At this moment, when they heard Fu Xuantaibu's familiar arrogant speech, all the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

【Paimon】:"Sure enough, it is a familiar taste. This fortune teller looked like this when he first appeared. The war was obviously going badly, but he pretended to be unimportant. How cute!"

【fluorescent】:"My goodness, could it be that Fu Taibu learned this stubbornness from the Fatui? So cute……"

【Nashida】:"Although the situation is clear now, judging from the attitude of this fortune teller, those guys in the Medicine King Secret Teachings may not be so easy to deal with."

【walnut】:"We should be optimistic. Although it may be difficult to defeat the enemy, I think that with Fu Xuan leading the Yunqi Army and with the help of the Train Regiment, those guys who teach Medicine King's secrets will eventually be completely wiped out!"

【Rosalyn】:"What a joke! This is nothing but a self-deceiving thought. The methods used by those secret followers of the King of Medicine are not something they can avoid."


No matter how hard Fu Xuan tries to talk, he will eventually be annihilated.——

"The trouble with the demonic body seems to be the biggest worry for the people of Xianzhou.~"

"And this is also one of their weaknesses. After becoming a demonic body, they will gradually lose their reason, and in the end, they will lose themselves and become a real evil creature of abundance."

At this moment, Funina also understood why the ancestors of the Xianzhou people would rather abandon the gift of the God of Plenty and follow the Hunting God.

Because this immortal curse is too dangerous.

And it is estimated that there will be many situations that will break out at that time.

In this way, it can be understood how great the harm caused by the God of Plenty is.

After all, if this immortal curse continues to spread, it will be a catastrophe for the entire universe.

"This thing is very dangerous. Fortunately, Sanyueqi didn't eat the fruit produced by Jianmu at that time. Otherwise, although he could become a real immortal species, he would also be cursed with immortality."

Then Villette thought of the fruit produced by the rich black deer.

According to Tingyun, that thing is what really makes the immortals in Xianzhou become immortals.

If this is really eaten, it may be of great benefit to some people.

But some people will only avoid it in panic when they see this.

After all, everyone's pursuit is different.

"Hehe, now Fu Xuan has investigated the situation of those guys in the secret teachings of the King of Medicine, so the next step is to set out to fight. These lunatics hiding in the Immortal Boat are about to be annihilated!"

Fu Nina said excitedly.

Returning to the video.

The pioneer looked at Fu Xuan and had an epiphany in his heart.

"Next, you want us to go into battle, right? After all, if Yunqi faces those guys, there will be huge casualties because of the Demonic Yin Body?"

"You are very smart!"

Fu Xuan exclaimed.

She really thought so.

After all, the weird means of the Medicine King Secret were really hard to resist. Although as a Taibu, she could easily defeat many of the Medicine King Secrets, she had no way to ruthlessly kill Yunqi who had been transformed into a demonic body.

This would cause great damage to Yunqi in the long run.

Therefore, Fu Xuan decided to let Yunqi stay here temporarily, with the purpose of waiting for the arrival of the train group and others, and he could also take this time to go to the front to investigate the specific situation.

March 7th spread his hands and said,"Look, after following Taibu for so long, we actually have some ability to predict the future."

"Let us guess, what are you going to do this time? It won't be to lead the charge....Charge into battle with the Yunqi Army?"

Thinking of this guess, San Yueqi's mouth opened wide in surprise.

After all, if she rushed to the front, it would be unknown what would happen.

It is very likely that even she would be seriously injured in such a high-intensity war.

After all, this is a war, and when the fighting starts, swords will be cut off and no one will care about her specific identity.

Thinking of the scene at that time, San Yueqi was a little scared and said,"No, no, I will faint in such a big scene!"

She said that she was definitely not a coward, but was simply dizzy from the big scene.

This scene made Fu Xuan burst out laughing instantly.

When March Seven saw this scene, he thought that the other party was laughing at him, so he continued to explain with a blushing face.

What can't be called a coward, at most he was just following his heart.

Or maybe it was reasonable for her to do so. After all, who said that people in the train regiment like to fight.

Seeing that March Seven was making things worse, Fu Xuan could only quickly explain:"I never said I would let you go to the battlefield. The general said that you are a surprise force. A surprise force should be used in the most critical place."

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Hahaha, today I have learned something new. It means to follow your heart and not be a coward!"

【Shen He】:"This March 7th is quite interesting, but she is actually quite self-aware and knows what she can do, so she is so determined to refuse."

【Paimon】:"Today I finally saw a contestant who is more dedicated than me. I have decided that from today on, March 7 will be my idol!"

【fluorescent】:"Why can someone from the heart become your idol? Do you think that learning such things can help you make better progress?"

【Rosalyn】:"She is so cowardly. That General Jing Yuan actually chose to believe that such a person could save the Immortal Boat. I think she might as well believe that we, the Fatui, can help the suffering!"

【Kaia】:"The Fools will help the poor? Are you sure you're not kidding?"

【walnut】:"Do you believe what I said? I am drunk too."[]

【Wendy】:"I would rather believe that Lin Zhu can destroy the law of nature than believe that you fools will do good things one day."


At this time, after Fu Xuan's explanation, San Yueqi finally believed that the other party had indeed never intended to let them rush in first.

After all, this was the person General Jingyuan trusted. If she really arranged it this way, she would probably be known as someone who put her allies at risk.

If that happened, she would lose both her wife and her troops. Fu Xuan would not be able to get anything good even if he cried.

"Come with me."

At this time, Fu Xuan said as he led the train crew to a furnace that was constantly emitting thick smoke.

"Look at this alchemy furnace. It is the tool used by alchemists in ancient times to demonstrate the way of immortality. This furnace can absorb the power of Jianmu and turn fantasy into reality. Because there is constant smoke in the furnace, it is called Yunxia Zifu."

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