The desert was cold at night, and the temperature dropped to an incredible level.

Saht shivered all over, holding the oil lamp, lifted his clothes, and looked at the pyramid building about ten meters high in front of him.

The building was covered with mysterious runes, some of which glowed with fluorescence at night, forming a narrative epic.

There was also a huge eye with exquisite carvings in the middle of the pyramid, as if it was looking down at all living beings, making people want to kneel down and pray.

Just before the quicksand sank in, Saht had translated most of the runes outside the pyramid.

"Those who make a secret agreement can be the king of the desert."

The last paragraph kept coming back to his mind, and he might have discovered something incredible.

In the direction of the main entrance of the pyramid, there is a half-man-high platform made of unknown materials. The top shape looks like an open book.

"What is this?"

Saht looked at the words engraved on the platform, took out a pen and paper and began to translate.

Fortunately, he took semiotics as an elective at the University of Zoroars, and with the words translated after comparing with the literature as a reference, he quickly translated most of it.

"Those who enter this door should abandon all desires."

"Witness with the stars... and swear with blood?"

"Blood? Use blood to open the door."

Saht drew out the scimitar and scratched his palm. Blood slowly flowed out of the wound and fell on the carved words.

I saw that these words absorbed the blood instantly, and then I heard a rumbling sound.

"The door is really opened!"

Saht looked at the long-sealed door and was lifted up. He was very excited. The relics of the gods were said to be discovered by himself!

This is something that will go down in history.

After the door was opened, Saht waited for a while for ventilation, then he couldn't wait to enter with the oil lamp.

"It's so dark."

The interior of the pyramid was pitch black, and the light of the oil lamp was only about one meter away. It couldn't be seen from farther away.

The sound of footsteps echoed inside the building. The extremely quiet and dark situation made Saht feel creepy.

But on second thought, this is a building related to gods, so there shouldn't be any strange dirty things, right?


Feeling that he stepped on something, before Saht could react, a roar broke out all around.

Dozens of huge flames ignited on both sides of him, instantly illuminating the place.

Saht, who was startled, looked at the two rows of bonfires and realized what mechanism he had stepped on.

At this time, he finally saw the interior of the building clearly.

With him as the center, there were six ingenious stone statues in each row. These statues held weapons, but their heads looked like birds of prey.

In front of them was the platform for lighting the bonfire.

At the end, there were two black jackal statues lying on the left and right.

Sahter was excited and walked to the end with a pilgrimage-like mentality.

After passing the jackal statue, he saw clearly that there was a coffin here, and the coffin was surrounded by purple flowers. It was hard to imagine that there would be flowers in such an environment.

On the wall were exquisite murals. The people in the murals wore jackal-style hats and held a strange scepter in their hands.

Behind him was the pyramid building.

"What on earth is this..."

Sahter couldn't help it, and stretched out his hand and touched the mural obsessively.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy, and in a trance, he saw a fragment that he would never forget in his life.

It was unknown how many years ago, in the yellow sand that covered the sky, a majestic figure holding a weapon faced countless enemies.

These enemies had strange faces and were terrifying, but they did not last for a moment in his hands and turned into a part of the yellow sand.

There were also terrifying beasts as big as mountains, which caused earthquakes with every step, and unknown creatures that could move mountains, fill the sea and swallow cities.

But that majestic figure suppressed these terrible enemies with unparalleled power.

Some of them died, and some escaped.

The blood of the enemies slid from his hands and flowed to the weapons. In the end, the blood flowed to countless corpses.

Only he stood.

"Red King, that's the Red King!" Sahter couldn't help but shouted.

With such a majestic posture and such magnificent power, he must be the Red King


The power to destroy the world with a flip of the palm is absolutely the power of a god.

"These things happened many years ago, why didn't we discover it before?"

"The enemies of the Red King are also very terrible monsters."

Although these monsters died in the hands of the Red King, they are still walking disasters for humans.

After the picture in his eyes changed several times, Saht saw a civilization that surpassed the times!

The ships speeding in the sky, the complex and sophisticated machinery on the ground, the oases everywhere, and the grand scene of countless people living and working in peace and contentment, all deeply attracted Saht.

"What a great and admirable civilization!"

Saht sighed: "Those triangular machines can actually provide such a powerful energy source, provide an inexhaustible source of water for the desert, and feed countless people."

Next, the picture in his eyes changed again.

The figure of the Red King seemed to become desolate, as if with lingering sorrow. What could make a god become like this?

Soon, Saht saw the answer.

The people who had been living and working in peace and contentment began to go crazy, with strange scales crawling all over their bodies.

"What...what on earth is this?"

Saht looked at the scene in horror. This disease-like thing quickly spread to the civilization of the Red King, and the earth lost its vitality and became barren.

Disaster befell this great civilization, and countless people died in it.

At this time, an extremely holy figure descended beside the Red King, and her noble power helped the Red King heal the trauma of the people.

In the end, the Red King sacrificed himself to eliminate this strange power.

The emerald and holy god built several temples in the desert. In order to seal the source of the power, he used up his power, and his body gradually became dwarfed and disappeared in the forest.

The person guarding the temple is the priest on the mural.

The scene in Saht's eyes gradually disappeared, but he heard an ancient voice:

"The forbidden knowledge... brought endless trauma to the world, and the god in the desert, my lonely king, chose to sacrifice himself to quell this disaster..."

"The Great Kind Tree King in the forest, that noble god, used up his vitality to help us seal the forbidden knowledge."

"Go and become the Lord of the Desert, manage this land for the gods, and establish Aru."

"One day, my lonely king and the Great Kind Tree King will return."

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