Chapter 591 Keqing: Ningguang, you vixen!!

When Ning Guang heard this, he immediately began to tell us about the material conditions of the railway tracks.

“All have been produced”

“Next, just send it over and assemble it.”

“To lay the railway, we just need to pull some stones across it.”

“Basically there is no big problem.”

Of course there is no problem here.

Many things have been prepared.

Construction can start at any time.

“That being the case, let’s get started”

“Nuwa, you start dispatching people to build the railway.”

“What materials are needed, you put them together”

“When the time comes, place an order and have them produced.”

Bai Ye picked up the phone and gave the order directly to Nuwa.


【Start arranging. 】

As its voice fell, the scene became quiet again.

Ningguang took out his mobile phone and played with it for a while before speaking out:”I have to say, with Nuwa’s help,”

“On the contrary, we took some time off.”

Speaking of this, the corners of Ningguang’s mouth rose slightly.

She was still in a very good mood. It’s good to have some free time. When she has time, she and Bai Ye will go play.

Thinking of this, she leaned directly on Bai Ye’s shoulder.

Then she started Chatted with her 01

“By the way, when will you start to get that island I mentioned before?”

“If we get it done in advance, we can also go there and play.”

Bai Ye saw Ning Guang leaning on his shoulder.

He felt a little helpless.

Is this guy planning a showdown with Ke Qing?

Aren’t he afraid that Ke Qing will explode?

Although he was very puzzled, he didn’t say much to ask this..After all, after asking, maybe Ningguang will say something strange.

Are you so worried that Keqing will know about our affairs?

Am I not as important to you as Keqing?

You want to keep our affairs away forever. Is anyone aware of it?

In an instant, Bai Ye had a lot of questions in his mind.

Just thinking about it makes me feel horrified.

So it’s better not to speak.

Besides, if you are discovered, you will be discovered.

What else can Ke Qing do? Land?

Thinking like this, Bai Ye simply gave up those strange thoughts.

He started chatting with Ning Guang here.

“I will naturally take care of things on the island when the time comes.”

“Even if it’s done now, we don’t have time to go there and play”

“And the current weather is not suitable for playing in the sea.”

“So let’s talk about this later.”

Ningguang nodded.

That’s it!

Well, she won’t bother anymore.

Just when she wanted to say something,

Ke Qing came down from upstairs.

As soon as she came down, she saw Ning Guang leaned on Bai Ye’s shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Ke Qing’s face was filled with questions.

In an instant, she only felt her head sinking.

Good guys??

These two guys actually?

Ke Qing was shocked!!

At this time Ke Qing opened her mouth and looked at Ning Guang, who was leaning on Bai Ye’s shoulder.

What’s going on with this woman?

“Ningguang you? ?”

Ke Qing didn’t immediately find trouble with Bai Ye.

Instead, she looked at Ning Guang with a confused expression.

She really couldn’t imagine that Ning Guang, a woman, would be like this.

You’re leaning on my husband’s shoulder!!

Hearing Ke Qing’s words, Ningguang raised his head and glanced at her.

Then he said lightly:”Is there any problem?”

This time, Keqing was puzzled.


“I am a woman too!”

“So I also want a man to rely on.”

“Ke Qing, you can’t handle such an outstanding person as Bai Ye”

“Let me help you!”


These words can make a person angry to death in an instant.

At this moment, Keqing didn’t know how to complain.

I obviously wanted to say a lot of things, but I couldn’t say anything.

At this moment, Ke Qing finally looked at Bai Ye.

Seeing Bai Ye’s helpless look.

Well, I don’t blame you.

It must all be this guy Ningguang’s fault


Ke Qing quickly came down from the top.

Then she sat next to Bai Ye.

She didn’t say anything. She just competed with Ning Guang secretly.

On the contrary, Ning Guang noticed her look and found Ke Qing’s appearance very interesting.

Even though it was He couldn’t help but started teasing.

Bai Ye was surrounded in the middle.

The two of them just said something to each other from time to time.

This made Bai Ye very helpless.

Simply, Bai Ye didn’t bother to pay attention. He took out his phone and started to read. Bai Ye, who was on the Internet, suddenly received a message from Gui Zhi.

“The satellite launch station has been built”

“And the satellites have been built”

“If nothing else happens, the satellite will be launched into the sky in a few days.”

“Do you want to go and see it?”

Looking at the content on the phone, Bai Ye couldn’t help but ask Ning Guang and Ke Qing.

After hearing this, the two stopped arguing.

They looked at Bai Ye one after another.

“Is it the thing you said can detect the weather and check the ground?”

Ning Guang was a little surprised.

I had told her about these things during the day and night.

Of course she knew it.

And she knew very well how much money was spent on building a satellite launch station.

Has it been built now? Does that mean that these things Will it be put into use soon?

Ningguang is also interested in this.

Not to mention Ke Qing on the side


“Next, we will eventually pull the rocket to the launch site.”

“Then test it, if there is no problem”

“It will be officially launched”

“Now the end result has begun to transfer the Rockets.”

This is also the reason why he sent a message to Bai Ye after all.

He just asked Bai Ye if he wanted to go over and have a look.

Take a look.

Ning Guang nodded.


“Of course I want to see it”

“This is something epoch-making.”

Even though Ning Guangdang has made a decision.

She also wants to go see 140!!

Hearing this, Ke Qing on the side also nodded.

Seeing that both of them had no objections,

Bai Ye hurriedly said:”Then Just call Shen He”

“Let’s go over and have a look.”

With that said, Bai Ye hurriedly shouted to the people upstairs.

Not long after, Shen He also walked down from above. When he came down, Shen He saw Ning Guang, and then looked at Bai Ye.

The meaning was self-explanatory. Yu.

What’s going on?

Faced with Shen He’s questioning gaze, Bai Ye was a little embarrassed.

But he still nodded and admitted.

This time, Shen He was depressed.

There seemed to be more and more sisters??

At this time, Ning Guang also looked at Shen He with a smile on his face.

Shen He, even if he didn’t fight or fight, she still liked him very much.

It’s not like a certain cat-head who gets jealous easily.

Women can’t be like this!

“Let’s go”

“Let’s set off together.”

When Bai Ye saw Shen He coming down, he stood up and said so. Then he took the lead to walk outside.

Seeing this, Ningguang and others also hurriedly followed.

Everyone left the manor together and started to move towards the machine workshop. Go.

This time when we went out, Bai Ye drove an off-road vehicle.

Ningguang and Shen He sat in the back seat, and Ke Qing sat in the passenger seat.

Shen He and Ningguang got together and chatted quietly as soon as they got in the car.

This surprised Bai Ye and Ke Qing, who were watching all this through the rearview mirror.

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