As for the depths of the Wolf Run Territory, it is a more mysterious place, which is basically a forbidden place for hunters.

However, some older hunters sometimes hear legends of giant wolves.

Of course, players naturally know where it is.

And the huge wolf shadow is the embodiment of the remaining power of the North Wind Wolf King.

Although Yang Chen knew in his heart that there might be a large number of demon remnants there, he was indeed very eager to obtain it.

But things have to be done step by step after all.

Let's start with completing today's task.

Nowadays, in addition to archery, there is another elemental reaction in the daily practice tasks, and Yang Chen is still very interested.

After all, it's the first time in his life that he has obtained extraordinary power, how can he resist showing it off.

With such a thought, Yang Chen came to Cangfeng Highlands alone.

Not long after entering Cangfeng Highlands, Yang Chen soon saw suitable prey, which was a group of wild boars.

Of course, hunting wild boars also requires restraint, after all, most of the meat in Mondstadt comes from these wild boars.

Therefore, Yang Chen had to give up. He planned to find something else as today's goal. However, Yang Chen did not want to hunt wild boars. The wild boars were very brave. As soon as they saw Yang Chen, they ran towards him.

Yang Chen did not react to such a scene. The horse under his crotch neighed in panic.

Yang Chen was speechless. He first comforted his mount, and then casually raised his hand and shot an arrow in front of the wild boars.

This arrow was effective. The wild boar closest to the arrow immediately ran away in panic, but the other wild boars did not seem to be affected at all.

Yang Chen then shot another arrow, but this time, he added a little bit of thunder elemental power to the arrow, and then nailed it in front of the wild boars again.

It was this little bit of power that curbed the wild boars' fearless charge. They collectively stopped and fled in all directions.

It was a good effect for the first time. Yang Chen ignored the wild boars and continued to move forward, heading deep into the Wolf Territory.

However, he still prepared for the worst. If he went deeper and found no suitable target, he would not move forward.

The owner of the Wolf Run Territory was not a hunter, but a wolf pack. Although they were not hostile to humans, they were not friendly either. Yang Chen did not want to have a conflict with them rashly.

Fortunately, he finally got something. Not long after entering the Wolf Run Territory, he soon found a suitable target.

A newly built camp of hillbillies.

Hundreds of years ago, with the fall of the underground kingdom of Kanreya, the abyss monsters gradually swept across the entire Teyvat continent.

The hillbillies were the lowest level of monster units.

This camp of hillbillies was not very dangerous. There were only ordinary hillbillies, and no hillbilly thugs or hillbilly mages.

Therefore, it should not be a problem to solve the entire camp at the moment.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen had decided to take action.

After dozens of minutes.

Yang Chen let go of his hand on the bowstring and breathed a sigh of relief. It was not as difficult to solve this group of hillbillies as imagined. Of course, this had a lot to do with the elemental power he possessed.

If he had dealt with this group of hillbillies without the elemental power, he could have solved the problem as well, but he would have been in a much worse situation than he is now.

Not only that, Yang Chen also completed today's task, and gained 1 experience point in archery.

However, after completing the daily task of elemental resonance, there was no so-called increase in experience points.

So, does this task exist only to make himself familiar with the use of elements?

There was some inexplicable melancholy in his heart. It seemed that elemental resonance could only start from the evil eye or the remnants of the demon.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen immediately turned his horse's head. Since the task had been completed, it was time to do something else next.


However, at this moment, he suddenly raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and then shot directly into a dense forest!

The sharp bow and arrow flew into the bushes, followed by a boy who ran out of the bushes in a panic.

The boy's hair was gray, dense and fluffy, and he was wearing rough linen clothes. As a human, he was on all fours and moved forward with his hands and feet.

The boy's eyes were very sharp, but he seemed a little confused, so much so that he forgot the rules of the wolf pack. When facing danger, he should run away at the first moment.

But when Yang Chen saw the boy's appearance clearly, he had already put down his bow and arrow.


He muttered to himself. The boy seemed to be awakened by his words. He twisted his body and ran away very quickly.

Yang Chen did not move.

Leiize, it seems that at this time, he is not as mature as when the game plot began.

Yang Chen smiled. Things gradually became interesting. Speaking of which, he rarely met the characters he liked in his previous life. After all, they were still young at this time.

Except for Diluk, Qin, and Kaeya, some of the other familiar faces are not what they will look like in the future.

Well, let's treat this place as a fixed training place in the future.

Yang Chen thought so, squeezed his legs lightly, and drove his horse back.

He didn't know that in a far place, on a hill, a gray-haired wolf boy looked at him going away, and didn't speak for a long time.

It was the first time for the boy to see a human.

A human like him.

Although living with a wolf pack, the boy obviously knew that he was different from the wolf pack.

And today, he saw a human like himself.


The young man raised his head and howled, and the howling of wolves in the mountains began.���On the way back

, Yang Chen casually hunted a wild boar and prepared to go to Qingquan Town to find someone to deal with it.

As the largest meat supplier in Mondstadt, the meat in Qingquan Town is not only a unique fresh meat in Mondstadt, but also because they make a living by hunting, barbecue is indispensable, so in this respect, they are also the best in Mondstadt.

Soon, Yang Chen saw Qingquan Town.

Because he often hunted with them, Yang Chen greeted everyone very familiarly.

The orcs in Qingquan Town, except for the cat ears on their heads, are no different from humans in other places.

"Mr. Duraf!"

The leader of the hunter organization in Qingquan Town, Duraf with cat ears, heard the voice and looked towards Yang Chen."The third young master is here!"

Of course, Yang Chen believed that his eyes should be fixed on the wild boar meat in his hand.

However, Yang Chen's eyes were not on him, but on the little girl in front of him.


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