Chapter 246 The little turtle is here?!

For the rest of the day, Bai Ye worked in the shipyard.

Yingying and Paimon were the same as usual.

During the day, I worked in Xiang Ling’s shop, and when I had a break, I would catch slimes and exchange them for money in the Adventurers Association.

As for Fischer, she, Bennett, and Razer spend most of their time following Ying everywhere to capture slimes.

He even got to know Xingqiu and Chongyun.

The two people who resigned from Bai Ye usually had nothing to do.

So I joined the adventure group formed by them.

When I have free time, I follow Ying and these people around.

Go capture the ruins guard, or rather capture the slime.

He even went to slay demons.

It can be said that it was a wonderful life.

Paimon also captured many wonderful clips.

I’m waiting to go to Bai Ye’s place to change money…

Bai Ye was busy in the shipyard.

Beidou finally returned to Guiliyuan.

They came back from Guyun Pavilion.

However, as soon as he got close, he was stopped by a battleship.

Kamisato Ayaka who was on the ship looked at the huge battleship in front of her.

She was also a little stunned at this time.

What Beidou told her was indeed true.

Liyue is very powerful now.

Their Death Omen star is simply dwarfed by those new ships.

“Lord Beidou”

“Guyun Pavilion has been sealed off by Lord Bai Ye’s order”

“So please don’t come near here”

“Please take a detour.”

The Qianyan Army on the battleship also recognized the Death Omen Star.

So they hurriedly came forward to remind them.

Beidou heard the words from the battleship.

He was very surprised.

Blocked Guyun Pavilion?

Thinking of this, Beidou frowned slightly.

What happened?

Moreover, it was blocked directly with battleships?

With deep doubts, Beidou also gave the order directly.

Take a detour and leave here.

Since it is blocked, let’s take a detour.

This is no big deal!

“Sister Beidou”

“Is this Liyue’s battleship?”


Looking at the battleship in the distance, Kamisato Ayaka couldn’t help but sigh. When

Beidou heard Kamisato’s words, he immediately nodded.


“This is our battleship in Liyue”

“It was also built by our shipyard”

“However, it seems that a lot of them have been built now?”

“It’s pretty fast!”

Looking at those battleships, Beidou couldn’t help but marvel.

It seemed that her ship could be built soon. Thinking of this, Beidou couldn’t wait.

She immediately asked the people below to start speeding up and quickly returned to the shipbuilding. Over there at the factory.

I just don’t know if Bai Ye is there or not.

Kamisato Ayaka looked at the warship that was gradually moving away.

She was also very shocked.

As soon as she approached Liyue, she saw many things that made her feel a little incredible.

At the same time Along the way, they went to many countries.

She also saw the difference between Inazuma’s country and other countries.

If this continues, Inazuma will take a pill sooner or later!!

Therefore, Kamisato Ayaka felt that she must be necessary Do something.

After more than an hour, they finally returned to Guiliyuan.

Looking at the outline of the city in the distance, Kamisato Ayaka was shocked again. Are the houses there so tall?

Is this really true ? Liyue?

And it was a newly built city.

As the ship approached, she could see clearly.

The architectural style of the house was slightly different from the Liyue style she knew.

But she could still see it in it. The style of architecture in Liyue.

Beidou’s ship did not dock directly.

Instead, it sailed directly into the shipyard.

When entering, Beidou and Kamisato Ayaka saw the people who were busy nearby.

The two of them A ship about the same size as the Death Star was being launched.

What kind of ship was this?

Kamisato Ayaka was filled with doubts at this time.

At the same time, she also saw a handsome man commanding everyone.

“Is this the frigate Bai Ye was talking about?”

“Tsk…it’s even bigger than my boat.”

Beidou said this and felt a little depressed.

Did Bai Ye make her Death Star a unit of measurement?

In the future, every ship will be bigger than her Death Star?

Ah! This!!

It’s a bit depressing.

The ships are close to each other. The people at the shipyard also saw the Death Omen coming back.

Bai Ye looked at Beidou’s ship in surprise.

Coming back so soon?

When he saw the people standing on the ship, Bai Ye’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“little turtle!”

Baku Ye had a look of surprise on his face.

Good guy, did Beidou bring Kamisato Ayaka here?

When he saw this eldest lady, Bai Ye put down the things in his hands and walked over.

He waited until the ship came close to see.

Beidou came directly from Walked down from above

“good guy”

“You haven’t built me a boat yet?”

When he saw Bai Ye, Beidou started yelling.

Hearing her words, Bai Ye rolled his eyes.

“You have to make another trip”

“Then, there will be your ship”

“Each battleship will be equipped with 6 frigates”

“But these frigates were built very quickly”

“Just one more trip and you’re basically done.”

Hearing Bai Ye’s words, Beidou suddenly had black lines in his head.

She always felt that Bai Ye was tricking her.

But she didn’t have any evidence.

This was very depressing.

Kamisato Ayaka also got off the boat at this time.

When Beidou saw this, he didn’t think about anything else, but introduced directly to Bai Ye:”This is Kamisato Ayaka, from Inazuma”

“She’s the eldest lady of the shrine’s family over there.”

“Prepare to come and study with us”

“Ling Hua, this is the Bai Ye I told you about.”

“The changes brought about by Liyue were all caused by this guy”

“637 If you have any questions, just ask this guy directly.”

Beidou, as the intermediary, directly introduced the two of them to each other.

Kamisato Ayaka had already guessed Byakuya’s identity, so he wasn’t too surprised.

“Hello Mr. Bai Ye”

“I am Kamisato Ayaka”

“Please give me more advice.”

Kamizato Ayaka said this and bowed directly.

When Bai Ye saw this, he couldn’t help but said:”Welcome to Liyue.”

Bai Ye stretched out his hand.

Seeing this scene, Shenli was stunned for a moment.

Then he also stretched out his hand and shook Bai Ye’s hand.

What kind of etiquette is this?

The two shook hands, which was regarded as a greeting.

Beidou at this time He couldn’t help but continue to speak:”I brought most of the things back to you this time.”

“There are some things that may take a long time to get right”

“So, if I leave again, I can only go to Inazuma”

“There is no need to go to Xumi and Fontaine.”

“When the big ship is ready, just go there and bring back many things at once.”

Beidou also told Bai Ye about the harvest this time.

If she sets out again, she can just go to Inazuma.

There is no need to go to other countries.

Therefore, the speed of going back and forth is still very fast.

At most half a month You can make a trip every time.

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