Wind Dragon Ruins.

Since the arrival of the Wind Dragon, the Knights of Favonius have set the exploration of this place as an important task.

In addition to the knights in the Knights of Favonius, a bounty for exploring the Wind Dragon Ruins was even issued in the Mondstadt Adventurer Association.

This made this uninhabited place suddenly lively.

Of course, everyone was very careful. The Wind Dragon Ruins had been uninhabited for thousands of years, resulting in a large number of magical beasts gathering here.

On the way to the Wind Dragon Ruins alone, there were all kinds of monsters, hill people settlements, ancient ruins guards, and slimes of various attributes.

As for the Wind Dragon Ruins, there were even more.

Moreover, everyone knew that there was a sleeping dragon in it, and no one wanted to wake it up.

As the investigation progressed, neither the Knights nor the adventurers made good progress.

The tower in the Wind Dragon Ruins was surrounded by strong winds, and it was impossible to get in.

Moreover, since that day, the Wind Dragon has never appeared again, so that such a voice appeared in the Knights.

This dragon may have fallen into a deep sleep again, and everyone's unauthorized disturbance is accelerating its awakening.

As time went by and the Wind Dragon disappeared, this statement was further confirmed.

So gradually, there were fewer and fewer people from the Knights of Favonius and the Adventurers' Association in the Wind Dragon Ruins.

The situation seemed to be getting better, Mondstadt gradually calmed down, and people's lives were the same as before.

Yang Chen walked beside Qin with his hands behind his back and a leisurely look.

Behind him was a team of Knights.

Of course, there was also Paimon.

They were walking in the Wind Dragon Ruins. They were not here to explore the Wind Dragon Ruins. After all, everything that could be explored had been explored before.

What they were doing now was daily patrols to be on guard against the awakening of the Wind Dragon.

Maybe after a while, even the alert would not be needed.

Yang Chen thought so.

It has been more than a month since the Wind Dragon awakened.

Yang Chen has accepted four trials from the North Wind Wolf.

That's right, one trial every week, which is about the same time interval as in the game.

When the North Wind Wolf King only had his soul and part of his combat power left, Yang Chen fought with it with all his strength every time, in exchange for a leap forward in his own strength!

After these trials, Yang Chen has determined that he can stably obtain 5 platinum points in each trial. In a month, he has obtained 20 platinum points.

He used these points to raise the resonance of two elements in himself to resonance 2.

The two element resonances are fire element and rock element.

So, at this time, his element resonance template is like this.

Lightning element, water element, fire element, rock element resonance 2.

Wind element, ice element, grass element resonance 1.

After adding two more element resonances, his strength can be said to have been greatly improved, and his physical fitness has also been repeatedly improved.

His progress is so great that even the Wolf King was a little shocked.

Yang Chen was also very happy, because in this way, the platinum points that seemed out of reach in the next few stages seemed to have a place to go.

In short, everything is moving in a good direction.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen stretched lazily.

"If you are tired, go back and have a good rest."

Qin said after noticing Yang Chen's actions.

"Ahem, not tired."

At this time, Yang Chen certainly couldn't say he wanted to go back. He came out to accompany Qin for a purpose. Barbara's affairs could not be concealed, and Yang Chen didn't intend to hide it.

But this didn't mean that he gave up on others.

Well, this is called rain and dew, an old master of time management.

Qin said nothing and continued to move forward. Yang Chen waved to the back and told the knights to stay wherever they wanted.

Then he and Qin walked in the same direction, and Paimon followed.

"Who is it?···I really think I'm serious.···"

Most of the Knights were obedient, but there were still a few who whispered and were quickly taught a lesson by the more mature Knights nearby.

"Just let him go, don't bother talking, can you provoke him?···"


"I didn't mean to drive the others away and be alone with you, but the action was supposed to be carried out separately."

Yang Chen explained.

Qin blushed.

"That···Can you let go of my hand?"

"The Wind Dragon Ruins are too dangerous, this is safer."

Qin tried, but couldn't pull her hand out, so she gave up. Just like that, the two of them walked in the wilderness as if they were taking a walk.

There aren't many leisurely days like this, Yang Chen thought to himself.

Woo Wow!! Woo Wow!!


A strange cry interrupted Yang Chen's thoughts. It turned out that the two of them were absent-minded and startled a hillman. Then, the hillman took out something like a horn.

When the horn was blown, the entire hillman tribe was startled.

Qin raised her head and her eyes became sharp.

But the first thing she thought of was to draw her sword and block Yang Chen.

"Be careful!"

If anything happened to Yang Chen, she would definitely blame herself.

Yang Chen was surprised by her quick reaction for a moment, and at the same time realized how much he meant to the other person.

Yang Chen grabbed Qin's hand.

Qin had no time to resist, and was hugged by Yang Chen.

Then, her eyes widened.

Yang Chen possessed her, and in this scene, the two of them got together.

Paimon was originally frightened by the monster and flew away. Seeing such an exciting scene, he immediately covered his eyes and then peeked through his fingers.

In the distance, a group of young knights who saw this scene entered a petrified state!

Then, countless people were heartbroken.

A few people sighed and said nothing.

Qin's face became more and more ruddy, and even her breathing became rapid.

Yang Chen But he was calm and relaxed, and had the leisure to look at the hill tribe.

Unlike the small settlements he had seen before, this hill settlement was very large, and the types of hills were more diverse.

In the hill tribe, there were no gods, no order, and they only believed that the strong were kings.

The strong were naturally their leaders.

In most hill tribes, the hill thugs were their leaders.

Ordinary hills were shorter and thinner than humans, but the hill thugs were different. They were stronger and taller, with muscles all over their bodies, and looked very strong.

One of the hills holding a fire axe took out a huge metal horn.

Then, it blew hard!


That was the horn of attack.

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