Genshin Impact: Starting From Aizen, My Past Life Is Exposed!

Chapter 78 In The Black Hole! A Chance For Snow Emperor To Break The Seal? ! 【Please Subscribe! ! 】

"When you pass through seven levels of loneliness!"

"Only then can one become truly strong!"

"Our born from this!!"

Pluton's low voice with extremely domineering and conquering spirit still echoes!

In this picture of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking!

The sky and the earth changed color.

A majestic and solemn huge palace rose from the ground!

And in front of the screen!

The entire audience was speechless for a while! Pluton Haki’s words were still echoing in their minds!

My heart feels like a stormy sea!

Everything that just happened happened too fast!

And the impact was too great!

Facing Huo Linfei, several people provoked and raved one after another.

Pluton didn't show any anger or displeasure.

But instead.

This is in line with all viewers’ perceptions of Pluton!!

This is the king who rules the world!

This is the king who can rule the entire universe with iron-blooded means!

This is the Lord of the Underworld!!

Facing the barking of the weak, maintain the condescension of the strong and the majesty of the king as high as a mountain.

In front of Huo Linfei's performance of several people jumping up and down.

Pluton is like a towering mountain! Standing still!

However, the power of the king cannot be tolerated by just a few people from Huo Linfei!

So Pluton imposed the corresponding punishment!

Xuanming black hole!

Even everyone in the chat group.

Seeing Pluton summon the Xuanming Black Hole with a wave of his hand!

It was also a thrill!

This is a black hole! An existence that swallows everything!

And Pluton made a black hole with his hands in front of everyone?!

This strength... is a bit too terrifying!

He is indeed the dark lord who makes the entire universe feel fear and trembling! I am afraid that the power of one person is enough to destroy the galaxy!

[Ruan Mei: Create a black hole with your bare hands?!]

[Black Tower: No, this is a small black hole created by relying on supernatural energy... but it is terrifying enough...]

[Kiana: Rub the black hole with your hands!! Is this still a human being?!]

[Thunder Meiyi: The Pluton family is from the underworld...a race that has lived in a black hole for generations!]

[Clara: Such a race is unheard of. 】

[Ningguang: What a terrifying existence...]

[Hutao: Huh, what’s so great! 】

[Jingliu: Only by experiencing the seventh level of loneliness...can one become a truly strong person....]

[Silver Wolf: How powerful is Pluton's power... Not to mention that Huo Linfei and the others can't resist, this is just like a fly shaking a tree! 】

[Silver Wolf: Is that the word? 】

[Kafka: So smart~]

[Wendy: Huo Linfei and others can’t even imagine how terrifying Pluton is...]

[Diluc: The moment Pluton successfully revives, it means that Huo Linfei and his team have no chance. 】

Instead of waiting for everyone to be shocked by Pluton's hand rubbing the black hole!

The sudden change shocked everyone again!

It was expected that Huo Linfei and the others would be sucked into the black hole.

But Tianyu was also involved in it in order to save people.

This is something that no one expected!

But if you think about it does make sense!

Although the goals and mission of the Fire Linfei protagonist group are somewhat untenable.

Compared with Pluton's concept, it is too ideal, or too naive!

But... no matter what, these people can be regarded as partners with Tianyu through life and death.

Huo Linfei was also prompted by Tian Yu to rise up...

In the final analysis, they will embark on this road, and Tianyu and Xuan Yizi are also responsible.

It is understandable that Tian Yu feels guilty.

Just flying into a black hole... I'm afraid the aftermath will be more disastrous!

Pluton had just reunited with his daughter... but suffered this blow again.

No wonder he sighed and expressed such emotion!

Liyue, in Su Chen's mansion.

Leaning on the sofa and looking at the destiny screen outside the window.

Su Chen casually took the black tea from Noelle. Although it was still steaming, it was already the perfect temperature for drinking.

The faint floral fragrance of Noelle still lingers on the cup.


"it is my responsibility."

Noelle bowed and spoke softly.

Even Su Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Noelle is really professional and caring as a maid.

Borrowing her from the Knights of the West Wind was truly the right decision.

If we don't borrow it, the entire city of Mondstadt will probably be ruined by Qin and Noelle...

But it seemed that he couldn't hold back his curiosity. Noelle looked at the Destiny screen and asked weakly.

"Pluton must be very sad now. He was separated from his daughter just after being reunited!"

Su Chen was also a little surprised when he heard Noelle's question.

"Don't you think Pluton is scary?"

"I don't think so..."

