"Traveler! Do you see it? Do you see it?"

"It was General Thunder! General Thunder actually appeared in Pinocchio!"

"Oh my god! I feel like my worldview is about to collapse!"

Paimon pulled the belt around the traveler's neck, his face full of shock and excitement.

""I see it, Paimon, if you pull me again I will be strangled to death!"

The traveler said hurriedly.

Paimon stopped his excited hands after hearing this, but still said in shock:"This is too shocking! Why is General Lei Dian in the Chaolu Mansion of Pinoconi!"

"Paimon, you're overthinking, that shouldn't be General Raiden."

Ying said.

Paimon:"Not General Raiden?"

Paimon:"But she looks exactly like General Raiden!"

Paimon:"And her voice is the same as hers."

Paimon:"How could it not be General Raiden!?"

Paimon said with disbelief.

Ying:"I think it's just a coincidence... After all, we are from two different worlds."

Ying:"As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest."

Ying:"Even if there are two people who look and sound exactly the same, there's nothing strange about that, right?"

Paimon:"That's right.……"

Paimon nodded.

Paimon:"But I'm still curious.……"

Paimon:"You said... when General Raiden saw this scene herself——"

Paimon:"What kind of expression will be on your face?"



Castle Tower.

Lei Movie:"……"

Lei Movie is speechless now.

Because, ever since Huang Quan, who looks exactly like him, appeared in the live broadcast room...Yaejinko, that scumbag, came all the way from Narukami Taisha to the shogunate.

I came here specially to see her fun.

"Oh my, my Lord General, I didn't expect that you would hide such a big secret from me.~"

"Tell me... is that your twin sister on the screen... or is that you?"

Yae Shenzi walked in front of Lei Dianying and teased with a foxy smile.

"Son of God, you came all the way from the shadow mountain"

"Just to discuss such a boring topic with me?"

Lei Dianying looked at Yae Shenzi speechlessly and said


"This isn't boring at all.~"

"I guess the entire Seven Kingdoms are now speculating... about your relationship with the girl in the video, right?"

Yae Shinko said with a gossipy smile.

Hearing this, Lei Dianying sighed and said,"I said I have nothing to do with her, do you believe it?"

"Hehe, of course I believe it."

Yae Shenzi laughed when she heard it:"After all, I know that the girl in the video can't be you."

Yae Shenzi:"But... I don't know whether other people believe it or not. Hehe~"

Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Lei Dianying couldn't help but glance at her helplessly.


The girl in the video... is too much like her.

Even when she saw her for the first time, she had an illusion as if she was looking in the mirror.

Huang Quan in the video not only looks exactly like herself.

Even the voice is no different.

Anyone would think... the girl in the video is herself.

But... what surprised Lei Dianying was that

Lei Dianying seemed to feel a powerful force in that girl that was not inferior to himself.

This made Lei Dianying curious...

Does the girl in the video also have god-like power?


At this time, as everyone was surprised by the appearance of the Huang Quan girl in the video, the introduction of Walter Yang and Huang Quan also appeared on the screen.

【Walter Young——】

【The mature and steady senior of the Star Dome Railway train crew, the cane in his hand seems to hide special abilities】

【Just like his mature and steady appearance, it seems that there are some unknown past events hidden.……】


【A traveler who calls himself"Sea Patrolman" whose real name is unknown】

【He wears a long sword and walks alone in the Milky Way. He is indifferent and taciturn, and his sword strikes as fast as lightning, but he has always fought with the scabbard, never using it.……】

At this time, after seeing the introduction of Huang Quan and Walter, everyone in the Teyvat chat group was stunned.

This is also called an introduction!?

Isn't it just saying nothing!?

This is the first time they have seen such a sloppy introduction of characters since the live broadcast room started.……

【Paimon】:"Damn! Why do these two seem more mysterious than each other?"

【Paimon】:"Even the character introductions are pitifully brief.……"

【Paimon】:"Isn't this a suspenseful thing!? (knocking on the table.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"That's right! I also want to see what the relationship is between Huang Quan and General Lei Dian!"

【fluorescent】:"And you only wrote this little introduction? Who would read it? (Angry.jpg)"

【Funina】:"But then again...why are they here?"

【Funina】:"Isn't this the Chaolu Mansion that Shajin and Doctor Zhenli visited before? I remember it seemed to be here on Sunday?"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"A member of the Star Dome Railway train crew and a sea patroller... Why did they come to the Morning Dew Mansion of the Oak family? Could it be that they were also looking for Sunday?"

【Nine-jo Sara】:"By the way… the more I look at her, the more I feel that this girl Huang Quan looks like the general. Her appearance, shape, and tone of voice are just like they were carved from the same mold! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Nine-jo Sara】:"I still can't believe it... How can there be two people in this world who look so alike! ? (Unbelievable.jpg)"


At this time,

Huang Quan and Walter Yang walked into Chaolu Mansion under the puzzled gazes of the people in the live broadcast room.

They unexpectedly found two pairs of different footprints on the carpet of Chaolu Mansion.

"The model in the sandbox... should be the golden moment."

Huang Quan said, looking at the huge Pinocchio sandbox placed in the middle of the mansion.

At this time, Walter noticed that the footprints on the ground were different from those outside, and immediately began to analyze the footprints on the ground...

Walter Yang:"The footprints here are different from other places... There are two in total."

Walter Yang:"An outsider may have walked through here not long ago."

Huang Quan:"Mr. Walter, can you tell who the owner of the footprints is?"

Huang Quan looked at Walter Yang and asked.

Walter Yang:"Well... the pattern is unique and very ostentatious."

Walter Yang:"Judging from the size, it should be a men's model."

Walter looked at the footprints on the ground and analyzed carefully.

Walter Yang:"I guess... it's probably the envoy of the Interstellar Peace Company, Mr. Shajin."

Huang Quan:"Shajin……?"

Huang Quan:"What about the other one?"

Huang Quan asked again.

Walter continued to analyze:"The two footprints are not one in front and one behind. Judging from the almost parallel state, the person traveling with him should not be his subordinate.……"

Walter Yang:"It must be the Doctor of Truth from the Society of Knowledge - Professor Veritas Latio."

Walter Yang:"The company is eager to take back Pinocchio. Their presence here is not surprising."

Walter Yang:"It's just... I don't know what kind of deal they have reached with Mr. Sunday here... or is it... a confrontation?"

Walter Yang said with some curiosity.


(A new book is about to start, and the author is begging for some data! As long as someone sees that the author has updated more than 10,000 chapters a day, he will keep his promise! If there is data, he will continue to update!)

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