Chapter 381 Bai Ye: Paimon, I will definitely give you money next time!

Bai Ye contacted Paimon directly.

Sent a message to that guy Paimon.

Bai Ye: [Are you there? ]

Not long after the message was sent, Paimon directly sent a voice message.

Paimon: [We are in the Strata Abyss! ]

Paimon was puzzled, why did Bai Ye suddenly ask her where she was?

Bai Ye: [What are you doing over there?】

【Is there something going on? ]

Bai Ye asked this question directly.

Facing Bai Ye’s inquiry, Paimon didn’t hide anything at all.

Instead, he told them what was going on in Layeryan Juyuan.

Paimon: [Miss Ye Lan invited us here.】

【We are cleaning up the monsters here! 】

Because they have money to make, they are here.

Looking at the message sent by Paimon, Bai Ye became even more confused.

Ye Lan invited them over.

Dealing with the monsters in the Strata Abyss?

Who gave this task?

Bai Ye’s heart was full of doubts.

What is Ningguang planning to do over there?

The layered rock abyss has been sealed.

And it was blocked for a long time.

Now these adventurers have run inside?

Bai Ye was also confused for a moment.

Asked this guy Paimon, she couldn’t tell the reason.

All I know is that you can earn a lot of money by coming here to clean up monsters.

Then I don’t know the rest.

Moreover, Paimon doesn’t care about this either.

Now she just wants to take more shots and make money.

You know, she made a lot of money by helping the TV station shoot promotional videos for tourist attractions.

Here in Baiye, she wants to make more money.

Although Bai Ye has never given her money.

But when she thought of all her money being spent, Paimon became very depressed.

It’s probably because the money hasn’t been paid off yet.

That’s why Bai Ye didn’t give her money.

Paimon took this opportunity to also ask Bai Ye.

When will she get the money.

For Paimon’s inquiry.

Bai Ye just replied lightly.

“Definitely next time!”

This makes Paimon very depressed.

“What does it mean to be sure next time!”

“This bad guy!!”

Hearing Paimon’s words, Ying, who was not far away, was confused.


“What’s wrong?”

“who are you chatting with?”

Seeing Paimon holding his cell phone and cursing,

Ying was confused.

After hearing Ying’s words, Paimon flew over in dissatisfaction.

“Let me tell you”

“That guy in Baiye is too much”

“I asked him when he could get the money, and he actually told me that he would definitely get it next time!”


“He has said this many times.”

This is not the first time she has heard Bai Ye say this, okay?

When Ying heard this, black lines suddenly filled her head.

Good guy, are you going to ask Bai Ye for money?

“Isn’t your money already spent?”

However, it’s okay if you don’t say it.

When he said this, Paimon became very angry.

“You still have the nerve to say it?”


“It’s not because of you, it’s all because you spent it all.”

Good guy, all her money was advanced by Ying.

Facing Paimon, Ying turned her head aside without hesitation.

What’s yours is mine.

What’s mine is still mine.

So, I spent What’s wrong with you asking for money?

Besides, you eat my food, drink mine, use mine and live in mine every day.

Even if I don’t ask you for rent, it’s already considered good.

Ying murmured crazily in her heart…

Bai Ye didn’t know this.

After figuring out what Ying was doing in the Stratayan Abyss, he put down his phone. For the specific details, it was better to ask Ningguang directly.

That guy must be doing something in the Stratayan Abyss.

And At this time, Xiao Keli and the others also came back one after another.

Noelle’s dinner was also prepared.

Everyone also started to enjoy today’s dinner.

In the next few days,

Bai Ye finally received the news, and some people The ID cards have been completely processed.

The rest are people who are not in a hurry or too lazy to get them.

After receiving the message from Gan Yu, Bai Ye nodded.

“In that case!”

“Then go directly to real-name authentication.”

Bai Ye has made a decision. After hearing Bai Ye’s words, Ke Qing, who was in Bai Ye’s office, was a little confused.

“Come on now?”

“Is it too sudden?”

Isn’t this too sudden?

No preparation at all?

After hearing her words, Bai Ye smiled


“I don’t think so”

“If some people don’t want to do it, then don’t do it.”

“People without real-name authentication are prohibited from accessing the Internet”

“You can call”

“But cannot access the Internet”

“It’s decided”

“Now there aren’t many people outside to handle business.”

“I don’t know how many are left”

“In this case, let them wait.”

After saying that, Bai Ye started operating on the computer directly.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, Keqing thought about it and said nothing more.

That’s right. Just do what Bai Ye said.

She was also curious, What should Bai Ye do next?

For a moment, she hurriedly came behind Bai Ye. She looked at Bai Ye’s operations with curious eyes.

Bai Ye directly entered the core backend of the entire network on the computer.

Then she directly started to add those of herself Things that had been prepared long ago.

Bai Ye had already thought of it.

In addition to the real-name authentication, the positioning system was also directly online.

After some operations,

Bai Ye directly clicked to confirm.

Suddenly, rows of alchemical runes began to operate.

Some were surfing the Internet The person suddenly found that his network was disconnected.

Then, a real-name authentication popped up directly.

Keqing’s mobile phone also received such a message


“Enter your name, ID card, birthday, and home address?”

Looking at the things above, Ke Qing’s face was full of doubts.

At the same time, 857, there was a service agreement below.

She clicked on it and took a look.

There were only a few above, which just explained the role of real-name authentication.

Immediately, immediately Qing didn’t hesitate and started uploading her information directly.

Filling in her ID card and name information.

After doing all this, she clicked next step.

Immediately afterwards, a new interface reappeared

“What’s this?”

“Want to take a photo?”

Looking at this scene, Ke Qing was a little confused.

After hearing her words, Bai Ye couldn’t help but introduce

“This is face authentication”

“Swipe your face to make sure the information you filled in is the same as what’s in the database.”

“If they are the same, it will automatically pass here.”

Bai Ye quickly explained to Ke Qing.

When Bai Ye said this, Ke Qing suddenly realized.

So that’s it.

She didn’t hesitate immediately. She just brushed her face.

Then, the authentication was passed.

Then, Ke Qing Qing can finally go online again.

However, other places also require successive authentications.

These authentications are simple. They ask you for authorization, and then use facial recognition to confirm your information for you.

Qing Qing quickly put all these things together. It was done.

At this time, many people were confused.

This sudden change made many people very puzzled.

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