Chapter 97: The next door has entered the steam age!

The school model that Bai Ye created is no different from the schools in Bai Ye’s previous life.

There are teaching buildings, experimental buildings, etc.

At the same time, Baiye was directly divided into several areas.

The open space was filled to the brim in an instant.

This school integrates kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university.

The school alone covers hundreds of acres.

After the school was established, every place in Baiye was marked.

The school is also divided into three gates.

Each gate has a different level.

Kindergarten and primary school are in the same door.

Junior high school and high school are separated.

Then the university has a separate door.

Everything is divided neatly in the white night

“This school is very important”

“So I hope you can build the school next”

“Pull some people out of the major construction sites and start building”

“The first ones to be built are primary schools and junior high schools.”

“These are the fastest available”

“The drawing is here”

“Divide the labor among yourselves and build it.”

After saying that, Bai Ye took out the drawings one by one.

After everyone looked at each other for a while, someone soon stepped forward and took away the drawings.

“I’m almost finished here”

“So I will build the junior high school.”

Following his actions, other people stepped forward one after another to take away the drawings.

Bai Ye saw that everyone had settled the matter quickly, and he immediately nodded.

“very good”

“Then start preparing.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, everyone started to take action.

Although the work has been arranged, they cannot start work immediately.

They also need to make arrangements, such as mobilizing various equipment and clearing out the land first. After those people left, Bai Ye looked at Ke Qing and said:”A Qing, there are some things you need to do next.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Keqing took out her notebook.

“you say.”

When Bai Ye saw this, she didn’t hesitate immediately, but began to explain to Ke Qing what she needed to do next.

“Next you need to buy some equipment.”

“Since we need to teach things like alchemy and mechanism next,”

“Some props for learning alchemy need to be purchased from other countries.”

“You can order some snacks in advance.”

“Otherwise, they don’t even know when it will be before they deliver it.”

“So we can start booking in advance”

“In addition, there are tables, chairs and benches.”

Listening to what Bai Ye said, Keqing quickly recorded all these things in the notebook in her hand.

After recording, she continued to speak:”What else?”

If there’s anything else, let’s talk about it together.

Bai Ye shook his head.

“That’s all for now”

“These things can be arranged in advance”

“The rest, like teachers, will be arranged by Ningguang.”

“I’ve told her before.”

What Ke Qing has to do is to prepare some things that need to be prepared in advance.

After listening to Bai Ye’s explanation, Ke Qing nodded.

“I will arrange it”

“do not worry.”

After saying that, she put away her notebook.

Then she walked out.

Bai Ye also got up and started to leave.

When she came outside, Shen He was taking three lolita with them. After saying hello, Bai Ye went downstairs directly and headed towards Abedo’s workshop.

Bai Ye had been out for so long before, and he didn’t go to Abedo’s place when he came back.

He didn’t know where Abedo was now. How is the research going?

I said I had inspiration before, but now?

This makes Bai Ye very curious.

When Bai Ye came to Abedo’s workshop,

Abedo was busy.

There was a huge giant in front of him. The alchemy equipment.

Looking at the situation above, Bai Ye was a little surprised.

The alchemy lines on it made Bai Ye very confused.

These seemed to be some special lines on the ruins guards, right?

Bai Ye had never studied the ruins guards, so he didn’t know what they were. situation.

Abedo stopped what he was doing when he heard the noise.

“You are here”

“Just in time, I have a new work here”

“Come and see.”

After saying this, Abedo directly picked up a plug and plugged it into the power supply.

The next moment, the cabinet-sized machine lit up.

After a burst of light, some landscape photos were projected.

Seeing this scene , Bai Ye was stunned.

Holographic projection?

Damn it, I asked you to use the Internet, and you actually created a holographic projection?

“This is something made with a photo camera”

“Images can be projected into the air.”

Bai Ye looked at Albedo in confusion.

“I remember that you were studying remote communications and networks, right?”

“How did you create this?”

This thing seems to be of no use.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Abedo pointed at his device and said:”This can release the contents of the video camera.”

“It’s like a movie from Sumeru”

“However, movie playback requires projection, and mine is more advanced than theirs.”

“This can be considered an unexpected surprise, right?”

“You asked me to study long-distance communication before, and I also figured it out.”

“it’s here.”

As he said this, Abedo pointed directly at the two brick-sized alchemy devices not far away.

Bai Ye was stunned when he saw these things.

“Have you really researched it?”

Albedo nodded.

“The inspiration you gave me before is very interesting”

“This device can easily facilitate the dialogue between Liyue Port and Guiliyuan.”

“If you want to go further, you must have a transfer station”

“What I’m studying now is how to send pictures”

“But I didn’t expect to find this thing.”

“It can be considered an accidental product.”

“But it’s not a big problem, I already have thoughts”

“Xumi and Fontaine seem to be studying these things.”

“Based on the inspiration you gave me, combined with the things over there, I came up with this device.”

“But this thing is very inconvenient and needs to be improved.”

“I’ll leave it to you to do this kind of thing”

“I’m working on other things now.”

As he said this, Abedo handed an alchemy information to Bai Ye.

It clearly stated how to make this thing and what the principle was.

Looking at the words on it, Bai Ye quickly understood.

This thing, Isn’t it exactly a radio?

It’s just an alchemy version of a wireless suit. It

‘s really Abedo.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If you say this, it will be faster than the network is developed.

Abedo’s speed is better than It’s faster than Bai Ye imagined!!

But think about it.

Fontaine even has a camera.

It has even entered the steam age.

Alchemy can be said to be very advanced!!

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