Noelle shook his head sincerely.

“Although everyone is afraid of him, what he says seems to make sense.

"Don't worry, he won't be sad. The story has just begun."

Su Chen smiled, picked up a piece of sugar cube and put it into the cup.

And just like Su Chen said.

Soon Noelle understood what Su Chen meant.

In the destiny screen.

As the screen slowly lights up.

In a forest! Long Jian slowly wakes up from his coma!

Surprised countless viewers!

Long everything okay?!

He was obviously sucked into the black hole, how could he appear in a forest now?


The awakened Long Jian encountered a group of mechanical beasts.

At the critical moment, Taylor came to the rescue in time.

At this time, both of them also noticed the weirdness of their environment!

"The abnormal energy is consumed so quickly..."

"The strange energy in our body seems to be repelled by the energy field here?!"

"Is this still the territory of the underworld?"

"It's very possible...this should be the inside of the huge black hole emitted by Pluton!"


As the two talked.

Countless people were shocked.

Black hole.........inside?!

How can there be a forest in a black hole?!

With questions.

A golden light rises into the sky from the distance of the mountain range!

As the screen changes.

A huge castle appears on the screen!

A goddess-like woman dressed in white gauze and blond hair slowly walked up to the altar!

"I feel."

"A huge supernatural energy from the underworld has come to our world!"

Following the woman's words, an elder who looked like an elder under the altar was shocked.

"What? Has Pluton been resurrected?!"

"The composition of this strange energy is very similar to Pluton's! It is also accompanied by several other strange energies!"

The words between the two also caused countless soldiers surrounding the altar to whisper.

Watch this scene!

An incredible conjecture arose in the minds of countless viewers!

These people...couldn't they be the Snow Emperor and his family who were also sucked into the black hole as Pluton said?!

And now!

The Huo Linfei and others who were also sucked in were the supernatural energy that the Snow Emperor said!

The one who is very similar to Pluton is Tianyu!

After all, they have Pluton’s bloodline, so it’s normal for them to be similar!

So a few people did not die in the black hole!

Instead, we came to this world in the black hole where the Snow Emperor clan lives!

No wonder... Pluton didn't show much anxiety when he watched his daughter escape into the black hole!

I'm afraid all this is also under Pluton's control...

[Kiana: Impossible! Does such a world actually exist in a black hole?! 】

【Yae Sakura: What a magical world...】

[Himeko: The independent small world in the black hole even looks beautiful! 】

[Keqing: No wonder Pluton wasn’t worried about Tianyu... I’m afraid he already knew it! 】

[Ningguang: These people are the Xuechen clan??]

[Silver Wolf: Just look at the appearance! It perfectly fits the name of the Snow Emperor! 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Does that mean that Huo Linfei and his party are okay? 】

[Thunder Movie: A world trapped in a black hole is no different from death to the main universe. 】

[Wendy: I ​​always feel like another war is coming... The Snow Emperor family also feels Pluton’s awakening! 】

It is different from the exclamation of most viewers in the barrage area.

But everyone in the extraordinary chat group smelled another crisis!

Pluton's resurrection.

The Snow Emperor clan still exists.

Another war no less than ten Thousand Years coming!

As the plot develops.

It also confirmed everyone’s suspicions!

That woman was indeed the Snow Queen who had a decisive battle with Pluton ten Ten Thousand Years ago!

"In the Xuanming black hole, there is no time, no space, and no dimensions."

"In other words, these dimensions are all compressed into a single point by the strong gravity of the black hole itself!

"Because gravity is so strong, even light cannot escape its attraction!"

The Snow Emperor explained to the slender Junkai Shikai who appeared in the palace.

And what she was talking about was her deeds of being sealed in the black hole!

"Ten Thousand Years ago, I was sealed in the Xuanming Black Hole."

"Here, it's like an endless abyss!"

"You can't feel the existence of space and time at all. All you can feel is endless darkness."

"Until I suddenly discovered that there is a singularity in the balance of gravity distortion!"

"Using this singularity, I was able to construct a brand new world!"

While talking.

The Snow Emperor showed Slim Jun and all the viewers outside the screen the world he created!

The words spoken.

It’s even more shocking!

He is indeed a strong man who had a decisive battle with Pluton ten Thousand Years ago...

A singularity can also be used to create a world in a black hole!

This ability... is tantamount to a creator-like existence!

Snow Emperor... is also unimaginably powerful!

"Even if I can transform the environment here, I still can't break out of the Xuanming Black Hole."

