""Yang Chen!!"

A clear and energetic girl's voice came from the side.

Yang Chen knew who it was without turning around.

"Barbara, why are you here?"

Yang Chen looked at the girl in nun's clothes.

"I just came back from the church, and I have finished praying today."

The girl looked at Yang Chen, with deep joy in her eyes. Although they had just separated in the morning, the girl missed Yang Chen very much.

Then, the girl saw the little Paimon opposite Yang Chen.

"Wow, so cute, what is this?"

"This is the friend I picked up at Wangfeng Strait, her name is Paimeng."

Yang Chen smiled and introduced her.

"Picked up···Friends."

Barbara was puzzled, and then she saw Paimon nodding while mumbling.

"Yes···Well···We are friends."

She seemed to have eaten too much and was having a hard time holding it in.

At this time, Yang Chen had already pulled out a stool and asked Barbara to sit down.

"Let's not talk about her anymore. Let her digest it for a while. What about you? What do you want to eat?"

The topic returned to Barbara.

"Well, I'll eat something.···this···Spicy sea bass!"

Barbara ordered her favorite spicy food as always.

Mm, it was really spicy.


"Let's go, after dinner, we should go back."

After resting for a while, Yang Chen said, and then he looked at Barbara.

"Let's take you back first!"

But at this time, Barbara was embarrassed.

"Yang Chen~"

"I···Don't rush back, let's go to your place."

After the girl said this, her face was even redder than the apples produced in Mondstadt.

As a lady from a rich family, it was the first time for Barbara to go to someone's room, especially the home of a man she liked.

All this made the ignorant girl blush and her heart beat fast.

Yang Chen was stunned at first, then smiled gently.

"Okay, let's go back together."

Barbara nodded, then stood up silently and followed Yang Chen.

Paimeng also flew up and followed Yang Chen. Miraculously, her stomach had returned to its original state.

This surprised Yang Chen and Barbara again.

Back in the villa, Yang Chen prepared to wash himself first.

"I'll take a shower, you guys go walk around by yourselves."

He said to Paimon and Barbara.

Little Paimon nodded immediately and flew into the house.

After Yang Chen came out of the shower, he saw Barbara lingering at the door.

Seeing Yang Chen coming out, Barbara blushed because she was very shy when she saw Yang Chen's muscular upper body.

Yang Chen was only fifteen years old, perhaps about to be sixteen, but he was already about the same size as Diluk and others.

There was the factor that men developed faster. At this time, Yang Chen looked a little immature, but he already had the physique of an adult.

Coupled with the strengthening of the body by the elemental resonance, his physical fitness was not ordinary, and his figure could be said to be perfect among men.

"What are you doing here?"

Yang Chen was a little embarrassed for a moment. After all, the other party looked very shy, as if he had done something.

But there was nothing.

"um, I···There are some···I want to discuss the elemental magic with you."

So that's it, Yang Chen was sure.

At this time, he noticed the book in the girl's hand.

It was the Secret Book of Favonius.

It was a secret book circulated among the magic scholars of the Knights of Favonius. It recorded their collective wisdom and was inlaid with precious elemental crystal jade.

This secret book was precious because it needed to be made by scholars themselves. There was no shortcut. Only scholars with extremely strong attainments in elemental magic could make it.

Therefore, this secret book was a well-deserved treasure for the Knights of Favonius, but at this time, this treasure fell into Barbara's hands.

The knowledge recorded in this book may not be as extensive as what Yang Chen had obtained before. Although it is not as extensive as the Introduction to Magic, the research on elemental magic in it definitely exceeds any magic book Yang Chen has obtained before.

This book alone is equivalent to the notes of an extremely intelligent magic scholar and is of great value.

Yang Chen's eyes were also burning at this time.

After a while, the two leaned on the sofa together and began to study this magic book.

Paimeng also flew over at some point, but after listening to the discussion between the two for a while, she fell asleep.

Afterwards, she simply lay on Yang Chen's shoulder and fell asleep.

Yang Chen did not wake her up, but soon, Paimeng's body kept sliding down after she fell asleep, and Yang Chen had to carry her down and put her on the sofa.

"What a little kid."

Barbara said, watching Yang Chen treat Paimeng tenderly. For some reason, she thought of her family, her parents. Paimeng was the child, Yang Chen was the father, so she···is not it···

Yang Chen nodded in agreement. Paimon's body was indeed similar to that of a child.

But when he turned around, he saw the redness on Barbara's face again, and he felt puzzled.

After the episode, the two continued to study the Secret Book of West Wind.

This secret book contains some profound contents about water element magic, which is very useful knowledge for Barbara and Yang Chen.

Barbara is the Eye of the Water Element God, and Yang Chen has just upgraded the resonance of the water element to resonance 2. This book is like a pillow for him when he is sleepy.

Before he knew it, it was already midnight.

"It's late tonight.···Let's not go back."

When the two put away the books, when Barbara pulled the hem of her skirt, not knowing how to say it, Yang Chen said.

Barbara's face was ruddy, with surprise, joy, and trepidation on her face, but···But she didn't refuse.

Or rather, she came here with a certain purpose.

After Yang Chen put the book aside, he slowly approached Barbara.

He looked into the girl's eyes, which were clear and pure, with only one figure.

He lowered his head to look for his target, while Barbara closed her eyes.

Woo~ suffocation, heartbeat, it seemed like just a moment, but it seemed like thousands of years had passed.

"Back to···Room···"

While she was still awake, Barbara said with misty eyes


Yang Chen hugged the girl and lifted her up.


That night, the bright moon in the sky also closed its eyes, as if shy.

The clouds were tangled, the stars faded, and it rained in the middle of the night.

There were wolves howling in the distance, even cruel creatures, they were also kind.

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