out a few pages from the file bag to confirm, and then put them back into the bag.

Just as Ye Lan was leaving, she stopped and added: "Most of the people in this casino are dead."

Holson was startled and heard Ye Lan's voice again:

"As for why, you can check it yourself. I believe it is not difficult for you."

After Ye Lan left, Holson let out a heavy breath, thinking that as long as he could help me get revenge, it doesn't matter even if he works for Ningguang in the future.

He has been struggling and accumulating strength in Haimo Ling for so many years, just to get revenge one day. Now Ningguang wants to help him, Holson is naturally willing.

At the same time, Ningguang also needs brokers like Holson who can roam in intelligence agencies of various countries.


Late at night, Ye Lan, who had obtained detailed intelligence, followed the map and found several leaders of underground forces. They were all tied up in a dark torture chamber without anyone noticing.

The leaders of the underground forces who were tied up looked at Ye Lan in horror. They didn't expect that they would be kidnapped the next day after receiving the news that someone had been killed today.

"You... are Ningguang's people?"

Ye Lan sat on the interrogation table, supporting the table with one hand and holding a piece of information provided by Holson in the other hand and said:

"Since I know, I won't introduce myself any more. You are the largest slave trading forces in Hai Mo Ling. Hand over the customer lists of various countries."

"This is impossible!" One person answered without thinking: "We will all die if we tell it, you might as well kill me now."

The other people also agreed. The customers who bought slaves in Hai Mo Ling, from the big tycoons of various countries to the royal family and nobles, would be a world-class scandal once exposed.

By then, not only them, but also their families will not be able to survive.

"Oh, people like you also pay attention to the principle of confidentiality?" Ye Lan smiled playfully. These people would rather die in their hands than hand over the list. It's nothing more than that their families will be threatened if they are exposed.

"And now you have kidnapped us. When other forces know about it tomorrow, they will definitely not sit still and wait for death." The man said:

"By then, Hai Mo Ling will be in chaos, and Ning Guang will not be able to rule here safely."

Ye Lan smiled lightly: "I just want to make you desperate. The more restless they are, the easier it will be for us to clean them up."

"You are unwilling to hand over the list, which makes it difficult for me..."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Lan stretched out his finger and ejected a water-blue silk thread that pierced into a person's body. Then the person's body couldn't stop shaking, followed by bursts of shrill wailing.

The man rolled his eyes and was covered with bloodshot, which frightened the other leaders next to him.

After a long time, the man stopped shaking, and his whole body was like a sauna, with sweat all over his body.

Tears, snot and saliva all mixed on his face, "Please... let us go."

"I can... give you all my savings..."

Ye Lan played with the silk thread, "Why do you always want to use money to redeem your life?"

"A group of slave traders are qualified to negotiate with me?"

"It's still early, take your time, there's no rush."

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