Chapter 320 Kamisato Ayato: He is so handsome!

Bai Ye, Ke Qing and Shen He came to the General Affairs Department.

The first thing I did was to get a registration procedure out.

Then Shen He took it to make a copy and asked the Propaganda Department to post it directly.

At the same time, Keqing also brought these things back to Liyue Port.

There are no computers in Liyue Port yet.

Computers are only common in Gui Liyuan’s office.

And most people are still learning.

Therefore, it cannot be spread to Liyue Port.

We can only let Keqing make a trip.

As for Qingce Village, just let others go.

It was too far there, and Bai Ye couldn’t let Shen He run there…

Gui Liyuan’s admission announcement was posted, and many people immediately gathered around.

After reading the admission announcement, everyone was excited

“Admission is really free”

“But you have to spend money to buy some books and the like, but they are very cheap”

“If you want to learn alchemy, you will need to buy some equipment in the future.”

“Of course, for those with outstanding performance, the school will provide these equipment.”

“In addition to alchemy, there are other subjects you can learn”


“In a few days, I will ask those brats in my family to sign up!!”

“You can actually learn so much?”

“Very good.”

There is no doubt that the things on the admission announcement directly ignited the emotions of many people.

This is really great.

The school is divided into many subjects.

Of course, the younger ones have to start from scratch..

If you have studied in a private school before, you will have to take an exam when you enter.

Then it will determine which grade you study in.

So don’t be surprised if you see many people of different grades studying together in school.

Everything is just the beginning. After a few years, it should be normal.

Moreover, if those who are older have a faster learning progress, Bai Ye will also let them start skipping grades.

Then slowly adjust.

While these things were going on on Byakuya’s side.

On Inazuma’s side, the first batch of ships carrying food finally arrived at the port.

Kamisato Ayato had received the news early, so he also asked Toma to take it with him. Many people came here and waited.

As soon as the ship docked, many people started to move up and carry the food down.

Seeing this, Thomas directly found the person in charge of the fleet.

“Where are the things that the eldest lady asked you to bring?”

Kamizato Ayaka asked people to bring a lot of things back.

That’s why he found this person.

After hearing Toma’s words, the man hurriedly said:”Mr. Toma”

“It’s all here.”

So saying, he pointed to several large boxes on the ship.

When he saw the boxes, Thomas’s eyes suddenly lit up.


“Someone, help me move these things down.”

“Be careful”

“The things inside are very precious”

“There’s also a share for the General, so don’t ruin it.”

Kamizato Ayaka has specifically explained it.

There are new mobile phones here, and one of them is for the general.

When the time comes, let his brother deliver it to the general.

These boxes were carefully moved off the ship.

Toma opened them. Look.

There are things packed in boxes.

There is also a beautiful mobile phone printed on it.

Well, a box of mobile phones.

Then, another box is also opened.

There are some big boxes inside.

It looks like a TV?

Although I don’t know the specific situation.

But the eldest lady said that you just need to remove the packaging, put it in the living room, and connect it to the power supply.

When there is signal in the future, you can see the things in Liyue.

Of course the Shenli family has it The electricity was on.

So he didn’t panic.

Even the electricians sent from Liyue were invited by Kamisato Ayato to help plan the city.

Kamisato Ayato planned to electrify Inazuma City..

It is precisely because of this that they have not left yet.

After confirming that these things are all okay,

Thomas immediately asked people to move these boxes back to Shenli’s house.

As for food and the like, other people will be responsible for it. Transport it back, or transport it to other islands.

And he will go to Haiji Island next to deliver a mobile phone to the Coral Palace lady.

The original rebels are no longer rebels at this time.

Now the civil strife in Inazuma has been calmed down.

Although Toma doesn’t know what happened, Ayato Kamisato must have done something.

That’s why the civil strife ended so quickly.

It can be said that now Dao Wife is in a stage where everything is in need of improvement.

Dao Wife, who was originally short of food, now has food. Not only that, but a large number of businessmen have begun to pour in.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction. Development.

Even the Fools did not dare to take the lead at this time.

After all, the general had killed many people some time ago.

They were all frightened.

Including the thunder and lightning cannon, he also went into hibernation.

It seemed that he was afraid that the general would suddenly appear and chop him directly.

Although this possibility is unlikely, locking him up is absolute.

Toma brought those new mobile phones back to Kamisato’s house.

Kamisato Ayato was already there Waiting.

When he saw Toma coming back, he hurried forward.

Did you bring everything back?

Hearing Kamisato Ayato’s words, Toma nodded.

“They’re all here”

“Master, look.”

After saying this, he opened the box.

Seeing this, Ayato Kamisato hurriedly took out a box, then took it apart and took out the mobile phone inside.

Seeing the exquisite mobile phone, Kamisato Ayato couldn’t help but sigh at this time.

“it’s beautiful.”

After saying that, he picked up the manual and read it.

Thomas on the side also took out a mobile phone and read the manual.

After understanding it, they installed their phone cards.

Then It slid very awkwardly

“The eldest lady said, register a chat account first”

“Is this it?”

Toma looked at the software above.

He clicked in directly.

Then he started to register his account according to the instructions above.

The same thing happened to Kamisato Ayato on the side.

After registering the account, they Start adding Kamisato Ayaka’s friends.

Directly enter Kamisato Ayaka’s mobile phone number, and soon a user with Kamisato Ayaka’s avatar appears in front of them.

The two directly add each other’s friends.

But for the time being There was no response, so they probably weren’t looking at their phones.

They didn’t care either.

Instead, they studied other functions.

Kamisato Ayato even started taking selfies on the spot.

“So handsome!”

“Really good stuff”

“I’ll send a few over to the general later.”

“You can go to Haiji Island and give a few to the palace master.”

“This is the palace minister’s request”

“In addition, there are also some gifts from Narukami Taisha Shrine.”

Kamizato Ayato put away his phone after playing for a while.

He didn’t forget these and wanted to send them to others.

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