He collected more than 10 platinum points, which means that, in addition to the thunder element, Yang Chen can upgrade his second element resonance to the state of resonance 2.

Then, under this circumstance, his combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved again.

Of course, there may not be a qualitative change from resonance 1 to resonance 2, but the increase in combat effectiveness is definitely very significant, which is like doubling the current combat effectiveness.

In addition, Yang Chen has no other choice, because the platinum points required to upgrade from resonance 2 to resonance 3 are very simple 100 points!

That's right, the platinum points consumed for each level of resonance upgrade are 10 times the previous level of resonance upgrade!

When he first knew about it, Yang Chen was very speechless and felt uncomfortable. When would he be able to collect so many points?

Moreover, in the foreseeable future, each level upgrade is a tenfold improvement, so it can be imagined that in the future, his demand for platinum points will definitely be extremely huge.

Because this is just one element, and Yang Chen has seven.

Yang Chen had a headache when he thought about it, but fortunately, through real experience, this improvement is indeed very obvious. If it is the price of this kind of strength, it is not so unacceptable! After all

, Yang Chen's combat effectiveness has changed qualitatively at Resonance 2. When it reaches Resonance 3, it may be another level.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen couldn't help but have more expectations for higher levels of resonance.

In the outside world, after Yang Chen absorbed the remnants of the demon in the ancient dark gold tile, the tile also turned into an ordinary one.

Yang Chen looked at it for a while and put the tile down directly.

This thing no longer has any magic. Perhaps returning here is his destination.

""Yang Chen!!"

At this moment, Yang Chen heard a voice calling him.

Yang Chen turned around and saw a figure flying down on the wings of wind.

Seeing who it was, Yang Chen's expression relaxed and then he opened his hands.

The figure fell directly into Yang Chen's arms!

It was Amber.

She looked up, her eyebrows full of worry!

"Are you OK!"

"I'm fine!"

Yang Chen said. The girl breathed a sigh of relief but didn't let go.



At this moment, a strong wind blew through the sky, accompanied by the roar of a dragon!

"Ah! Demonic dragon!!"

Amber was shocked and hugged Yang Chen tightly, burying her head in his arms!

Yang Chen did not move, because he had seen the wind dragon a long time ago, but he was sure that its target was not him.

"It's okay, it's okay."

He comforted Amber while watching. Tevarin really didn't pay attention to other things. It fell directly from the sky and landed in the ruins of the tower.

Then, the surrounding wind elements gradually became secretive, and finally stopped agitating and returned to peace.

The matter was finally resolved. The wind dragon went to Mondstadt. What did it do?

Yang Chen had some guesses in his mind, but he had to go back and think about these things.

Today's affairs have been dealt with.

Although the wind dragon appeared as a variable in the end, the matter was finally resolved satisfactorily.

Moreover, the appearance of the wind dragon also provided Mondstadt with more excuses, making the resolution of this incident more perfect.

Anyway, at present, it's all good things.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen was happy.

Then soon, Kaeya and Diluc arrived!

They came so slowly, and they were also affected by the wind dragon. Under the interference of the wind dragon, a huge storm was set off around the ruins of the wind dragon, which took a long time to dissipate.

At this time, Amber also broke free from Yang Chen's arms, but unlike her usual carefreeness, her face was slightly ruddy at this time.

"It looks like I don't need to clean up here."

Looking at the big pit in front of him, Kaiya said with a wry smile. In the original plan, Kaiya was responsible for cleaning up the traces at the scene. This bold and careful general affairs director was very suitable for this kind of thing.

"Well, now things can be delayed. Besides, the Zhidong Kingdom will never rashly send people over before the wind dragon is completely resolved."

Yang Chen said, and Kaia Diluc nodded.

However, Yang Chen had one thing in his heart that he had not told them.

That is the Abyss!

Since the Wind Dragon has awakened, the people of the Abyss Cult may have already set their sights on it.

When will the princess or prince return to Mondstadt?

Compared with the Kingdom of Winter, it is more difficult to deal with that one. After all, as a descendant of Kanreya, he can use anchor points distributed throughout the continent of Teyvat, and his mobility should not be too strong.

Yang Chen felt a little tricky.

However, perhaps he still has a little time to improve himself now, and the situation has not reached the worst time.

The matter is basically over, and everyone returned to Mondstadt.

After secretly communicating with relevant personnel, the matter was not as Yang Chen expected. Obviously, compared to the Fatui being attacked in Mondstadt, for Mondstadt, the appearance of the wind dragon made them feel more uneasy.

And it is true that the wind dragon Tevarin was often blurred in consciousness due to the erosion of Durin's poisonous blood. When he came to Mondstadt, he had no intention of restraining his power, causing certain property losses to the residents in the city.

Fortunately, there was no There were casualties, but this situation was obviously not something to be happy about. Everyone was panicked by the dragon's attack. The

Mond people, who had just felt relieved because of the death of the dragon Ursa, welcomed a new dragon.

Speaking of which, Yang Chen felt a little embarrassed, because the revival of the wind dragon might have something to do with him.

After all, he was the one who made the biggest noise at the ruins of the wind dragon today.

But thinking about it, the awakening of the wind dragon was a matter of time, so he stopped worrying about it.

After reporting the intelligence, Yang Chen had nothing to do with the follow-up.

At the ruins of the wind dragon, the Knights of Favonius would go to investigate Tevarin, explore the origin of the dragon, and whether it would pose a greater threat to Mond.

The children"rescued" by Diluk and his team were accepted by the Mond Cathedral.

Bishop Simon led the nuns to give these children spiritual education and gradually heal the trauma they received today.

As for the negotiations between Mond and the Kingdom of Winter, Kaeya was responsible for the connection.

He was also a veteran in this regard.

In this way, things finally settled down.


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