Chapter 252 Please, Yaegongji!

Keqing expressed her strong support for Bai Ye’s statement.

Only by raising the sword of rebellion to the gods can we save our country.

Hearing Bai Ye’s rebellious words, Kamisato Ayaka was speechless.


“Someone is already doing it.”

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye chuckled.

“Are you talking about Coral Palace Xinhai?”

“Indeed, they are already starting to resist”

“Although, your general doesn’t seem to care much.”

Having said this, Byakuya was amazed.

Kamisato Ayaka nodded.

Indeed, the general didn’t seem to care much about the rebels.

“Mr. Baiye”

“Let’s not talk about this first”

“What do you think we should do next?”

Kamisato Ayaka shook her head.

She didn’t want to say more on this matter.

Instead, she continued to ask Bai Ye about these things.

“How to do it?”

“Didn’t you say that?”

“The first thing you have to do is to get your general to give up her stubborn ideas.”

“The eternity she is pursuing now is not eternity.”

“Only in this way can your rice wife have a future”

“Now we in Liyue have entered the electrical age”

“If you rice wives reopen the country, it will not be difficult to develop with the abundant electrical crystals.”

“Besides, your Thor is the number one programmer in Teyvat.”

“Let her pass on the skills of programmers, and maybe Teyvat will become the hometown of programmers in the future.”

“You came to Liyue just to find a way out for the future, right?”

“Next, you should take a good walk around Liyue and take a look.”

“You can even have people send some things back”

“Let the people of Inazuma understand that times have changed”

“You can also say this to your God of Thunder”

“Sir, times have changed”

“Teyvat is no longer the Teyvat it used to be.”

“If this continues, Inazuma will have no future.”

“Give the things Liyue brought back to Yae Shenzi”

“Presumably, that woman will also teach Kage a lesson..”

That’s the current situation.

That’s all Kamisato Ayaka can do.

Let people know about the changes in Liyue.

Well, let Beidou bring some signaling devices out then.

Then find some high mountains to put the signal tower out.

For example, first ask Ina Wife to talk on the phone, and then talk on the radio.

When the time comes, let the people of Daoji know from time to time how powerful Liyue is now.

When Beidou went to Inazuma, he could have done all these things.

Super simple.

Maybe it can attract a lot of people to come here to work or something…

Hearing this, Kamisato Ayaka nodded immediately.


“Next, I will do some shopping in Liyue.”

“Bring back some of Liyue’s current things to Mr. Gong Si.”

Kamizato Ayaka thinks it makes sense.

Even if you say it ten thousand times, it’s better to see the real thing.

Putting something in front of the other person is more convincing than any words.

So, Kamisato Ayaka decided.

Wait until tomorrow. , and started to buy some things in Liyue.

When Miss Beidou goes to Inazuma again, ask her to help bring it there.

Kamisato Ayaka talked a lot with Bai Ye here.

She gradually came up with her own ideas.

I already know what I should do next.

Bring all the things from Liyue back to Inazuma.

At the same time, write a letter back.

Yaegongsi… please.

I must make the general become a It became normal.

Kamisato Ayaka stayed at Byakuya’s manor for one night.

Hayao was directly dragged over by Kori and others.

So only Kamisato Ayaka stayed in the room and thought about things.

Until very late , she just fell asleep.

I don’t know what she was thinking.

When Kamisato Ayaka got up the next day, the others were gone.

Only Bai Ye was left in the room waiting downstairs.

Seeing Bai Ye , Kamisato Ayaka is a little embarrassed

“Sorry, Mr. Baiye”

“I got up late.”

It’s so embarrassing.

I couldn’t sleep last night, but I overslept today.

After hearing Ayaka Kamisato’s words, Bai Ye shook his head

“Just call me Bai Ye”

“You must have recognized the bed, so that’s why you didn’t sleep well”

“Have breakfast”

“Next, I’ll take you to the General Affairs Department.”

“Miss Gan Yu is already here”

“Ning Guang also came with him.”

When he got up in the morning, Bai Ye received a call from Gan Yu and Ning Guang.

These two guys will come over later.

That’s why Bai Ye will wait for Kamisato Ayaka at home.

When Bai Ye said this, Kamisato Aya Hua nodded.

Immediately she hurried to the table and sat down.

Then she started to eat Liyue’s special breakfast.

She was very surprised by this kind of breakfast.

It tasted completely different from Dao’s wife’s.

While eating, She didn’t like to talk, so she stayed quiet.

After eating and saying thank you, she asked curiously:”Mr. Bai Ye””

“Are you up early?”

She looked around.

Why didn’t she see the little girl?

Bai Ye blinked after hearing his words.

“not yet”

“Probably still sleeping.”

Keli and the others got up in the morning.

But Zaoyou didn’t get up.

Keli didn’t even call her.

In Keli’s words, Zaoyou was so tired after taking the boat here.

Let her have a good rest.

Wait until noon, and they will come back with breakfast Yuzu left.

When Kamisato Ayaka heard this, she was stunned for a moment.

Haven’t gotten up yet? emm…

Sure enough, is the little guy lying in bed again?

Thinking of this, Kamisato Ayaka was helpless.

But it was hard to say anything else.

Forget it, let her sleep.

There is no need for her to work here anyway.

Bringing Zaoyou to Liyue is just to have company. Just treat this period of time as a holiday for her.

Thinking of this, Kamisato Ayaka didn’t think much about it.

Byakuya also stood up at this time and put away the dishes.

Seeing this scene, Kamisato Ayaka also hurriedly said:”Let me do it.”

I’m a little embarrassed.

I was a guest at someone else’s house, and I got up late.

I even asked the owner to help me clean up the dishes.

The eldest lady said that she was thin-skinned. She put away the dishes.

Bai Ye looked at her with a look. Li Linghua went out and started taking her to visit Guiliyuan.

At the same time, she was equipped with a mobile phone and opened a bank card.

Looking at the things in Liyue, Shenli It was an eye-opener for Ayaka.

Is it possible to play like this?

It’s a new experience!!

She didn’t refuse. She opened her bank card and deposited all the money she brought over.

Although it was a check from Beiguo Bank, Bai Ye Reports are also collected here.

Then just go to the Northland Bank to exchange for Mora.

Recently, after the bank opened, the Northland Bank has been very uncomfortable.

However, Bai Ye heard that they are also preparing to launch The same system as Liyue Bank?

This is very interesting.

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