Chapter 211 If anything happens, I will arrest the young master and squat him there for a few days!

Is this really a good idea?

Bai Ye is planning to send the emperor to sit there for how many days?

According to Liyue’s laws, drunk driving can be detained for one month. emmm

Ke Qing looked at Bai Ye with a very strange expression.

So does everyone else

“That’s not good?”

Gan Yu was a little embarrassed.

Is it too much to treat the emperor like this?

Bai Ye chuckled.


“However, next time you can let people stare at Mr.”

“If anything happens, just take him in and squat him there for a few days.”

The young master who was drinking with Zhong Li in the distance suddenly felt a strong sense of malice.

This made her look around subconsciously.

What happened?

Why did she feel like this?

Who wanted to frame him??

The young master’s face was filled with questions.

This made Zhongli a little confused.

However, Zhongli didn’t ask any questions.

Instead, he drank the delicious wine happily.

Diona’s talent is really great.

She can make delicious wine even if she messes around.

Liyue Many people in Mondstadt drank the 01 wine prepared by Diona and fell in love instantly.

They thought the wine was delicious.

Of course, there are also many people from Mondstadt here.

You can drink Diona’s wine here. They were very excited.

Although the environment here looks weird.

It looks like a children’s paradise, but the drinks are delicious.

Plus the atmosphere here is very good.

Some people even decided to , I will come here often in the future.

Bai Ye and others finished drinking here, and then left together.

As for Keli and the other little lolita, they stayed and continued to help Diona.

They would be open until early in the morning, I will go back by myself then.

However, I guess that little girl Keli will get sleepy soon.

Then she can run away early.

I really don’t know how long they can hold on.

Now that the tavern has just opened, they may still be very interested.

After a long time, I guess I’m not interested anymore.

Diona is still looking for a bartender.

She can’t come to the pub every day.

She also needs time to have fun.

At night, Ningguang, Gan Yu and others stayed directly at Baiye. Back at the manor, everyone looked a little drunk.

Everyone had drank a lot of wine.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor of Bai Ye’s house, looking at the bright lights of Guiliyuan in the distance.

Condensing light I couldn’t help but praise him

“Standing here and looking at the night below is quite refreshing.”

“Really good”

“It’s time for someone to come over and decorate my house.”

Ningguang thought about her house, and she also felt that she should have someone decorate it.

“When the time comes, you can just ask the construction team to do it.”

“And so does Gan Yu’s”

“Decorate it too.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Gan Yu, who had begun to doze off, was suddenly startled.

“I have it too?”

She was really confused.

Why didn’t anyone tell her this?

Bai Ye nodded.


“you also have”

“Originally I planned to get one for Keqing too.”

“But the guy said it would be fine as long as he stayed at my place.”

When Ning Guang and Gan Yu heard Bai Ye’s words, their faces suddenly looked a little strange.

But if they thought about it carefully, they felt that they might have thought too much.

That guy Ke Qing was probably just afraid of trouble.

Gan Yu figured it out. No matter what happens, I will be helpless in the future.

“Actually, you don’t need to buy me any house.”

“I have a place to live in Liyue Port.”

Why are we getting this house for her?

She doesn’t have time to live here.

Bai Ye shook his head.

You can’t tell Gan Yu that I’m giving you this house just to raise the house price, right?

“This is a benefit for you”

“Can’t refuse”

“You have suffered for Liyue for so many years”

“What’s wrong with giving you a house?”

Ningguang glanced at Gan Yu and said calmly.

Gan Yu has worked for Liyue for so long, so he should be given this benefit.

Hearing Ningguang’s words, Gan Yu suddenly felt helpless.

This Even others couldn’t say anything about this matter.

After all, Gan Yu could afford these benefits.

At this time, Gan Yu didn’t know what to say.

After the chat, everyone went back to wash and rest.

Bai Ye did not I was anxious to rest.

Instead, I waited until Xiao Keli and the others came back and took care of these little girls before resting.

The next day, after Ningguang and others got up, they had breakfast at Xiangling’s place. , and then left here directly. He went back to work in Guiliyuan.

Bai Ye stayed at home and waited until the few little lolita got up.

It was almost ten o’clock.

Only then did the few little lolita wake up..

Several little girls came down from upstairs as if they were awake.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye couldn’t help but said:”Go and wash your face first, and then come over for dinner.””

“I prepared porridge for you.”

Hearing Bai Ye’s words, Xiao Keli suddenly became more energetic.

“Good morning, Brother Baiye!”

“Stupid Keli, it’s already noon!”

“whee! Overslept.”

As soon as Keli said hello to Bai Ye, Yaoyao started complaining.

It’s almost noon now.

Good morning.

After listening to the words of these little girls, Bai Ye was a little helpless.

“Okay, let’s brush our teeth and wash our face first, and then eat.”

“Just eat a little to fill your stomach.”

“It’s time to eat later.”

Keli and the others nodded after hearing this. They hurried to the toilet and started washing up.

Not long after, they came out again and started eating the food left by Bai Ye.

While eating, Dior Na couldn’t help but talk to Bai Ye about her sales yesterday.

“Brother Bai Ye, last night we made 80,000 dollars in just one night.”

“It is estimated that 573 more people will come tonight”

“Hee hee, business was good on the first day of opening.”

Diona was very happy.

You can still make money by opening a tavern here. When

Bai Ye heard this, he couldn’t help but nodded.

“Really good”

“Keep up the good work”

“After eating, you can go do your own thing”

“Noelle and the others should be here soon.”

“I’ll let them find you then.”

Bai Ye has not forgotten that today is the time for Noelle and the others to come over.

They just don’t know when they will arrive.

Hearing Bai Ye say this, Keli and Diona nodded hurriedly.

Several little lolita quickly finished their food.

Then he drove his car to the pub and got busy.

Bai Ye also started to go out. He drove to his office.

Unconsciously, it was noon.

A car slowly drove in. Gui Liyuan’s General Affairs Department.

As soon as he got close, the car was stopped by Qianyan Army people.

Seeing this, the people inside hurriedly opened the car window.

“That, hello”

“I’m Amber, I came from Mondstadt to find Mr. Bai Ye.”

“This is my proof of identity.”

After Amber said this, he took out a document and handed it to Qianyan Jun.

At the same time, a motorcycle slowly descended from the sky.

The person who came was none other than Barbara!!

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