The solution to the problem was not as difficult as Yang Chen had imagined.

He gradually understood that this was not an official activity of the Fatui after all. Diluk in the original book was just a victim of not being familiar with the Fatui's methods. After all, it was not until Jean became the deputy leader that the high-level officials of Mondstadt knew that the Fatui actually had a device that could attract monsters.

Of course, it is better to be cautious than to be cautious. Yang Chen will not take it lightly. Judging from the current situation, it may not be long before the methods used by the Kingdom of Winter against the other six countries on the entire Teyvat continent will become more frequent.

As for the device that can attract monsters, it was directly destroyed by Yang Chen. After all, the principle of the device is very simple. It is to attract the attention of monsters with some smells that can attract monsters.

What can be attracted depends entirely on luck.

In addition to solving the tragedy of Cripps' death, Yang Chen's biggest gain today is mainly the evil eye.

In fact, since he got the evil eye, he has been carrying it on his body. With the continuous black and purple airflow, the number of singular points on his body has reached dozens.

System panel

Host: Yang Chen

Swordsmanship: LV4 (13/100)

Archery: LV4 (15/100)

Singularity: 45

Daily task: Practice (completed)

Description: Your swordsmanship and archery skills can be regarded as the master of the generation. The skills can make up for the gap between you and others, but please don't be arrogant, because you are still just a mortal. The experience slot after swordsmanship and archery is increased through daily practice tasks. Every time you complete a day's task, you can increase it by one point.

Therefore, this is the source of Yang Chen's almost demon-like talent. Because he keeps practicing every day, his strength can be continuously improved. Before reaching the human limit, his growth is steadily improving.

The role of the singularity is to directly achieve the effect of daily practice and increase experience out of thin air.

At this time, Yang Chen has not yet absorbed the remnants of the demon in the evil eye, but the singularity he has obtained is already very considerable.

However, there is still some distance to upgrade the skills to a new level.

""Ahem, Yang Chen!"

Just as Yang Chen was thinking about something, Diluk's voice brought him back to his senses.

Yang Chen turned his head in confusion, and Diluk pointed to the distance. He saw a slender figure standing quietly in the distance of the tavern.

Seeing the other person's golden hair, Yang Chen had recognized who the other person was.

Yang Chen turned his head and glanced at Diluk. At this time, Diluk smiled inexplicably. The knight who was usually very elegant and serious was full of teasing at this time. He patted Yang Chen's shoulder.

Yang Chen snorted, slapped his hand away, and walked down the balcony.

""Jin, won't your mother blame you for coming here?"

The girl with blonde hair and a chivalrous figure is the eldest daughter of the Gunnhild family, Jyn Gunnhild.

This girl created a legend in Mondstadt. When she was 15 years old, she had already won the title of"Dandelion Knight"!

As we all know, Mondstadt is guarded by four winds.

Tevalin, the dragon of the east wind, has not appeared for a long time, and few people in Mondstadt know of its existence.

The Eagle of the West Wind is the largest garrison armed force in Mondstadt, the Knights of West Wind. The Lion of the South Wind is inherited from the first generation of Lionfang Knights, and is now also called the Dandelion Knight.

The Wolf of the North Wind is the current Grand Master of the Knights of West Wind, Falgar.

Among them, in addition to the Dragon of the East Wind and the Eagle of the West Wind, which remain unchanged from generation to generation, the Lion of the South Wind and the Wolf of the North Wind are constantly inherited. No.

At this point, it is enough to see the importance of the Dandelion Knight to Mondstadt, and it further demonstrates the strength of the girl's talent. From ancient times to the present, it is difficult to find someone in the history of Mondstadt who can match her.

All the people in Mondstadt have this consensus in their hearts that the girl's experience may become a new legend in the future.

And this legend is comparable to Vanessa, the first generation Lionfang Knight of Mondstadt, and the Lion of Light, the pioneer of Mondstadt.

But the girl always feels that she is not good enough, and always asks herself to make the greatest contribution to Mondstadt.

Therefore, the girl is always on the road to further development.

This is why Yang Chen was entangled by the girl.

At the beginning, Yang Chen and the Knights of Favonius competed in swordsmanship. Without using the Eye of God, the 14-year-old boy single-handedly challenged the entire Knights of Favonius. Unrivaled, this level of swordsmanship is incredible to everyone.

Some even think that Yang Chen may be comparable to the legendary Lion of Light.

The former leader of the Knights of Favonius, the Lion of Light, Allandrin, is the only person in the records of Mondstadt who has been recognized by the members of the Knights of Favonius without relying on the Eye of God. The unique swordsmanship he uses allows him to use both the longsword and the greatsword at the same time, which has established his absolute status in one fell swoop!

Therefore, in the Knights of Favonius, Yang Chen also has the title of Master of Swordsmanship. No one dares to claim that his swordsmanship is better than Yang Chen, and even the veteran knights of the Knights of Favonius are ashamed of themselves.

Originally, Yang Chen displayed this level of swordsmanship, to a certain extent, in order to dispel everyone's contempt for him, establish his prestige, and prevent people from arbitrarily controlling his future, such as He joined the Knights of Favonius. He also wanted to show his value.

The effect was very good, and it was immediate. Yang Chen got the peace he wanted, and there were fewer gossips about him in Mondstadt.

However, the good times did not last long, and he was soon targeted by another kind of people.

That is, people like Jean, who are very focused on improving their own strength.

Jean, who was born in the Gunhild family, has been adhering to the oath of"forever protecting Mondstadt" since childhood. This is the family motto of their family, and there is even such a joke circulating in the tavern.

The eldest son or daughter of the Gunhild family has learned to say"forever protecting Mondstadt" before learning to call"Mom".

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it can be seen from this how much this family values the family motto, and their oath is not just talk.

It sounds like such a harsh and outrageous family motto, but the eldest sons and daughters of the Gunhild family in the past generations have never complained.

And this is why Yang Chen couldn't bear to reject the girl no matter what.

Whether it is the physical form and etiquette that symbolizes the chivalry, the history of cultivating the soul of the knight in Harbin, poetry, sword skills and physical fitness that are necessary for being a knight, these are all necessary courses for the girl since childhood.

Such intensive training has left the girl with no childhood at all, but such days have not made the girl feel bored at all.

The girl is like a natural knight, with an immortal knight's seal engraved in her heart, as if Mondstadt is everything to her.

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