Genshin Impact: Starting From Aizen, My Past Life Is Exposed!

Chapter 89 The Bad Handsome Guy Is Yuan Tiangang? ! 【Please Subscribe! ! 】

What Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun didn't expect was.

Black and White Impermanence is not afraid of the sword moves in his hands.

Instead, he wanted to use him to find trouble for Uncle Yang.

And later in the mouth of Po Meng.

Only then did everyone find out.

Uncle Yang’s true identity!

He really is one of the bad guys!

And the hero Lu at the beginning was also one of the bad guys - Thirty-six Tiangang!

"Bad people, they only take orders from the Emperor... Don't look at the fact that there are only thirty-six captains of Tiangang."

"But it can be called the most mysterious organization in the entire Tang Empire!"

"Thirty years ago, bad people disappeared without a trace overnight!"

"In less than ten days, the rebels captured Chang..."

"But that Huang Chao dug three feet into the ground and found less than 100,000 pieces of silver!"

"Later, news about the so-called Longquan Treasure appeared in the world!"

"It attracted so many people to fight for it!"

"The Longquan sword is the Longyuan sword forged by Ou Yezi during the Spring and Autumn Period."

"In order to avoid the taboo of Li Yuan's name in the Tang Dynasty, he changed his name to Longquan and kept it hidden in the palace!"

"When Lu Youjie and Longquan Sword appeared again eight years ago, I knew... that bad guys are not far away!"

And as Po Meng once again told the legend of bad people in detail.


Countless spectators were also shocked.

Bad people...

Thirty-six Tiangang Colonel....

The leader is...Tian Kuixing! Bad handsome guy!!

Countless viewers were slightly moved when they heard this!

The third generation of Boss Su Chen!

Finally not a villain anymore!

It is an absolutely official organization! The leaders of the forces who only obey the orders of the Emperor!

It sounds very mysterious and cold!

[Ying: Finally he’s not a villain anymore!]

【Yae Sakura: But if you are in such a force, your hands must be stained with blood, huh?

[Hutao: Thirty-six stars of!! Is it related to the seven stars of Liyue?!]

[Hu Tao; Yuhengxing...couldn’t he also be a bad person!!]


[Ningguang: They should all be created based on the stars. 】

[Xianyun: Bad people, a mysterious organization directly affiliated with the emperor, looks very funny? 】

[Kiana: Bad handsomeness feels so awesome...]

[Black Tower: All the treasures of the imperial city were transferred overnight? 】

[Wendy: Uncle Yang was also a bad person in the past. It seems that the bad guy is about to start something! 】

[Diluc: I can feel that it revolves around Li Xingyun! 】

Uncle Yang is in Jianlu.

A figure wearing a bamboo hat approached slowly in the rain.

He is just bad handsome!

Uncle Yang's face suddenly tightened.

"I have sent Li Xingyun down the mountain to the Hidden Soldier Valley."

The bad guy said nothing.

Walking slowly inside the house.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and your tone has become much tougher."

"The Tang Dynasty has been destroyed, and the bad guys have been disintegrated. Today I am just treating you with courtesy."

Uncle Yang lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice.

And as if he had heard the funniest joke, the bad teacher laughed.

"Disintegration of bad people? You treat each other with courtesy? Hahahahahaha!"

"For thirty years, you have tried every means to escape."

"But I tell you, this is your fate, and it is his fate! You can't escape it in your life.

Accompanied by cold words.

The bad handsome man threw out a piece of letter! It slowly fell in front of Uncle Yang.

And on top of the letterhead.

[Bad Person] The three big characters almost broke through the red circle with extreme tension!

This is a sign that they are bad people! It is also a mark that they will be bad people for life!

Look at this letter.

Uncle Yang's eyes gradually became seemed as if his thoughts were drawn back to those thirty years ago!

And the bad handsome man's low and hoarse voice came

“One day you’re a bad person, you’ll always be a bad person!”

The sound echoed.

The tyranny in the words came to my face!


These words hit Uncle Yang’s heart!

In the beginning, it was the bad commander who handed over the secret Longquan Sword to him and Lu Youjie and asked them to take them out of Chang'an City!

Then they watched helplessly as Huang Chao entered Chang'an and ordered the city to be massacred.

A fire burned away the fortune of the Tang Dynasty! Let Chang'an no longer be Chang'an!

It also made them see clearly that this imperial court had long existed in name only! Their inner belief in bad people became even more shaken.

But at this time.

Faced with the bad commander's order, faced with the mark engraved in their bones.

Uncle Yang still responded.


It seems to herald the rebirth of bad people!

The situation in Jianghu is also more complicated!

In order to explore the secret of the royal treasure hidden in Longquan Sword!

The three major forces in the world are competing for Li Xingyun!

I hope to find Uncle Yang through Li Xingyun, so as to occupy the treasure of Juhuang City!

