"This life is like morning dew, body and name are gone"

In the picture, Huang Quan was facing the attack of three"Star Core Hunters" alone, but he was not at a disadvantage at all. He even did not draw the long sword in the sheath.

He just relied on the sheath to fight the three people in front of him.

"The river of oblivion is calm, leading the wandering"

At this moment, Huang Quan in the picture was seen fighting with the three"Star Core Hunters" in front of him nonchalantly.

At the same time, he was muttering an unknown eulogy.

When seeing this scene, all the audiences on the continent of Teyvat were shocked.

Mond -

The Knights of Favonius.

Amber:"Oh my god... Isn't Huang Quan panicking at all!?"

Amber:"She is now trapped in the illusion of fireworks!"

Amber:"And... I saw the offensive of those three people, even I was trembling with fear."

Amber:"I feel that the strength of each of these three people is not inferior to mine."

Amber:"How on earth did Huang Quan manage to fight the three of them so easily by himself?"

At this moment, Amber looked at the video and was shocked.

Eula:"Indeed...the three of them look really strong."

Eula:"Just watching their fight through the screen makes me feel suffocated."

Eula:"Is this... the battle between Yomi and Hanabi!? This is too scary!"

Eula couldn't help but say with a look of shock on her face.

Qin:"This is the first time... I've seen Yomi fight without drawing her sword."

Qin:"Before this, Yomi either killed the enemy with one sword, or killed the enemy in a second without drawing her sword."

Qin:"It turns out that even without drawing her sword... her strength is so strong."

Qin:"I feel that the Fatui executives are going to be slapped in the face again this time."

Qin:"This Yomi is probably far more powerful than we, '067', could have imagined!"

Qin couldn't help but say.

Kaeya:"That may not be the case."

At this moment, Kaeya on the side suddenly said:"After all, up to now, the power Yomi has shown is only in the illusion created by Fireworks."

Kaeya:"If in the end, Yomi still can't escape the illusion created by Fireworks..."

Kaeya:"I feel like Huang Quan might be exhausted to death in this illusion."

Kaeya:"Now I feel more and more that... that [Masked Fool] Hanabi is the most hidden strongman in Pinocchio."

Kaeya:"From beginning to end, she never made a move, but once she made a move, she actually put Huang Quan, the strongest [Void Commander], into trouble."

Kaeya:"Now it seems that the so-called God of Fun believed by this group of [Masked Fools] may not be that simple."

Kaeya touched his chin and frowned.

Dawn Winery.

Wendy:"Wow! So powerful!"

Wendy:"Master Lu, look! Huang Quan is fighting against the three of them on equal terms!"

Wendy:"I didn't expect those three guys to be so strong."

Wendy:"To be able to create this level of illusion, this firework is really not simple!"

At this time, the wind god Wendy said excitedly to Master Diluk beside him.

And when he saw Wendy's excited look, Diluk was speechless and said:"After all, you are a god of Mondstadt, why are you making a fuss?"

Hearing Master Diluk's words, Wendy coughed twice, and then quickly restrained himself.

Wendy:"Ahem... It's been a long time since I saw such a hearty battle?"

Wendy:"And... I didn't expect that Huang Quan was not at all inferior under the siege of those three strong men."

Wendy;"He even said something I couldn't understand with ease"

Wendy:"This Huangquan...is really becoming more and more mysterious."

Wendy:"I'm really curious about her background!"

Wendy:"How did she become the [Void Commander]?"

At this time, Wendy said curiously

Liyue -

Wangshu Inn.


Ying:"Faced with three such powerful enemies... Huang Quan was able to deal with them so easily."

Ying:"Even... she didn't even pull out her knife!"

Ying:"When will I be as strong as her!?"

At this time, Yingmei watched Huang Quan who was facing three"Star Core Hunters" alone in the video.

She couldn't help but say with envy.

You know, before this, the enemies that the traveler Yingmei had to deal with were basically some weak monsters like slimes, hillbills, and treasure thieves. At most, she could fight against elite monsters like the Hillbilly King and the Fatui.

The most powerful BOSS she had defeated was only the Wind God's follower like the Wind Demon Dragon, and even... she defeated it with the blessing of the Wind God Wendy.

In addition, the Fatui executive lady, like the Demon God Osel, almost crushed her existence.

Therefore, it is hard for Yingmei to imagine how Huang Quan can fight against three people who are so powerful...

After all, in Yingmei's opinion, the strength of the three"Star Core Hunters" in the video is far better than her, and even better than those Fatui executives...

At this time, Paimon on the side could not help but comfort her:"Traveler, I believe in you! You will become as powerful as Huang Quan in the future!"

Yingmei:"Become as powerful as Huang Quan? Really?"

Yingmei said in disbelief.

Paimon:"Of course! You are the Traveler!"

