Chapter 91: Gathering five lolita can summon the lolita god!

Ning Guang looked at the guns that Bai Ye had made.

After listening to her story, she could already imagine how powerful the Qianyan Army could become with these weapons.

Thinking of this, Ningguang said with a solemn face:”These weapons must be strictly controlled.”

“If possible, I hope you can add some insurance”

“For example, if someone dismantles it for research, just destroy it on the spot or something like that.”

These weapons must not fall into the hands of others.

When Ning Guang said this, the corners of Bai Ye’s mouth rose slightly.……

“Do not worry”

“You don’t have to worry about this”

“As for the weapons, I can just materialize them myself.”

“No need to set up a factory or anything like that”

“These weapons are embodied with my power. If others dismantle them, they will be just a pile of scrap metal.”

Bai Ye’s ability has a characteristic.

If Bai Ye doesn’t provide drawings of the things that appear, others will not be able to understand them.

Unless it is researched by others.

In other words, the Lawyer of Reason Strength has a natural anti-theft ability.

This wave is very comfortable.

When Ning Guang heard Bai Ye say this, his eyes lit up.

“That’s fine”

“If these weapons are distributed, I will ask the Qian 01 Rock Army to protect them.”

“It’s best to have some number on each weapon”

“In this way, everything can be recorded, and anyone whose weapon is lost can be discovered immediately.”

At this time, Ningguang has already thought of a series of plans.

These weapons must not fall into the hands of ordinary people.

They are too dangerous. What she is also worried about is that if the Winter Kingdom sees it, What would she do if such a weapon came out?

But if she thought about it carefully, her worries were unnecessary.

If there really were such automatic weapons in the Winter Kingdom, they would have come out long ago.

It would not be like now This kind of gun takes a long time to be used once.

This is enough.

The two talked about this issue for a long time.

After it was almost done, Bai Ye also activated his own power and directly manifested many weapons on the spot.

These The weapons are enough for the Qianyan Army.

There are also special element crystals.

This is the magazine.

After these magazines are used up, the elements must be replenished.

Many things are done.

The Ningguang Dang even takes the top brass of the Qianyan Army. I called him over and started discussing the distribution of these weapons.

Next, Ningguang will be busy.

After handling these matters, Bai Ye also left.

He will stay in Liyue Port for a while..

Because Liyue Port also needs to build a power station.

Ningguang just told Bai Ye about the matter.

The power station here in Liyue Port is built behind Tianheng Mountain.

There are many waterfalls over there.

You can completely use those Waterfall resources are used to generate electricity.

Ning Guang has already chosen the location.

Next, he only needs to go over and get the design drawings.

Come down from Qunyu Pavilion.

When Bai Ye just arrived at Yujing Terrace , Keqing came up from below with Qiqi and Keli.

Seeing Bai Ye, Keqing was stunned for a moment.

She couldn’t help but speed up and walked towards Bai Ye.

“Bai Ye, have you discussed this with Ning Guang?”

Xiao Pou Oh and Qiqi also trotted over.

Seeing them, Bai Ye nodded.

“Already agreed”

“Ningguang agreed to my building the school”

“I’m going to have a chat with Zhongli later.”

“The weapons matter has also been taken care of.”

“By the way, how’s your situation going?”

“Did you find anything?”

Bai Ye briefly explained the matter, and then looked at Ke Qing with some curiosity. He went back to search for Qiqi’s life experience.

Is there any result yet?

When Ke Qing heard Bai Ye asked about this, she hurriedly explained:” It’s basically confirmed”

“Qiqi…is indeed my ancestor.”

When she said this, Ke Qing was a little depressed.

When she returned home, she directly told the elders about Qiqi.

Then she asked Qiqi to demonstrate Gu Yunlai’s sword skills.

When the elders of the family When they saw Gu Yunlai’s swordsmanship, they also attached great importance to it.

Even the whole clan began to look through the family’s classics and genealogy.

In the end, they also found a piece of information in the genealogy.

During the war between gods and demons, their ancestors were indeed A child disappeared while going up the mountain to collect medicine.

According to the description, Qiqi should be the missing child.

The descriptions in all aspects are very clear.

Gu Yunlai’s sword skills, medicine boy, and little girl.

Plus During the period of immortals and demons, all these signs indicate that Qiqi is a member of the Keqing family.

It is precisely because of this that the Keqing family attaches great importance to it.

Even if it is decided, Qiqi will be brought back.

This is the little ancestor..Why are you still staying in Bubulu as a medicine boy?

Going home quickly is the right way.

It is precisely because after confirming these, Keqing’s father has already taken the family elders to find Baizhu.

And Keqing took He led Keli and Qiqi to find Bai Ye.

After listening to Ke Qing’s explanation, Bai Ye sighed inwardly.

“That’s fine”

“Qiqi, you will also have a family in the future”

“So, go home”

“There is no need to stay in Bubulu anymore.”

Qiqi nodded immediately when she heard what Bai Ye said.

At this time, Qiqi was still in a daze.

She didn’t know what she was thinking.

Although she had no memory of the past, she had a feeling for the word home. A strange feeling.

Very reassuring.

Bubulu is not her home.

The people in Keqing’s family give her a different feeling.

They really treat her as a relative.

“Let’s go, let’s go find Zhongli”

“Now that things have been settled, there’s no problem”

“Take good care of Qiqi from now on.”

460 Looking at Qiqi’s dull look, Bai Ye couldn’t help but smile.

With Keqing taking care of her, of course there would be no problem.

It seems that Gan Yu is also taking care of Yaoyao.

Liyue’s senior officials have begun to take care of their children. ?

Well, that’s good.

Ke Qing nodded.

He didn’t have any objections to this.

Everyone headed down together.

While walking on the road, Bai Ye couldn’t help but give Ke Qing a suggestion.

“Actually, you can call Yaoyao over too”

“Just let the three little girls play together.”

Well, gather the three lolita quickly.

Then go to Mondstadt and find Diona. At the same time, there will be Inazuma’s Hayou.

In this way, the five lolita in Teyvat will be gathered.

You can summon the dragon.

“Brother Bai Ye, who is Yaoyao?”

Keli was curious.

Are they the same good friends as Qiqi?

Thinking of this, Keli was looking forward to it.

When Keqing heard this, she was stunned for a moment.


“The child that Gan Yu brought?”

“You can ask her to come with you.”

It’s okay to let Qiqi have a companion.

“Yaoyao is a friend!”

At this moment, Qiqi spoke.

She and Yaoyao knew each other, right?

But now she doesn’t know where Yaoyao went.

Hearing this, Keqing was surprised.

She really didn’t know this..

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