Ever since that day, after Diluc witnessed the awakening of the wind dragon Tevarin, he realized that the existence of this elemental dragon might be a great threat to Mondstadt.

Just after a group of fools passed by, a new threat appeared, which made Diluc very anxious.

Today's Mondstadt is really a troubled time.

Thinking so in his heart, Diluc would not escape, because things must be solved after all.

So, he quickly joined the exploration of the ruins of the wind dragon.

That's right, this place was finally named the ruins of the wind dragon by the people of Mondstadt.

Here, the investigation team of the Knights of Favonius also encountered a lot of troubles, such as the hill tribe and slimes. Although these low-level monsters are not strong, they appear in a bunch, which is really annoying. The initial exploration was still effective, but as the exploration deepened, the exploration soon fell into a bottleneck, because there was no way for everyone to get close to the tower in the center of the ruins of the wind dragon.

The surroundings there were blocked by the wall of wind elements.

This wind wall was not created by the wind dragon, it came from the real owner of this tower, the former King of the Fierce Wind, Dekalabian.

Faced with this situation, everyone had no way to explore.

The investigation was deadlocked.

Qin told everyone not to be discouraged and let them have a good rest.

As the deputy leader, she often joined the exploration team in person, and this behavior quickly won the respect of almost all the knights in the group.

What's more, she was very strong.

In fact, Diluk admired this little girl very much, and her fighting ability was comparable to his own.

Of course, the specific fighting ability could not be compared. After all, the two had very different fighting styles. One was a heavy sword knight with big moves, and the other was a light swordsman who was fast, accurate and ruthless!

Thoughts diverged, and Qin thought of his younger brother, Yang Chen.

After all, the two had been innocent since childhood, and he almost watched them walk over. He hoped that Yang Chen would not let Qin down.

Diluk was on his way back to the Dawn Winery.

At this time, something strange happened in the Blue Wind Highlands.

Abnormal elemental turbulence gathered in the Blue Wind Highlands.

The surrounding air suddenly dropped a lot, which made Diluk realize that something was wrong. This ability to affect the environment on a large scale, could it be that another dragon appeared?

This made Diluc very uneasy!

What's more, the place where the incident happened was in the Blue Wind Highlands.

And the Dawn Winery was near the Blue Wind Highlands. If something happened, the Dawn Winery might be in danger.

Thinking of this, Diluc didn't dare to delay at all.

He immediately sent a signal to the Knights through a carrier pigeon, and at the same time he walked towards the Blue Wind Highlands.

Along the way, he was a little scared.

First, because the environment was really very cold. Mondstadt was like spring all year round, but there was no place that was so cold here.

Well, except for the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain.

In short, it was not normal to be cold here.

At the same time, Diluc also knew that the Blue Wind Highlands, the Run Wolf Territory, was the territory of the wolf pack!

In this place, if he was not careful and was entangled by the wolf pack, even he would be injured.

So, he was careful all the way.

But soon, he was surprised to find that he had not encountered a wolf pack since he entered the Blue Wind Highlands.

Not to mention the wolf pack, there was not even a wolf cub!

This is really unreasonable.



At this moment, there was a terrifying explosion in front of Diluk.

Then, there was a howl that resounded through the world, and along with the howl, the temperature around him kept dropping!

Faced with this situation, Diluk's heart was extremely heavy.

It seemed that he had approached the truth of the matter!

Later, as he approached that place step by step!

Finally, when he really got close and saw what happened clearly, he was stunned!



Yang Chen flew backwards, holding a black and red giant sword in his hand.

Although it seemed that he succeeded in one strike, Yang Chen

's eyes were solemn. His eyes were locked on the Wolf King!

In the original place, the endless wind swept the blizzard, forming a very spectacular snow tornado!

And in the snow tornado, there was a new form of the Wolf King with a bright and holy body! At the last moment when Yang Chen used the amplification, the Wolf King activated the current state for defense!

It seems that he is intact at this time!

"Junior, you are indeed good, but next, I will be serious."After

Andrius finished speaking, he roared to the sky!


The wind became more and more violent, and the wind and snow swept the entire altar. The sky and the earth were all white, and the temperature dropped directly below freezing!

Paimon was almost frozen. Seeing this, Yang Chen immediately turned the power of lightning element to cover his whole body!

Outside the altar, Yang Chen's figure suddenly appeared.

Outside the altar, the temperature was not as exaggerated as inside the altar. Yang Chen put Paimon on the ground.

"I shouldn't have brought you out this time."

He touched Paimon's almost frozen face.

Paimon looked up and smiled. Yang Chen did not delay and carved the symbol of the fire element on a stone next to him. This was a rune magic spell, which had the effect of gathering the surrounding fire elements.

The fire element here was already very thin, but Yang Chen did not care. He was not going to use this spell to attack anything.

He put Paimon on it.

Well, this little bit of fire element was enough to keep warm.

Paimon curled up into a small ball on this stone with an automatic heating rune.

At this time, Yang Chen looked back at the altar behind him.

The ice and snow storm still did not stop.

Moreover, the inside of the altar was already white.

However, it seemed to be stopped by the altar. This storm had no way to leave the altar, or the power of the storm would melt rapidly once it left the altar.

But whether it was the altar or the power of ice and snow inside it, they were inseparable from the wolf king.

This was the ancient demon god of Mondstadt, the wolf king of the north wind, Andrius.


The wolf king was still gathering the storm, making it bigger and bigger

"It’s not over yet!"

Yang Chen gritted his teeth, he would not give up easily!

Then the element of lightning and thunder rose again around him, and his figure instantly rushed into the altar.

As soon as he entered the altar, Yang Chen was immediately caught in the strong wind. In an instant, even his body after the element of lightning and thunder was greatly affected, and his mobility suddenly declined!

Like a turtle crawling!

"I can't stay in the storm!"

Thinking of this, Yang Chen immediately communicated with the wind element, but the next moment he was almost blown away by the storm!

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