【Rosalyn】:"Tsk tsk tsk...it seems that this gold dust is really as pathetic as his people."

【Rosalyn】:"It turns out that this gambler who was so-called blessed by luck turned out to be nothing more than a joke."

【Rosalyn】:"Unfortunately, there are no Evijin left now."

【Rosalyn】:"Otherwise, I really want to see what happens when the Evijin people see that the people who were blessed by their"Mother Goddess" are now being manipulated like a stray dog."

【Rosalyn】:"What kind of expressions would they have on their faces? Haha... (laughing.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Fuck! Where's my knife? Bring me my knife! I'm going to chop this guy up! (Chopping Knife.jpg)"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"Boss, calm down. Although I hate the Fatui Executors, you can't beat them yet."

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Ah Ren, how can you boost others' morale and destroy your own prestige? How can I, the leader of the Arata clan, be defeated by a mere Fatui executive!? (Angry.jpg)"

【Qiliangliang】:"I can't stand it anymore, these Fatui executives are so abominable! I really want to go to the Kingdom of Winter and teach them a lesson!"

【Atractylodes macrocephala】:"Ahem... have you seen my Qiqi? I seemed to see her running out with a prototype rock-chopping sword just now?"

【Paimon】:"Oh my god! Is even Sword Saint Qiqi so angry that he wants to return to the martial arts world? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Kelly】:"Damn it, Klee is going to make a nuclear bomb today and blow up those Fatui bastards! (Bounce Bomb.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Wow... Such strong aggression... Has even Klee been pissed off and turned into Zuan Klee!? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Dolly】:"It's okay. Your Master Sangge Mahabayi has already offered 10 million Moras to buy the hands and feet of the Fatui executive~ (proud.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Is this... so exaggerated!!! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Wendy】:"Haha, it looks like the Fatui executive has already caused public outrage in the group~ (watch the fun.jpg)"

【Funina】:"I've long disliked this group of Fatui. If it weren't for Villette stopping me, I would have fought till Winter! (Angry.jpg)"

【Navilette】:"That's not the case. I have always agreed with your attack on Winter Solstice. If necessary, I can still lend you a hand."



"Wow! I'm so pissed!"

"Why are these Fatui executives from the Kingdom of Winter more irritating than the other!?"

"Traveler, I can't stand it anymore, let's go to Winter Solstice now!"

Paimon stomped his feet in anger.

"Well, okay, you go by yourself, I will cheer you on in Liyue."

Ying said with an expression of"I am optimistic about you"


Paimon immediately wilted upon hearing this, and then flew to the Traveler and said,"Hehe... I'm just saying... it's mainly because those Fatui executives are so abominable!"

"I almost cried to death over the story of Little Gold Dust"

"As a result, those guys from the Fatui seemed to be eager for Shajin to die sooner. It's really infuriating!"

Paimon said angrily.

"Stop talking, I'm even angrier than you are now"

"But what can we do?"

"Now we can only trust the gold dust."

Ying sighed and said

"The Tsyganian desert could not kill him, nor could the blade of the Katika take his life."

"He gambled his life countless times, and won victory countless times."

"I believe that even if the person sitting across from me at the gambling table is the Star God named"Tongxie", he would dare to use his [life] as a chip to roll the [dice] that determines the outcome.】"

"So... just wait."

"Let's see if this gambler who has never lost can complete a gorgeous turnaround at this hopeless poker table."



"Oh my, Rosalin, it seems that you guys went a little too far in the chat group this time.~"

"Look at you guys, you guys have made those guys in the chat group so angry that they are eager to send troops to attack Zhidong."

"I have to say, you guys are quite good at being weird.……"

At this time, when the Seventh Puppet of the Fatui Executive Officer, Sandone, saw the angry scene in the chat group, he couldn't help but laugh and said

"Sarcastic? Oh, I'm just telling the truth."

"Is there any difference between the gold dust nowadays and a stray dog?"

"Oh, yes, if you must make a distinction... a stray dog can at least survive for a few days."

"As for that gambler... hehe, there are only seventeen system hours left."

Rosalin sneered.

Rosalin:"After seventeen system hours, the Evikin clan will no longer exist in the entire universe."

"Oh? Are you so sure that... that gold dust has been defeated?"

Puppet Sandonie asked:"What will you do if he wins the game?"

"Turn defeat into victory?"

Hearing this, Dotole on the side couldn't help but sneer:"Haha, this is probably the funniest joke I have ever heard."

Dotole:"A guy who had his cornerstone confiscated, was betrayed by his friends, and even had only a bag of cheap jewelry left on his body.——"

Dotorei:"You actually told me that he still has a chance to turn defeat into victory!? Hahahaha……"

Dotore:"Compared to this, I would rather believe that the probability of Tianli being killed by a forest pig is higher."

"However, it is not that this gambler is completely worthless now."

At this time, Dotole changed the subject and said with a perverted smile:"Because in this way, I can appreciate how this gambler struggled to survive in the last 17 hours of his life.……"

Dottore:"Finally died in despair……"

Dotore:"I think that scene must be very wonderful, right?"


Hearing this, the Fatui executive, Puppet Sandone, was disgusted by Dottore's perverted taste.

"Doctor, you really should change your perverted taste.……"

Puppet Sandoni frowned and said


(A new book is about to start, and the author is begging for data! As long as someone sees that the author has updated more than 10,000 pages a day, he will not break his promise! If there is data, he will continue to update!)

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