The old man was very happy.

In a remote warehouse in Dranok, there are many new daily necessities and furniture randomly placed here, and there are several containers next to it that have been decorated as simple bedrooms.

Before coming here, Holson asked his men to buy this warehouse and decorate it casually.

After separating from Rosaria today, I first found a local intelligence dealer to learn about the current situation in Dranok, and then I heard that a gangster's place was swept and all the people inside died.

Several slaves bought with a lot of money are also missing, and now they are in a hurry to find them.

After meeting Rosaria, I learned that it was Rosaria who swept the place during the day.

"Miss Rosalia, I didn't expect you to do something big right after you arrived." Holson said with a wry smile:

"The people you brought back were bought by the gang at a high price and were going to auction them today, but I didn't expect you to save them."

After saying that, he glanced at the slaves behind Rosalia and continued, "Now the gang has issued a reward to find you and these slaves...girls."

"It doesn't matter." Rosalia lay on the sofa, "Come if you are not afraid of death."

"Well... Of course you are not afraid of these, but these girls..." Holson hesitated and said, "How about we send them away first?"

"Ask them and see if they are willing."

"I won't leave. I must make those people pay with blood!" Sophia's injuries were still serious, and the bandages wrapped around her body covered most of her body.

After what happened today, she realized that the so-called freedom granted by the slave owner was nothing but a mirage.

Sophia, filled with endless anger, wanted to take revenge and overthrow this rotten country at all costs.

"We... don't want to either." Several people rescued by Rosaria also said angrily: "Where can we escape to? Even if we leave here, we will never dare to return to our hometown."

This is the hometown of their sub-human race. For sub-human races, hometown is their vital sustenance.

"Miss Rosaria, what you said to me today, does it still count?" Sophia stared at Rosaria tightly: "You said you would avenge us."

After hearing this, several other sub-humans also looked over.

"It's not that I help you avenge, but we can help you with your revenge."

"Live here for a while. It's not easy to get revenge."

"We understand."

Sophia and the others knew that they could not fight against the current Dranok royal family with their own strength.

However, after the other party proposed to help them overthrow the royal family, they joined without hesitation.

Even if the other party was lying to them, they wanted to do something like moths to a flame.

"Holsin, how did you get the intelligence?"

"Today I learned about the general situation of Dranok, as well as the power of the royal family and nobles."

Holsin took out a file bag and handed it to her.

After taking out the file bag and looking at it for a while, Rosaria fell into deep thought.

This country is sick.

The corruption and greed of the royal family and nobles in Dranok from top to bottom are different from the corruption in Hai Mo Ling. The royal family and nobles spend a lot of money on the military and police.

The powerful force allows them to suppress anyone who dares to resist them.

Every year, countless subhuman slaves are sold all over the world, grabbing unimaginable wealth for the upper class of this country.

Every penny of this wealth is stained with the blood of subhuman slaves.

All the gangs, military police, and government agencies in Dranok are their minions, and the cries of countless desperate people have never been taken seriously.

The royal family and nobles of Dranok used various means of division to restore some slaves to freedom and grant them status and wealth.

Many slaves became part of them after brutal fights, and imposed the suffering they had suffered on the slaves who came later.

It's not that no one resisted, but in the end they failed for various reasons.

And slavery has been prevalent for so many years, countless people who yearn for freedom have been suppressed a lot, and Dranok has also reached the point of being cooked in the fire.

Just waiting for that spark.

"It's really rotten beyond redemption." Rosaria put down the file bag and sighed: "If you want to overthrow the royal family of Dranok, our help is not enough."

"Miss Rosaria, what do you mean


"I said, help them revenge, help them overthrow the royal family of this country." Rosalia looked around at everyone:

"What Dranok needs is a revolution from the bottom up."

"Our help is only to ensure that these people who yearn for freedom are not defeated by conspiracy."

"Is that so?"

Draanok is different from Hai Mo Ling. This country is one of the few open slave countries in the world. Although Hai Mo Ling is a transit point for the slave trade, their top leaders have never admitted that they are engaged in slave trade.

At least on the surface, they will never admit it.

And the Hai Mo Ling people do not have the so-called slave mentality. In the eyes of the underground forces of Hai Mo Ling, the slave trade is just a not very glorious business.

If someone talks to the Hai Mo Ling people about pursuing freedom, they will probably give you a blank look.

Then scold you if you have a brain problem. In addition to the corruption of the top leaders and the rampant gangs that have led to too chaotic public security, all It's quite free, or these chaos are the consequences of excessive freedom.

In Dranok, freedom seems to have become an unrealistic beauty, a fairy tale that only exists in stories.

The idea of ​​slavery has been deeply rooted in everyone here. They yearn for freedom while being accustomed to slavery.

Mond's power is a symbol of freedom, so it cannot be ruled by an iron fist in Hai Mo Ling like Ningguang.

The people here must wake up and take up arms to resist slavery and those who oppress them.

"Miss Rosaria, do you have any other instructions?"

"No, during this time, you continue to collect detailed information about the royal nobles and slave collars."

"Okay, then I'll go back to the hotel first. If you need anything later, you can tell me."


After Holson left, Rosaria called Sophia and others and handed them a notebook.

"Take a look."

"This is...?"

"Just some notes on thinking about slavery. "Rosalia handed them the notebook:

"The root cause of your tragedy, I hope these notes can provide you with some ideas."

These are all written by the original Fu Li in class. There is not much profound content, and it is written in a simple and easy-to-understand way. If it is put in the previous life, it is not even at the level of keyboard politics.

But it is almost enough for this world.

To sum it up, it is nothing more than: Are kings, princes, generals and ministers of different species, and rebellion is justified.

Rebellion against the ruler of Dranok!

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