Zhang Zifan, who was traveling with them all the way, was secretly the adopted son of Li Siyuan, the Holy Master of Tongwen Hall.

It was also during this time.

Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun encountered countless crises and adventures.

When Jianlu burned down.

Fell into the siege trap of Xuanming Sect.

And Li Xingyun also burst out his true strength in the crisis!

It turns out that he received secret guidance from a bad handsome man when he was a child!

It’s already pretty good at this time!

It has even reached the level of strength of Xiao Tianwei!

However, he was still defeated by the four great kings of the Xuanming Sect and was seriously injured.

Lu Linxuan was rescued by Zhang Zifan, and Li Xingyun was rescued by Huanyinfang, and was later snatched back to the Hidden Soldier Valley by Shangguan Yunque!

After a chaotic battle between forces.

Li Xingyun and Ji Ruxue were brought back to the Hidden Soldier Valley for treatment.

[Ke Qing: Once you are a bad person... you will be a bad person for the rest of your life! 】

[Ningguang: A bit domineering, but also inexplicably has a sense of faith? 】

[Tingyun: Did a fire burn down Chang'an... What a pity! 】

[Kafka: Is the end of the dynasty so chaotic? 】

[Kiana: What a chaotic battle! The three parties... no, it should be the four parties! 】

[Beidou: I always feel that Li Xingyun’s life experience is not simple! 】

[Xiao Gong: How disgusting, a good Jianlu was burned down. Do you like to set fires so much? 】

[Karen: Why is the Xuanming Sect so cruel? People... are all innocent...]

[Bai Lu: If I touch them, I will beat them up!]

And just when everyone was a little dazzled by the chaotic battle between the Jianghu forces.

Li Xingyun, who was brought back to the Hidden Soldier Valley, was also in urgent need of medical treatment.

It was also at this time that everyone learned!

Shangguan Yunque is actually one of the bad guys! Tian Qiao Xing! His strength has even reached the level of Zhongtian!

And the owner of the Hidden Soldier Valley!

He is clearly the leader of bad people!

Bad handsome!

Looking at Li Xingyun who was seriously injured and unconscious.

The bad handsome man said to Uncle Yang indifferently

"Then let's get started."

"Evening, I must see the end of class tonight.

After he finished speaking, he left the room directly.

Uncle Yang was left with a silent expression, looking at Li Xingyun on the bed.

The atmosphere was solemn, as if something major change was about to happen.

Result...what result??

Just when everyone was confused.

Shangguan Yunque found the bad handsome man to plead for mercy

"Commander...Li Xingyun was seriously injured by the combined efforts of the four great Yamas. I checked carefully at the time and found that all the meridians in his body were severed..."

"Such a serious injury, asking Uncle Qiu Yang to save him by himself... This...

"Isn't it just asking him to fight for his life... isn't it just asking him to die... Marshal..."

Suddenly, Shangguan Yunque uttered hesitant words.

All the viewers also realized why Uncle Yang looked so bad.

But I also thought of this.

All the viewers also felt the cruelty of the bad handsome man.

Hear Shangguan Yunque's plea.

The bad handsome man laughed a few times as if he had expected it.

"Thirty years ago, I entrusted the Longquan Sword to Uncle Yang and Lu Youjie.

"Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't even say hello, but just came to me and disappeared.

"Eight years ago, Li Xingyun was placed under Uncle Yang's sect. I never thought that he would teach martial arts half-heartedly."

"I said, one day you are a bad person, the next you are closed you are a bad person!"

"It's not that easy to quit."

"Now, letting him die saving Li Xingyun is already a special grace."

Under the cold words of the bad handsome man.

Shangguan Yunque wanted to say something else.

But when faced with the bad handsome man's cold gaze, he immediately stopped begging for mercy.

the next day.

After Li Xingyun woke up, he found that Uncle Yang had white hair and died in front of him after exhausting his energy.

The bad handsome man stood in the room and said in a deep voice.

"Who calls him a bad person? He died loyally to you today. He died a well-deserved death, and it was an honorable death."

"This is the fate of us bad people."


Facing the confused Li Xingyun.

The bad guy continued to explain.

"This is the Valley of Hidden Soldiers, where bad guys live, and I am the bad guy."

"Li Xingyun, you were born in the third year of Jingfu in the Tang Dynasty. Your grandfather was Emperor Yizong Li Miao, your uncle was Emperor Xizong Li Xuan, and your biological father was Emperor Zhaozong Li Ye.'

"You have ten brothers, you go to the king."

"In the first year of Tianyou, King Liang rebelled, and eight people died during the palace coup. Your ninth brother was made the puppet emperor by Zhu Wen. In the fourth year of Tianyou, he was forced to give up the throne and was killed the following year.

"You were rescued by the minister Li Huan, wandered around the world, and were placed under Uncle Yang's door."


