Genshin Impact: Starting From Aizen, My Past Life Is Exposed!

Chapter 86 Implement Pluton’S Will! [Final Voting In The Comment Area]

"Now, it's time to end."

On the square.

Amidst the crazy collision of terrifying supernatural energy.

Pluton brings unprecedented Haki and killing intent!

The Ghost King's expression suddenly changed.


He was still repeating in a panic.

In the battle with Pluton!

He could already feel the strange energy in his body disappearing at an extremely terrifying speed!

He couldn't tell how much supernatural energy Pluton still had in his body!

But when the other party is so confident!

No one can guarantee it!

Watch Pluton forcefully suppress the Ghost King!

Countless people on the field had different expressions!!

The faces of Lion King and Tianyu were filled with joy of surviving the disaster, and admiration for Pluton!

And the other side.

The Snow Emperor held up his body weakly, his face full of despair.

Although I hate the ghost king's betrayal in my heart.

And Pluton took action to suppress the Ghost King.

But for the Snow Emperor.

The outcome of everything will not change much.

It’s nothing more than being killed by the Ghost King or Pluton!

And what frustrated her the most.

Among the three.

She was the only one who was being played around like a fool.

The Ghost King has been hiding beside her for ten Ten Thousand Years, secretly instigating a war with Pluton, and killing other races many times! She has no idea!

Still thinking that he is the smartest person, he keeps using false slogans of love to deceive.

But I didn't expect it.

I am the one who was deceived!

And even Pluton.

He was still lying to her until just now!

Starting from the Gate of Hades ten Thousand Years ago!

Putting her and the entire Snow Emperor's army into a state of eternal doom!

The war after the lockdown.

He even pretended to die with her!

Lure the Ghost King into taking the bait!

From beginning to end, the Ghost King and Pluton seem to have understood everything.

Only she, the Snow Emperor, has strength and legion.

But he is always treated as a gunman!

And just when everyone has different thoughts, they are watching that the Ghost King is about to be completely annihilated by Pluton's superpower!

The space is turbulent!

With the appearance of the light beam!

Countless figures were teleported!


The hearts of all the viewers were tight.

But after seeing the person clearly.

Slightly relieved!

Countless figures appeared densely in the sky.

It was the Cloud Bat Legion led by Night Owl!

But to everyone’s surprise!

See this scene.

The Ghost King laughed out loud!

"Jie Jie Jie!! Xiao... no... Pluton!! You never dreamed of this!"

"Night Owl is mine!"


Everyone was shocked!!

The Cloud Bat Legion...are the Ghost King's people?!

But don’t wait until the audience is shocked!

High in the sky.

Night Owl and the entire Cloud Bat Legion have proven this with their actions!!

"Super energy-gathering cloud bat array!!"

As the night owl shouted!

The entire cloud bat army began to form an array!

Levels of energy gathering!

Astonishingly, the supernatural energy of the entire Cloud Bat Legion was sent towards Ye Owl!

And Night Owl!

At this moment, it is also hovering over the Ghost King!

Within reach!

A huge beam of energy fell on the Ghost King!

Visible to the naked eye!

The Ghost King who is fighting with Pluton has countless supernatural powers in his body!

The nebula is much more solidified!

"Hahahaha!! Pluton!! You are dead!!"

The ghost king laughed wildly.

There is a supply of supernatural energy for the entire Cloud Bat Legion!

No matter how much supernatural energy Pluton possesses at this time, there is no way he can compare with him!

Because the Cloud Bat Legion that makes up the Cloud Bat Formation is the most powerful army in the entire universe!

In this pure confrontation of different energies.

With the Cloud Bat Legion as a backup energy source, no one in the world can be his opponent!

[Xier: Actually...Ye Owl is actually his person?!]

[Keqing: It’s hidden too deeply!!]

[Ning Guang: Sure enough, the Ghost King has been hiding for ten thousand years... It’s not that simple! 】

[Bronya: He’s hiding such a skill...Is Pluton going to lose!]

