As he thought, Qin soon calmed down.

After finishing dinner quietly, she savored the aroma of candied fruit and the deliciousness of meat. With the beautiful girl, it was a perfect match.

When they paid the bill and left, they walked side by side in Mondstadt quietly.

"Thank you for your care all along!"

Qin said as they said goodbye at the family gate.

"Why are you being so polite to me?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

Qin looked at Yang Chen, silent. No one knew her feelings. She had too many responsibilities on her shoulders and too many expectations.

If there was no Yang Chen, these expectations would become heavier and heavier on Qin, until they turned into the sun, illuminating her brilliantly.

But sometimes, that light would burn her.

The appearance of Yang Chen helped her tear open the light, allowing her to breathe under that pressure.

Although Yang Chen didn't know what happened, it was not a solution to just stand there.

"Go back quickly."

He said

"Well, be careful on the road.

Qin replied.

When Yang Chen turned to leave, Qin's eyes were still fixed on the corner where he disappeared.

"Wind, please allow me to be selfish. As a harp, I will always···Be with Him"

"That's good.··"

The girl thought so


On the other side, Yang Chen went around and around and came to Lisa's door again. There was a knock on the door. This time, after Lisa opened the door, there was no doubt on her face.


, she stepped aside to make way.

"Come in!" She said.

Yang Chen walked in calmly.

This is a make-up lesson.

A very serious make-up lesson, and it was proposed by Lisa.

Speaking of which, Yang Chen was also a little confused. After all, the impression of the two people when they met several times was not very good. Why did she care about him so much and specially proposed to give him a make-up lesson?

Of course, with Yang Chen's understanding of this Lisa, and the fact that he himself was not an ordinary person without any strength, he would not be afraid.

So he gladly accepted Lisa's proposal.

Later, after Yang Chen came, he found out that it was really just a make-up lesson.

I don't know why I felt a little lost.

However, Yang Chen soon immersed himself in the ocean of magic. Under this circumstance, his learning progress was advancing by leaps and bounds.

"That's it. Introduction to Magic is, after all, the basics of magic. If you want to learn more advanced techniques, you have to listen to my guidance carefully."

During class, Lisa's expression was very serious, and Yang Chen also sat upright.

Lisa's God's Eye attribute is also the thunder element. Her years of research experience on the thunder element just helped Yang Chen make up for the deficiencies in Introduction to Magic.

In order to be able to use the thunder element as soon as possible and complete his idea of developing and researching those moves, Yang Chen studied very seriously.

When studying, Yang Chen was very serious, and his attitude won a lot of favor from Lisa.

In such days, time passed quickly, and in less than half a month, this kind of work and rest had to be suspended because of something that happened.

"Sister Lisa is leaving?"

Barbara felt very sad to hear the news, but at the same time, she was sincerely happy for Lisa.

Yang Chen was not surprised. After all, he had long speculated that Lisa would go to Xumi Teaching Academy to study further this year.

"Yes, this trip to Xumi Teaching Academy for further study is an opportunity that I cannot miss. Only that place is closest to the truth."

Lisa's smile came from the heart. At this moment, her belief in seeking knowledge is so firm.


Yang Chen expressed his congratulations. Although the progress of learning elemental magic in the future would be greatly slowed down without the guidance of a good teacher, there was no need to rush.

At least at this moment, he was sincerely happy for Lisa. Then, he asked,

"By the way, when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I will follow the Great Sage to Xumi."

Farewell always comes very quickly.

Lisa is going to Xumi Church to study. Before leaving, she donated many of her magic books to Mond Library.

The collection of such a talented witch made the alchemy apprentice Sugar happy, but she was soon disappointed because there were obviously no books on biological alchemy that she wanted.

When Lisa left, Yang Chen and Barbara saw her off together.

The carriage of the Great Sage of Xumi was ready. Before leaving, Lisa and Barbara hugged each other.

"Sister Lisa, thank you for taking care of me."

Barbara's eyes were slightly red

"Well, Barbara, you have to work hard in the future."After the two separated, Lisa looked at Yang Chen.

He opened his arms, and that expression and movement made Lisa's heart skip a beat.

"I'm afraid there's no way to come back from now on, so let's just say goodbye!" Lisa said this in her heart, and then she went up to him, and the two finally hugged each other.

Seeing this scene, Barbara, whose little face was full of sadness, suddenly became even sadder.

"Sure enough, I knew····"

The girl muttered

"We will see each other again, right?"

Yang Chen patted Lisa on the back and said so.

But this time, Lisa did not reply. She quickly left Yang Chen's arms and turned to walk towards the carriage behind her.

Then, the carriage immediately left from the gate of Mond, as if it was escaping from something, and soon went away.

Yang Chen was speechless, and then he seemed to casually hold Barbara's hand, making the girl who was about to leave stay where she was.

"You, what are you doing?"

Barbara thought���His face instantly turned as red as the apples grown in Mondstadt, so red that you could squeeze out juice.

"Let you rest assured and stop thinking about it.

He leaned close to Barbara's ear and said

"Who is thinking···"The girl's voice is weak and whiny

"Yes, indeed. I don't know who it was, but her face suddenly fell. I thought she was sick."

"you···say no more···"

Yang Chen's words made Barbara feel ashamed and angry. The boys and girls laughed and played.


In the carriage, Lisa's mind was churning, and she kept recalling what Yang Chen said.

"We will also···See you again···"

"No, it won't···"

She shook her head. Her dream was to devote everything she had to the vast knowledge. In order to explore knowledge, she even left her homeland and went to a distant place!

For knowledge, she was willing to devote everything.···

But is it really like this?

Lisa was confused. Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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