If we talk about elemental magic, the strongest in the entire Titat continent should be the sages of the Xumi Church.

For the sake of knowledge, they even do not hesitate to touch taboos.

Of course, there is such a person in Mondstadt, who even got the title of"once in two hundred years" genius from the Xumi Church.

Yang Chen is also very familiar with this person.

She is Lisa.

However, at this time, she should not have gone to Xumi for further study. Although she has achieved some success at this time, her strength has not yet reached the peak.

But if you calculate the time, it is almost time.

Maybe during this period of time, Lisa will be recognized by the Xumi Church, and then go to Xumi for training, until she returns two years later because of something, and then becomes the librarian of the Knights of Favonius familiar to players.

Of course, knowing this does not mean that Yang Chen wants to disturb the other party so soon. After all, the elemental magic taught by Barbara at this time is enough for him to study for a long time.

Under Barbara's dedicated guidance, time passed quickly.

Soon it was night, the sky darkened, the lights of Mondstadt Cathedral were lit, and the colorful lights in Mondstadt were gradually lit up.

"It's getting late, I'll take you home."

With this sentence, today's communication ended. Yang Chen stood up and stretched out his hand to pull the girl up. He even kindly helped the girl pat the grass leaves on her nun's clothes.


At this moment, a light cough startled both of them.

Then, when they turned to look at the person who came, Barbara immediately lowered her head in panic.


The person who came was the Archbishop of the West Wind Order, Barbara's father, Simon, the Cardinal of the Dawn.

"It turned out to be you, Uncle Simon, I thought it was someone else!"

Yang Chen calmed down instead.

"What are you doing here?"

Simon turned to Yang Chen and said, watching Barbara trot behind him.

For some reason, Yang Chen always felt that there was a hint of danger in the eyes behind the bishop's frame.

"Well, I'm here to ask Barbara some questions about elemental magic."

He answered calmly.

Hearing this, Simon was a little surprised for a moment.

"Have you obtained the Eye of God?"

""Yes!" Yang Chen nodded. He was used to these people's reactions.

But Simon was silent for a while.

Among the younger generation, Yang Chen's talent was indeed a pity. After all, the boy was gifted and worked hard.

Just based on this point, everyone would feel sorry for him.

Now that the boy has obtained the Eye of God, it seems that he should really thank the God of Wind for blessing him?

But for some reason, Simon is very annoyed now, very annoyed, so he just muttered a little"God of Wind bless you" in his heart.’

"Since you are here, I don't need to send Barbara back. I'm leaving now, Uncle Simon!" Seeing Simon's silence, Yang Chen didn't intend to stand there.

As he spoke, he turned and left.

Simon stared at Yang Chen until he walked a distance away, and seemed to be relieved.

""Oh, I'll come again tomorrow!"

At this time, the boy's voice came from afar, making Barbara, who was hiding behind her father, feel ashamed.

What the girl didn't see was that when Yang Chen shouted that sentence, his father's palm clenched at that moment.

Every father is helpless at this moment.

Then the girl heard her father sigh again, loosened his hand, and walked away shaking his head.

Of course, Yang Chen didn't know what happened next. When he walked down from Mond Cathedral, he was scared for a while.

"Why do I feel guilty when facing Uncle Simon?"

Yang Chen exhaled and argued to himself in his heart

"Barbara and I are fine now!"

The boy comforted himself. Of course, he knew the truth of the matter.

Putting these things behind him and thinking back to what he had gained today, the boy felt fulfilled.

"Well, after Barbara's explanation, I have some ideas about the use of elements."

Although Barbara taught water magic, one method can lead to all methods. In terms of guiding elements, the most basic parts are not much different.

In addition, this is only the first day, so Yang Chen felt as if he had opened the door to a new world. Even at this moment, he couldn't wait to find a place to practice and verify his new knowledge.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen immediately decided in his heart

"So, I might as well go to the training camp of the Knights of Favonius now.···"

However, before Yang Chen could finish his words, a strong wind came down from the sky and rushed towards him.

The incident happened suddenly, and Yang Chen first suspected that someone had attacked him.

Who could it be?

The Fatui? The Abyss Mage? Or a hostile noble in the city?

Many images flashed through his mind, but Yang Chen quickly abandoned them one by one.

At this time, the opponent's figure had rapidly expanded in his eyes, and the opponent's appearance became clearer and clearer.

The objects of suspicion in his heart were shattered one by one. It was clearly just a little girl.

A little human girl.

Yang Chen, who originally wanted to dodge, also stretched out his arms after seeing the other party's panicked face, gathered the elemental power of water, and used it with all his strength.


In an instant, the two people collided directly with each other and rolled down from the high platform in front of Mond Cathedral.


The girl who rolled down had long brown hair and goggles on her head. The wind wings on her back were almost damaged to the point where it was difficult to see anything. One could tell at a glance that the thing was no longer usable.

The girl got up with difficulty, shook her dizzy head, and looked around.

There were not many Mond residents around, and it was the time for the night shift change, so the Knights of Favonius did not notice her.

This was the route the girl had planned early in the morning. Because of her grandfather's existence, the girl was able to master the shift change intervals of the Knights of Favonius.

Therefore, the girl chose this time and place to implement her plan.

However, she vaguely remembered who she seemed to have hit when she fell.

"Ah, are you okay?"

In a trance, the girl remembered something, and then squatted down to see the boy on the ground.

The boy also opened his eyes and looked at him.

At this moment, the girl's eyes were full of fear, and she stretched her hand towards the boy's nose inch by inch.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, the boy's eyes moved and he said this:


The girl's sharp cry, like thunder, exploded in Yang Chen's ears!

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