Genshin Impact: Starting From Aizen, My Past Life Is Exposed!

Chapter 45 Gotei 13 Team Ambush! [Please Give Me A Monthly Ticket! ! 】

? ! !

Wait until...the destruction of Karakura Town returns? !

What does Aizen's sentence... mean? !


All the audience’s hearts were tight!

But don’t wait for their reaction!

In the picture!

The top of the steps where the three Aizens are standing!

A light curtain lights up!

It is a black accent that leads to the real world! !

And the scenery revealed in it.

Karakura Town? !

"Destroy Karakura Town! Create the King Key!"

On the steps, Aizen walked to the top without looking back, and a cold voice came from

Aizen is... going directly to Karakura Town to sacrifice? !

The time to create the King Key must be advanced to now! !


"Yes, release Tian Ting Kong Luo."

Walking to the black chamber, Aizen calmly gave the order.


Tousen Kaname responded respectfully and then released

"Seventy-seven of Bakudō: Sky of Heaven!"

next moment!

With Tousen Kaname's Bakudō released!

When Tousen Kaname's voice echoed throughout the Xuye Palace! When it echoes in everyone’s ears!

Only then did all the audience realize the role of Tian Ting Kong Luo!

Actually talking to everyone at the same time? !

at this time.

It came from the sky!

It's Aizen's, calm voice!

"Can you hear me? Everyone who invaded?"

"To show my respect for injuring Espada so badly."

"Let me tell you in advance that from now on, we will launch an attack on the present world!"

The words fell.

Aizen's words made everyone in Kurosaki Ichigo change their expressions! !

"What's going on?! Didn't they say they won't attack until Hōgyoku is fully awakened with Inoue's ability?!"

"Where is Inoue Orihime?!"


And Aizen also speaks out

"Inoue Orihime is in the fifth tower now. If you want to save her, come and grab her. She is no longer useful."

"Orihime's ability is perfect! The ability to reject events is far beyond human limits!

The upper management of Soul Society deeply realizes the importance of this ability! So after Inoue Orihime was kidnapped, Soul Society suddenly felt in crisis! "

"It's just that for me..."

"Orihime's true ability is to bring trouble to the trip and the four supporting captains! Enter and be imprisoned in Hueco Mundo's bait!"

Confinement? !

Hear the adjectives Aizen confides!

Everyone was shocked!

But there was no time to react!

Above the sky!

boom! ! boom! !

The countless black cavities sent by the crowd closed instantly! !

"We came to the four black cavities of Hueco Mundo...all blocked!"

"Can't you open it from here?!"

"The only person who can analyze the structure of the black cavity is Urahara Kisuke! If we can't get in touch with him here! It will be impossible to open it again!"



Along with the communication among the captains.

The faces of all the Shinigami were not pretty.

The black cavity connecting to the outside world is closed by Aizen!

In other words...all of them are now trapped in Xuye Palace! !

Inoue Orihime.

It's just a tool and bait to lure them into Hueco Mundo!

The to trap Kurosaki Ichigo and the four captains in Hueco Mundo at this time!

Divert and weaken Soul Society's strength!

And Aizen.... is going to Karakura Town to create the King Key!

See this scene.

All the audience could not hide their shocked expressions!

Aizen...did he have everything planned out a long time ago? !

Start by discovering Inoue Orihime and kidnapping her!

Aizen never thought of using Inoue Orihime's ability!

He just wants to use the importance of Inoue Orihime to cause uneasiness in Soul Society!

Thus seducing Kurosaki Ichigo and even the four captains behind him!


The four captains of Soul Society and Kurosaki Ichigo are trapped in Hueco Mundo!

In other words, nearly half of Soul Society's combat power has been diverted! weaken!

In this case...doesn't it mean that the decisive battle can be brought forward!

And this Aizen's plan? !

"Damn it! So that's it!"

"No wonder... no wonder Aizen didn't set up too much protection in the face of Soul Society's massive attack!"

"The purpose is to make the opponent take the bait and send nearly half of the combat force into Xuye Palace!"

"Four captain-level experts, and they are considered powerful among captains!"

"In other words, Aizen about to launch a final general attack?!"

"From the very beginning, both parties seemed to have no intention of dragging it out until the end!"

"It was promised winter, but both sides ended up doing surprise attacks..."

"But Aizen is really ruthless, he got a lot of Arrancar in this time!"

"For Aizen, Hueco Mundo has no sense of belonging to begin with, right? It's normal to be ruthless."

"Boss Aizen is even willing to stab Hinamori...what else can't he do?"


And in the exclamation of all the audience.

Aizen took the lead and walked slowly into the dark cavity.

"The strength of Gotei 13 is that the captains of the thirteen teams can be used as the main combat force."

"But now, three of them have defected and four have been imprisoned. Soul Society's combat strength is less than half."

"Now, we will make Karakura Town disappear."

As Aizen's last words fell, everyone in Xuye Palace fell silent.

Step out of the dark side.

And outside the black cavity.

It's sunny! The cloudless Karakura Town! !


There are also countless keen viewers who have discovered it!

Overlooking the entire Karakura Town!

It seems... that there is no trace of half a human being? !

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in the hearts of countless viewers!

But looking at this dead city.

Look at this Karakura Town, which is obviously full of weirdness!

Standing high in the sky, Aizen was not surprised at all.

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"As expected."


(Updated on 1/6 today, the average word count is more than 2,000 words per chapter.)

New month! ! Please give me your monthly tickets, brothers! Start updating today! Six updates every day! Not to mention the author is one centimeter shorter!

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