【March 7: Come on Pluton!!】

[Kafka: The two of them are simply competing for different energies at this time. Whoever has more special energy wins. 】

[Jing Yuan: But there is an entire cloud bat army on the opposite side. 】

[Xianyun: Raising tigers is a disaster. 】

[Silver Wolf: How abominable!! Night Owl is really not a good person! 】

[Tingyun: The Ghost King didn’t expect that the Cloud Bat Legion would arrive so soon, right?]

[Arataki Ichito: If it weren’t for the Super Beast Team, the Cloud Bat Legion wouldn’t have been resurrected! 】

[Yae Sakura: In a battle of this level, it seems that Lion King and the others can’t intervene]

But all scrolling messages in the chat group.

Terrifying energy fluctuations in the square!

That fierce confrontation of different energies!

The ground trembles and the space distorts!

All of this.

It seems that everything slowly stopped at this moment!

Then disappear!

The world is getting quieter little by little!

The Ghost King slowly lowered his head.

He looked in disbelief at the sharp blade that had penetrated his heart.

and Ye Owl's calm and indifferent expression.


The Ghost King opened his mouth to say something.

But as he opened his mouth.

What came out was a light cough with blood foam.

Just like when Snow King and Pluton were fighting.

It was the explanation he gave to the Super Beast Team!

"Nebula is a life form that can be ten times as powerful as a black hole!"

"Although Pluton's nebula can reach the extraordinary energy of ten black holes, the entity at the same time has no lethality."

"Now it's also because the Snow Emperor's nebula has restrained Pluton, otherwise no one would be able to get close to Pluton!"

And at this time...

His ghost king also uses the nebula body...

Just as he said at the time.

His body... is extremely fragile!!

And Ye Owl seized this opportunity!

Caught him at this moment when he had no defense!

If it weren't for the Cloud Bat Legion's full output of supernatural energy to supply him.

He would not trust Night Owl so much...

I won't let my guard down so much...

But everything has already happened!

"The direction of Pluton's sword will always be the direction of the Cloud Bat Legion.

Accompanied by Ye Owl's cold and firm words.

The Ghost King felt his heart grow cold.

The blade that had sunk into his heart was slowly withdrawn!

Every bit seems to have taken away countless powers from the Ghost King!!


Follow the night owl indifferently and take a step back!

The huge nebula body of the Ghost King in mid-air trembled violently and collapsed suddenly!!

And also at this moment!

Pluton's terrifying supernatural energy also completely fell! It landed on the body of the Ghost King!


A moment!

The entire scene was distorted and filled with overwhelming supernatural energy!


Until now!

All the audience came back to their senses in disbelief!

Realize what happened!!

Night Owl...actually rebelled against the Ghost King?!

Or...Night Owl is actually a double agent?!

From the very beginning, they used the Cloud Bat Legion to transmit energy to the Ghost King and deceive him into trusting him!

Use the Ghost King to summon the nebula body, the moment when the body is extremely fragile!

One hit!!

Night Owl...I'm afraid he never betrayed Pluton from the beginning!!

[Keqing: Oh my Night Owl hidden so deeply?! 】

[Ningguang: The Ghost King has been in the black hole of Xuanming for the past ten Ten Thousand Years...that is to say...]

[Ningguang: At least ten thousand years ago!! Ye Owl has been acting with the Ghost King?!]

[Diluc: He is also a powerful character...]

[Kafka: In other words, loyalty to Pluton really trumps everything else. 】

[Silver Wolf: What happened! 】

[Kiana: I didn’t expect Night Owl to look bad! He turned out to be a good person!!]

[Gan Yu: Great... Pluton finally won! 】

[Thunder Mei: This is Pluton’s army! There is no possibility of betrayal! 】

[Xie'er: This is also the strongest legion in the underworld! The Cloud Bat Legion! ]

Chapter 2 today! Eight thousand words have been updated! A new world will be changed tonight.

The original version of Big Wolf's World received a lot of feedback from readers, and there was a strong sense of conflict between the Big Big Wolf's world and the first two characters. The final vote was held in the comment area.

Select the pinned comment of Bad Handsome to like it, and select the comment of Big Big Wolf to dislike it!

The order after that will still be the same as before, Emperor Huangtian, Mr. E, several popular special effects characters, etc., plus Fang Yuan who strives to write. .

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