What the bad handsome man said not only made Li Xingyun's face change, but also shocked the hearts of all the viewers!

Li of royal blood?!

In other words, what a bad teacher would say!

Is it the last remaining legitimate bloodline of the emperor?!

In other words...Li Xingyun will be the emperor if he follows the normal procedure?!

[Himeko: No wonder! No wonder bad people want to help each other like this! 】

[Xie'er: In other words, bad people actually have to take orders from Li Xingyun?!]

[Esta: If I guess correctly...what the bad guys ultimately want is to help Li Xingyun reset!!]

[Jing Yuan: According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, bloodline inheritance should be like this! 】

[Coral Palace Xinhai: Uncle Yang... sacrificed his life just to save Li Xingyun...]

[Ningguang: This is the allegiance of a bad person, and it is also the punishment of a bad person. 】

[Diluc: So, the purpose of the bad coach is probably to assist Li Xingyun to rise to power? But this is not something that can be done simply! 】

[Black Tower: Don’t forget, the treasure of the imperial city is in the hands of the bad commander. 】

[Ke Qing: Bad handsome guy... so cold and ruthless... But he doesn't seem like a bad guy...]

Everyone in the chat group lamented Uncle Yang's sacrifice.

Although the bad handsome man's orders seemed a bit cruel and inhumane.

But if you treat them according to the rules of bad people.

Dying to save Li Xingyun was considered a well-deserved death.

In other words, Uncle Yang's disappearance with the Longquan Sword is already a serious crime of betraying a bad person...

However, what no one expected was.

Li Xingyun's life experience turned out to be the orthodox Li Tang royal family! He is also the only remaining candidate for emperor!


And in the screen.

The bad handsome man turned his back and slowly told Li Xingyun about his long past, his tone was deep and rough.

"In the first year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, the warlock Yuan Tiangang came to Beijing."

"He was appreciated by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin and worshiped as a national teacher."

"While divination the stars to pray for national luck, and refine elixirs for longevity."

"In the 20th year of Zhenguan, the national master Yuan Tiangang finally refined the elixir."

"Unexpectedly, something went wrong during the trial in front of Taizong!"

"Although it has achieved the goal of immortality, the potency of the medicine is very unbearable! Even Yuan Tiangang almost died! He went crazy!"

"Emperor Taizong saw with his own eyes Yuan Tiangang's miserable condition after taking the medicine, and he was concerned about his own reputation. Therefore, until his death in the 23rd year of Zhenguan, he still did not dare to take the medicine.

The bad handsome man slowly recounted a history from three hundred years ago.

In other words, it is not well known to the world, even Ji Xingyun has not heard of the slightest bit of history!

He knew Yuan Tiangang's name and it was like thunder in his ears.

But he had never heard anything about the immortality medicine’s subsequent deeds!

And this part of the story.

It also made all the viewers outside the screen feel incredible!

Although the lifespan of a group of extraordinary beings has begun to play the defensive game of who has more zeros than who, and who is thousands of times longer than who.

But put it in the Tang Dynasty world exposed here.

This is the early historical world of human beings on earth.

Technology is not developed, and there are no such powerful energies as imaginary numbers and elements.

It can be said that human lifespan is closely related to weak body functions!

With such a body, it is already famous for its longevity if it can reach a hundred years old!

But I didn’t expect the warlock Yuan Tiangang that the bad handsome guy was talking about!

He actually succeeded in developing such a miracle drug as the elixir?!

Can break through the upper limit of human lifespan!

That is to break through or even rewrite the functions of the body!

Such an invention... given this level of technology, describing it as a genius is far from enough!!

Instead of waiting for a group of extraordinary people to marvel and discuss!

The bad handsome man continued with a heavy voice.

But there was a layer of sad and fatalistic tone in his tone.

"Moreover, Yuan Tiangang has no choice but to resign from the post of National Advisor after such a drastic change."

"However, Emperor Taizong didn't want his talents to be buried, so he ordered him to establish a secret organization specifically to serve the royal family."

"Bad guy!"

"With Yuan Tiangang as a bad commander, he is only responsible to the emperor.

"Over the past two hundred and seventy years, bad people have died one after another, but Yuan Tiangang died because of taking the so-called elixir of immortality."

"I have survived..."

The words fell silent.

One second...two seconds...

Until a few seconds later!

"Bad handsome...Yuan Tiangang?!"

Only then did all the audience react like Li Xingyun! They exclaimed in surprise!

There was an uproar!!

The screen is full of shock!!

Chapter 2 today! Ten thousand words have been updated!

The setting about Yuan Tiangang's disfigurement is based on the movie "The Legend of Tiangang" and is not entirely caused by taking medicine! If it is not burned, it will not be disfigured!

In other words, the handsome man will still be a handsome uncle when he is three hundred years old!

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