As the video played to this point, a notice suddenly appeared on the screen.

【——Interstellar Peace Report——】

【……According to the Pierpoint Hotline, a major breakthrough has been made in the horrific"Agyhazo Gold Dust Case" and the suspect has been arrested.——】

【The fraud case involved multiple departments of Interstellar Peace Corporation and the Polytechnic Institute.】

【This resulted in a large waste of human and material resources, causing the company to suffer huge losses.——】

【The suspect in this case is from Tsigonia-Ⅳ】

【A survivor of the Second Kartika-Evikin Extinction Incident, and does not hold an Interstellar Refugee Travel Permit——】

【At the suggestion of Diamond, the head of the Strategic Investment Department, the company properly arranged for him based on the spirit of the Charter.】

【The investigation will continue to confirm the suspect's criminal motive.……】


At this time, when seeing the announcement in the video, everyone in the Teyvat live studio couldn't help but be stunned.

【Funina】:"etc.……『One of the survivors of the Second Kartika-Ewekin Extinction Incident... Isn't this the gold dust?!"

【fluorescent】:"By the way... since the Evikin people became extinct, weren't the gold dusters captured and made into slaves?"

【fluorescent】:"Why did he suddenly become a suspect wanted by the company?!"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Yes, and what about this"Agyhazo Gold Alluvial Case"?"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"What on earth did he do?"

At this moment, when everyone was puzzled, a gorgeously dressed woman slowly appeared on the screen.

"Oh, what beautiful eyes."

"Tell me, do they glow at night?"

In the picture, Jade, a senior executive of the Interstellar Peace Company and one of the ten members of Stone Heart, was resting her cheek on her hand, looking lazily at the last orphan of the Evikin clan in front of her, and said with a smile.

Kakavasa:"If I can, I will definitely sell them."

At this time, the gold dust in prison looked at the high-ranking woman in front of her, but there was no fear in her words.

It seemed that in his eyes, at this moment, he was not a suspect in the Ejihazo gold dust case, nor was he a prisoner of the Interstellar Peace Company... but a gambler who had the same right to sit at the gambling table as the person in front of him.

At this time, Jade looked at the prisoner in front of him who had caused the company to suffer huge losses, but smiled slightly and said:

Jade:"You don't know how many people are hoping that you will close your eyes forever."

Jade:"As a slave, you shouldn't resist your master... but you killed that man."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the chat group couldn't help but be shocked.

【Kelly】:"Wow! It's a beautiful big sister!"

【Diona】:"She’s really beautiful. By the way, this older she also a senior executive in the company?"

【Kelly】:"Mom said that the bigger the mask is, the worse the devil Dudu is, so this 'big' sister must be very bad too!"

【Amber】:"Uh, Klee, your focus is really weird... Shouldn't we pay more attention to what they say? ? (Shame.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Wait...that Jade just said...the Gold Sand killed his master?"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"What she meant... is it that Shajin killed the man before? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Oh my god! No way!……?"

【Funina】:"Did the gold dust really kill the slave owner? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Funina】:"But...but wasn't he arranged to play a [game] with more than thirty slaves? Could it be that...Shajin killed all those slaves too!?"

【Paimon】:"Oh my god... is there so much information right at the beginning! ? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Who is this woman? She looks pretty, but for some reason, I always feel that she is dangerous."

【Wendy】:"Yes, this guy always reminds me of the lady in the Fatui...she looks beautiful and elegant, but in fact she is as dangerous as a venomous snake."

【Rosalyn】:"Hehe, little hamster, who allowed you to compare me with this guy?"

【Rosalyn】:"You don't really think... a mere executive of the Interstellar Peace Corporation can be compared to me, an executive of the Fatui?"

【Rosalyn】:"It's really ridiculous... (laughing.jpg)"

【Dottore】:"'s really funny"

【Dottore】:"I never thought that the Interstellar Peace Company would be turned upside down by a slave."

【Dottore】:"Now it seems that the so-called Interstellar Peace Company is nothing more than a group of guys with nothing in name only... Is it possible that there is no decent force in the entire Honkai world?"

【Dottore】:"Oh, it's so disappointing."


At this time, in the heated discussion among the crowd, the video was still playing.

"No lawyer dares to defend you, maybe you should try to get a declaration of innocence for yourself?"

Emerald lowered her eyes and looked at the prisoner in front of her and said.

Kakavasa:"It's not difficult, but it's meaningless."

Sand Gold shook his head, indicating that he didn't intend to do so.

Emerald:"Oh, you are very confident in your eloquence."

Emerald:"Did you think so when you deceived the Knowledgeable Society?" Kakavasa

:"You get what you want."

Kakavasa:"You want the most perfect building material, I just gave you a possibility——"

Kakavasia:"A little gamble"……"

Shajin smiled and said,"If we are lucky, the company can find anything from the yellow sand of Ajihazo, even the remains of the [Sand King] (the breeding star god - Taizi Yuros)."

Kakavasa:"Unfortunately, you are unlucky."

【Funina】:"Hey, what did Sha Jin just say?"

【Funina】:"It sounds like he deceived the company and the people of the Institute?"

【Funina】:"So what did Shajin do? (doubt.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"From what I heard from Shajin, it seems that he tricked the company and the people of the Institute of Knowledge into going to a place where they can dig out any treasure they want.……"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"But if you want to dig out those things, the price that the company and the Bozhi Society have to pay may be higher than the value of the things themselves.……"

【Paimon】:"Uh... isn't that a scam?! I didn't expect gold dust to be so cunning!?"

【Paimon】:"No wonder the company wanted to arrest him and hold him as a prisoner!"

【Nashida】:"However... I never thought that Shajin could deceive the company and the Bozhi Society with just his eloquence……"

【Nashida】:"Sha Jin's wisdom and courage...are far beyond my imagination!"

【Dottore】:"Haha, that gambler was able to deceive the people of the company and the Bozhi Society, which only shows that the company and the Bozhi Society are just a bunch of good-for-nothings. (sneer.jgg)"

【Dottore】:"In my eyes, this so-called"lucky guy" is just a clever bug."

【Dottore】:"Believe it or not, if I am a little more serious, I can easily crush him to death."

【fluorescent】:"Ah, yes, yes, you are awesome! (rolling eyes.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"I hope you won’t be slapped in the face by gold dust later! (rolling eyes.jpg)"


(A new book is about to start, and the author is begging for data! As long as someone sees that the author has updated more than 10,000 pages a day, he will not break his promise! If there is data, he will continue to update!)

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