Chapter 506: Can we start poaching from Xumi?!

Bai Ye came to Liyue and took out many things.

Except for some parts, there are actually many things that Liyue has not yet fully digested.

Even if Bai Ye comes out with more things.

Can Liyue digest it?

Except for cars and boats, these two have been digested.

The rest are like Internet phones and the like.

Only some people know how to do it.

Generally speaking, there are too few people who can learn it.

There is no need to produce more.

After more people learn it, Bai Ye can come up with higher technology. but now?

Let’s forget it for now.

Take network programming for example.

So far, there are only a few people who can actually program seriously.

Abedo, Abe Shao, Shadow Sister, and some alchemists who are very good in their own right.

The remaining?

If programming is graded.

Most people are still beginners or intermediate.

There are very few advanced ones

���So, what are you doing in a hurry?

Bai Ye looked at Ning Guang

“Have you eaten all your many guns and the like?”

“Have new weapons been developed?”

After hearing Bai Ye’s words, Ning Guang was speechless.

After sighing, she had to admit that this was really the case now.

Liyue got too many things at once.

So she couldn’t digest them for a while.

Some Common things are fine, but not many people understand some advanced things.


“In this case, we can only wait for the time being.”

Ning Guang didn’t say much on this matter.

On the contrary, Bai Ye was a little confused.

“By the way, why did you suddenly come over and ask this?”

“What happened?”

Ningguang nodded.

Then he took out a piece of information from his storage equipment and handed it to Bai Ye.

“See for yourself.”

Hearing this, Bai Ye was confused.

He took it and looked at it.

What was written on it was the situation of each country.

What attracted Bai Ye the most was the information from the Winter Country.

“Solstice Kingdom has created a car of its own”

“Also driven by elements”

“At the same time, their imitation guns were also successful?”

“Not only that, but even electricity has begun to be widely spread in the Solstice Kingdom.……”

Looking at these things, Bai Ye smacked his lips.

Good guy, so fierce.

So many things were produced so quickly?

Instead of developing military technology in the Winter Kingdom, they came over to develop civilian technology?

Has heavy industry begun to shift towards light industry?

“So, are you worried that we will be surpassed by the Kingdom of Winter?”

Bai Ye couldn’t help but ask after receiving this information.

The following information is from Mondstadt.

Mondstadt also made some small household appliances and the like.

Some people have even started to try to program..

And she also established a new Internet company.

She is also preparing to do takeout and so on. Ningguang nodded.

She did not hide it, but expressed her worries.

“The imitation ability in Winter Kingdom is undoubtedly very powerful.”

“Many of the things we make can be copied by them”

“Although the production process is different, the effect is similar”

“So I worry that one day what we have here will be surpassed”

“Their own military strength is very developed. If the light industry is also caught up,”

“I can’t imagine what will happen next.”

Ningguang said with a solemn face.

Ever since he saw that those small household appliances in Liyue can make a lot of money.

The Winter Kingdom has also started its own development at this time.

And the development there is very good. Swift and fierce.

If this continues, he might really catch up with Liyue.

This is the last thing Ningguang wants to see. Baiye was speechless when he heard what Ningguang said. After thinking for a while, he was He slowly said:”Actually, you don’t have to worry about this.

“As long as we continue to develop here, we will wait until more and more people learn.”

“Then we will continue to explode technology”

“After the rocket launch center is built, we will launch satellites into the sky.”

“There are many things that satellites can do that are definitely not what Solstice Kingdom can do.”

“Even, if necessary, we can monitor every move of the Solstice Kingdom through satellites.”

Perhaps Ningguang didn’t have any idea of what they were going to do next.

So Bai Ye spoke up.

Listening to Bai Ye’s words, Ningguang was immediately confused.

Such an existence?

Can it monitor every move in other places?

So… Is it awesome?

“Is it the launch center you asked Keqing to build now?”

Bai Ye nodded.


“They will be responsible for launching satellites in the future.”

“Even, whether it is a spy satellite or a weather satellite”

“They can all be launched into the sky”

“And I have reached an agreement with Tianli”

“No matter what we do, they won’t stop us.”

Speaking of this, Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

When the satellite is launched into the sky, Bai Ye can monitor many places above Teyvat at any time.

It’s time for the people of Teyvat to see what technological hegemony is!!

Although It is possible to imitate it in the Winter Kingdom.

But even if you have made a rocket, can you make a satellite or something like that?

Even if you have made it, can you launch it into the sky?

No matter what, what happens next ? If Bai Ye is really serious about developing Liyue’s technology, no matter how powerful they are, they probably won’t be able to catch up. They are not all on the same level.

Why are you chasing after them??

So, Bai Ye doesn’t bring them at all. Scared.

These worries of Ningguang are unnecessary. There is no need.

After hearing your words from Bai Ye, Ningguang nodded thoughtfully.

In other words, all this is just the beginning..When the people in Liyue have grown up, then it will be impossible for the Winter Country to catch up.

The biggest reason is actually that the industry in Liyue is too weak.

There are many talents. They all need to be retrained.

That’s why there is a bit of a lack of talent now.

Unlike the Solstice Kingdom, they have a lot of alchemy talents there.

There are even guys like doctors.

If you want money, you can have money. It is a very simple thing to imitate you.

After knowing your function, just use alchemy to realize it.

Just like Liyue Bank.

Although Beiguo Bank is controlled by Liyue Bank There was a run on the market for a while, but they soon launched their own money deposit system.

These were brought about by the huge alchemy system of the Solstice Kingdom.

They are also a country that has inherited the technology of Canria.

They want to use alchemy. It’s not too easy to imitate something.

Liyue relies on foreign aids such as Bai Ye and Abedo to do it.

On their side, they can just imitate it directly.

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