Chapter 78: Can Ah Qing have unlimited ultimate moves?

Bai Ye couldn’t help but smile when he heard Abedo’s words. maybe.

Next, just make sure that the current flowing out from here will not cause the light bulb to explode, and it will basically be a success.

As long as they are stable.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye opened his mouth and said,”I’ll trouble you about the wiring next time.”

“After one disappeared, I started the generator”

“Then it will run for about ten minutes”

“It will stop then”

“Then if there is no problem with you, please let me know.”

“Then I started the generator completely”

“Let it keep generating electricity.”

There is no way to communicate remotely now, so we have no choice but to do this.

When Abedo heard what Bai Ye said, he nodded immediately.

“Okay, just go there”

“I’ll start connecting the wires now”

“Then have people keep an eye on those areas to make sure there are no problems”

“Once it’s confirmed, I’ll have someone go over and let you know.”

“Just go there now.”

Abedo has no objection to Bai Ye’s arrangement.

This is all he can do now.

After agreeing on the time, Bai Ye took Shen He and left here.

Not long after, Bai Ye took Shen He and drove up. The car headed towards the power station.

During the white night, Abedo also connected the line.

Then he asked others to wait in some houses outside.

See if the call came next. Will there be any problems after the connection?

If there are no problems, it is basically successful.

If there is any problem, he can cut off the power supply at any time. The electricity generated will be stored in the electrical Among the crystals.

The time came to more than an hour later.

Bai Ye had already arrived at the power station.

After getting off the car, Bai Ye started to get busy.

He started to install the remaining parts.

Then he checked carefully. Come here.

Make sure there is nothing wrong. Bai Yedang turns on some switches that have been set before.

As Bai Ye starts to turn on the switches here, water begins to slowly flow in above the dam.

Then… the water begins to flow towards Spurting away below.

With the gushing of these water flows, the runner on the generator also began to be driven.

At the same time, the groundwater was also constantly driving the huge propeller placed below in the white night.

As these generators rotated. Thunder elements began to be born in the generator.

Then they were directly transmitted to the power storage station behind them through the wires.

There were no people around the power storage station at this time.

Everyone stayed far away. They were just afraid that it would happen. Something went wrong, and then it affected everyone.

Under Bai Ye’s gaze, the lightning generated by the generator was directly transmitted to the power storage station through the wires, and then absorbed by the electrical crystal.

This formation looked very scary.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

But soon, the huge noise calmed down.

The electricity began to be quickly transmitted through the high-voltage wires to the direction of Gui Liyuan.

Abedo sensed the thunder transmitted from the wires. Elements, he also knew that Bai Ye had begun.

He immediately gave the order and asked people to watch carefully.

At the same time, he also left the transformer station.

He was afraid that something would go wrong and cause an explosion.

He could There is no shield.

But fortunately, what Albedo was worried about did not appear.

Except for a burst of strangeness when lightning entered the electrical crystal, there were no other problems.

Albedo also knew this. This happens only when there is no thunder element on the electrical crystal.

But as long as there is thunder element in it, then such a problem will not occur.

Look at the alchemy equipment above that is activated due to the arrival of the thunder element.

Ah Bedo nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he also took out his notebook and began to record some problems.

Not long after, the power also stopped.

Bai Ye stopped the power station directly.

But the lights outside were still on. It was on.

Soon, other people came back to report.

“Mr. Abedo, there is no problem here, the power is very stable.”

“I’m here too”

“Mr. Abedo, I have no problem here either.”

A piece of good news was delivered to Abedo.

After hearing their words, Abedo nodded.

“okay, I get it”

“Let someone inform Bai Ye and tell him that it was successful.”

He said this to the outside, and then continued to lower his head and write something.

These wires gave him some inspiration.

Since electricity can be transmitted through wires, can sound also be transmitted?

Abedo is very interested in this.

So Now he lowered his head and began to think seriously.

Thinking about what alchemy should be used to achieve such a thing.

Maybe this is what Bai Ye said?

Thinking of this, Albedo suddenly became excited.

He felt as if he had discovered something.

People outside Hearing this, he didn’t hesitate immediately.

A Qian Yanjun who could drive ran out directly.

After getting into a car, he went straight to where Bai Ye was.

After waiting for more than an hour, Bai Ye came to He also got the news.

After confirming that there was no problem, he immediately turned on these generators again. At the same time, he gave instructions to the Qianyan Army here.

Teach them how to control this place, how to turn it on, and how to turn it off.

If the electrical crystal What should be done when there is energy overflow?

Bai Ye taught them all.

The Qianyan Army stationed here understood the importance of this place, so they listened very carefully.

After explaining this and explaining some things, Only then did Bai Ye leave with Shen He.

Some alchemists will be asked to come here at that time.

Let them be here so that if there is a problem here, they can repair it as soon as possible. The power of this power station seems to be a bit strong.

There was too much electricity.

It didn’t even need to be turned on all the time, so Bai Ye asked people to turn some off.

At the same time, he told them to turn off the power station directly when the energy was full.

There was no need to keep it on.

For Bai Ye, , this group of people naturally obeyed.

Even though many of them were turned off, only a few motors were still running.

The electricity consumption in Guiliyuan is still very small.

Various electrical appliances have not been produced yet. So there is really too much power generation now.

Even if it is taken to Liyue Port, it will still not be used up.

The generator Abedo built is indeed powerful enough.

And according to Bai Ye’s calculations, if those generators are used by then The electrical crystals are full of electricity.

It is enough for Gui Liyuan to use for a long time. So if you want to solve this problem, you have to come up with various electrical appliances.

It seems that you can only urge those alchemists. Master.

At the same time, let’s go see if they have gained anything recently.

If they have gained anything, they can mass-produce it and sell it to others.

And I don’t know, can I recharge A-Qing’s Eye of God?

For example, make her infinitely large. Recruiting or something!!

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