"There was no alien that created this black hole.

Energy, everything is in vain. "

"So, without the help of Pluton's supernatural energy, there is no way to break out of this mysterious black hole..."

And the other side.

Huo Linfei and his party were attacked by Feng Yao, the leader of the Snow Emperor.

Because he hates Pluton, Feng treats anyone or anything from the underworld with intention!

And at this time.

Tianyu was also found to be related to Pluton by blood!

He was directly attacked by Feng Yao!

But Tianyu unexpectedly successfully armed the super beast in this space!

Although still defeated by Feng Yao.

But this scene also suddenly shocked the audience!

Tianyu's superpower...isn't it a very similar existence to Pluton?!

That means...

Use Tianyu’s extraordinary energy!

The Snow Emperor family is very likely to break through the black hole of Xuanming! Return to the world?!

And the plot in the picture is indeed as everyone guessed!

The Snow Emperor clan also discovered that Tianyu is special!

One after another began to persuade Tian Yu, but at this time.

In order to persuade Tian Yu, Elder Gui Gu told the story of Feng Yao hating Pluton so much!

When the two brothers Feng Yao and Feng Ying were born.

Because of the black Madara on Kazekage's face, both of them regarded it as a bad omen!

However, they have been ostracized since childhood.

It was Pluton who showed up again and again to help the brother and sister, and even saved their lives on the night Feng Ying was born.

Then on the eve of the war between Snow Emperor and Pluton.

To seal Pluton.

Gui Gu specially went to the territory of the Baboo clan to borrow Xuan Ming's coffin, and brought along the Feng Yao and Feng Ying siblings.

It was at this time that Kazekage suddenly betrayed the Snow Emperor and took Pluton's side.

In order to prevent Gui Gu from successfully obtaining the Xuanming Coffin, Feng Ying and his brother Feng Yao began to fight.

"Brother, do you really not believe what I say?"

"This Gui Gu is the murderer who killed my parents! He is the murderer who killed the entire Baboo family! He will definitely kill all of you in the future!"

"If you still believe in me as my sister... don't interfere!"

"As long as I am here today, I will never let you harm Elder Guigu!"

However, faced with the persuasion of his own sister,

Feng Yao frowned, still going his own way.

And in the subsequent fight.

Feng Ying was accidentally beaten to death by Feng Yao!

"Brother... everyone in the world can not believe me... but you can't not believe me..."

The words have not yet finished.

The wind shadow lost its vitality.

And that's why.

From then on, Feng Yao held a grudge against Pluton!

I think that if it hadn’t been for Pluton, Kazekage wouldn’t have betrayed him, and he wouldn’t have died a tragic death in the end!

And learned about Feng Yao’s past.

Huo Linfei and others gnashed their teeth and lamented the abomination of the underworld.

But off screen.

All the viewers looked puzzled and confused.


There is only one idea in everyone's mind.


This Feng there something wrong with his brain???

[Beidou: Humph, where did you get this stupidity from? 】

[Xin Yan: No...what kind of weird thing is this Feng Yao?? Can this also be blamed on Pluton??]

[Mandrill: Extremely stupid, really extremely stupid!]

[Kiana: How abominable! I don’t believe my own sister! Instead, I believe the elder Guigu who looks treacherous!!]

[Xianyun: It's all Pluton and her sister's fault, but he has no responsibility at all. He is really good at passing the blame. 】

[Himeko: I really hate people like this who never look for problems in themselves. 】

[Arataki Ito: Haha, such a cowardly weakling deserves such power?!]

[Kafka: Pluton didn’t remember half of his kindness to the two brothers and sisters. Instead, he completely hated Pluton because of Guigu’s one-sided words. [What a despicable child.

[Silver Wolf: Feng Ying must have been very heartbroken before his death. He was hated, suspected, and even killed by his own brother! 】

Compared to the convergence within the chat group.

The comment area posted by other viewers has already been covered with an overwhelming amount of swear words and vulgar language!!

No one can tolerate Feng Yao's stupid behavior.

On one side is Pluton, who has saved lives and helped their brothers and sisters many times.

On one side is Elder Guigu, who only talks empty words and throws dirty water on others.

Feng Yao believed the latter's lies without even a moment's hesitation.

He didn’t even want to believe his own sister’s persuasion before she died!

This level of weirdness directly broke the defenses of countless viewers!

It also directly caused Feng Yao to lose his parents again in the barrage area.

Today’s first chapter! Five thousand words have been updated today! Please give me a monthly vote!!

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