As soon as they got off the carriage, the bartender Charles walked towards everyone.

"Master Cripps, and the other two young masters, please come in, the coming-of-age ceremony is about to begin!"

With the support of the crowd, gentleman Cripps smiled. Diluk was now an adult, and his performance was also very elegant.

As for Yang Chen, he was much more casual.

He smiled carelessly and strode into the tavern.

However, everyone knew that this was the personality of the third young master, and there was no offense to anyone.

"Hmm, I think Diluk noticed my expression just now."

While walking, Yang Chen thought in his heart, but soon put the matter aside. If possible, he might need Diluc's help. At this time, Yang Chen could still distinguish the priorities of things.

The three people from the Leggenfend family walked into the tavern and instantly became the focus of the crowd.

Yang Chen glanced and didn't see any suspicious people, but he still didn't take it lightly.

After all, assassins don't carve the word assassin on their faces.

The so-called coming-of-age ceremony of the Leggenfend family, the largest wine industry in Mondstadt, is that everyone gathers together to drink and eat meat. Among them are not only the staff of the Dawn Winery, business partners, but also many members of the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt, and even members of the Adventurers' Association.

Yang Chen also recognized that one of them was Serius, the president of the Mondstadt branch of the Adventurers' Association.

At this time, Serius walked towards Cripps.

Yang Chen didn't like the overly enthusiastic way of greeting this adventurer, so when the two hugged each other warmly, he turned and walked to the bar.

While drinking and holding the sword in his hand, Yang Chen looked at the tavern.


At this moment, a hand was placed on Yang Chen's shoulder.

"Why are you drinking here alone?"

Yang Chen turned his head and saw a young man with long fiery red hair tied into a ponytail. He was elegant and straight. Wherever he was, he was the focus of everyone's attention.

It was Diluk.

"You know, I don't like crowded places."

Yang Chen said casually

"Really? That's it."Diluk nodded, and then sat at the bar like him.

The waiter beside him brought him a glass of wine, but Diluk waved his hand.

"No, thank you!"

The waiter came to his senses and said hurriedly,"Yes, Master Diluk has a mission and can't drink."

"Actually, I don't like crowded places either."Diluk said to Yang Chen without paying attention to the waiter.

Hearing this, Yang Chen withdrew his gaze from the tavern and said casually

"OK, let's go to the balcony and talk."

After that, he stood up and walked up to the second floor of the tavern, followed by Diluk.

The two came to the railing on the second floor and looked down. The coming-of-age ceremony did not seem to be any less enthusiastic because of the departure of the protagonist Diluk.

Yang Chen joked:"These people don't care about you as the protagonist at all, or they just want to find an excuse to drink!"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Diluk said calmly.

"I knew you would say that."Yang Chen did not comment, then turned and went to the balcony.

"So what happened?" Diluk, who followed, continued to ask.

Diluk, who noticed Yang Chen's abnormal behavior, certainly did not think that his brother was expressing dissatisfaction with him. From many details, it was clear that Yang Chen was targeting someone else.

So, Diluk, who caught up with him, asked directly

"There are assassins in the city, and the target may be Mondstadt, you, or your father."Faced with Diluk's question, Yang Chen did not hide anything.

Of course, he had one last word in his mind.

"Or maybe all three."

The goal of the Fatui may have been to create chaos in Mondstadt. As for who died, they didn't care at all.

And in the original trajectory, their goal was indeed achieved.

Yang Chen glanced around the tavern. Because of Diluk's coming-of-age ceremony, the tavern was having a discount today, so a large number of Mondstadt residents and foreign tourists gathered around the"Angel's Gift".

And the Fatui member was very likely hiding here.

After hearing what Yang Chen said, Diluk hesitated for a moment, then called a member of the Knights of Favonius nearby and gave him some orders.

When he turned around again, Diluk was still a little surprised by Yang Chen. Of course, it was not because there were assassins in the city. After all, as the captain of the Knights Templar, he had dealt with many assassins.

He was more puzzled as to why Yang Chen was so concerned about the things happening in Mondstadt, and where did he get the information.

After all, Yang Chen was usually casual, and things like city defense, which were rigid, did not seem to be something that could interest him.

Of course, even if Yang Chen was just making it up, Diluk would not be careless, because if anything happened to his father, he would not forgive himself.

Moreover, Diluk actually believed in Yang Chen in his heart. Although Yang Chen was only fifteen years old, much younger than him, his words and deeds were very thoughtful. It is hard to associate him with his age.

This younger brother is more mature than he could imagine. In fact, Diluk often feels that he knows him better than he does.

Cripps saw this very accurately. After all, if he gave the evil eye to any of the two brothers, it might lead their futures in different directions.

But there would be no such problem if he gave it to Yang Chen.

His maturity is recognized within the family.

Thinking of this, Diluk suppressed his doubts and, like Yang Chen, pretended to look at the scenery while checking for suspicious people nearby.

Yang Chen ignored everything that Diluk did after hearing the words. He only wanted to find the one who was mixed in the crowd. Member of the Fatui.

Of course, the reason why he cares so much about the Fatui, in addition to ensuring Cripps' safety, is also out of curiosity about the Fatui organization.

You know, it was the Kingdom of Winter Solstice that created the Evil Eye.

As the rulers of Winter Solstice, the Fatui naturally know the news about the Evil Eye.

The remnants of the demon in the Evil Eye are what Yang Chen will use to improve his strength in the future, so no matter how he thinks about it, Yang Chen has a great interest in the Fatui.

He hopes that the Fatui member in Mondstadt has something similar to the Evil Eye.

Although he knows that this hope may be very slim, it does not prevent him from investing his enthusiasm

"Found it."

After a careful search, Yang Chen finally locked onto a target.

The man was wearing a headscarf and was in a corner, drinking with the Mond people around him. However, Yang Chen could see him quietly pouring the wine into the green plants beside him.

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