Paimon nodded very affirmatively.

Paimon:"Of course... the premise is that she doesn't draw her sword."

Paimon immediately added.


The Hall of the Rebirth.

Hu Tao:"Wow! So exciting!"

Hu Tao:"I haven't seen such a hearty battle in a long time!"

Hu Tao:"This is the first time I've seen someone reciting limericks while fighting!"

Hu Tao:"Next time I'm going to learn to do this from Huang Quan!"

At this time, when seeing the fierce battle between Huang Quan and the"Star Core Hunter" trio in the video.

Hall Master Hu Tao couldn't help but said with shining eyes.

At this time, after hearing what Hall Master Hu said, Zhongli on the side couldn't help but said speechlessly:"Hall Master, that doesn't seem to be a limerick, right?" Hu Tao was stunned when he heard it:"Ah? That's not a limerick?"

Hu Tao:"Why does it sound similar to my limerick?"

Zhongli shook his head and said:"Hall Master, don't you find that... Huang Quan's words are more like a eulogy?"

Hu Tao:"Eulogy?"

Hearing this, Hu Tao said in disbelief:"How is this possible"

Walnut:"As the head of the Wangsheng Hall, how could I not recognize the eulogy!"

Walnut:"Besides, even if it is a eulogy, there must be a person to be mourned for. Could it be that... she can also read a eulogy for her opponent?"

However, when Walnut said this, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and said:"Oh my god! It seems... it is true."

Walnut:"This Huang Quan... when he drew his sword to chop the gold sand before... it seems that he also read a eulogy!?"

Walnut:"So... this Huang Quan will actually read a eulogy for his opponent!?"

At this moment, Walnut was completely shocked.

Sumeru -

Pure Palace.

Nashida:"This life is like morning dew, body and name will be extinguished."

Nashida:"The river of forgetfulness is calm, leading the wandering"

Nashida:"Strange... What do these words mean? Why did Huang Quan say that?"

At this time, looking at Huang Quan fighting with three"Star Core Hunters" in the video, Nashida couldn't help but say with some doubts.

Nashida:"Could it be that... these are eulogies?"

Nashida:"Who is she mourning? The opponent? But why is she mourning them?"

Nashida:"Strange... There are really too many secrets hidden in this Huang Quan that I can't understand."

Nashida couldn't help but stare at Huang Quan in the video with curiosity.

There are really too many secrets in the Huang Quan in the picture.

Nashida even hopes that the strength of that firework can be stronger, so... maybe she can force out the hidden means of Huang Quan.

Nashida:"But... If Huang Quan still can't escape the illusion in the end... The final winner should still be Fireworks, right?"

Nashida:"Unless... She can cut again like the one that shattered Pinocchio's dream before"

Nashida couldn't help but think.

Nashida:"But... such a terrible slash, can she really swing it a second time?"

At this time, Nashida couldn't help but doubt it.

After all, Huang Quan's knife that shattered Pinocchio's dream was too shocking.

Even the whole world seemed to be split in two by Huang Quan's knife...

If Huang Quan can really draw the knife at will... then Huang Quan's strength is too terrible! ?

(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fontaine -

Momang Palace.

Funina:"Oh my god... Is this a battle between strong men!?"

Funina:"This is... too strong!?"

At this time, Funina was watching the scene of Huang Quan fighting with the three"Star Core Hunters".[]

She couldn't help but said with a look of shock on her face.

This could be said to be the most intense battle she had seen in Fontaine in the past few hundred years.

Who would have thought that the three"Star Core Hunters" could actually fight back and forth with Huang Quan... and... those three were even just [illusions] created by Hua Huo!

This time, the [Masked Fool] Hua Huo completely overturned Funina's previous opinion of her.

You know, before this.

Funina always thought that Hua Huo was just a little girl who looked young and had a bit of a sharp tongue.

As a result, it was not until now that Funina realized... the strength of the [Masked Fool] Hua Huo was not inferior to Huang Quan at all!

Funina:"Good guy, I was still worried that Hua Huo would be chopped down by Huang Quan. After all, even the Grand Duke of Hellfire died in Huang Quan's hands."

Funina:"Now it seems that I was worrying too much."

Finina:"This Huangquan... seems to have no way to escape from the illusion of firework?"

At this time, Navilette nodded and said:"Indeed, even the most powerful person will find it difficult to escape once he falls into the illusion....


Navilette:"And this [Masked Fool] Hanabi is undoubtedly a master of illusion."

Navilette:"He can even simulate three opponents with similar strength to Huang Quan in the illusion to attack Huang Quan."

Navilette:"If this continues... Huang Quan will definitely lose!"

Navilette said slowly


"Hehehe... This Huang Quan is still pretending to be dead... How ridiculous."

At this time, Rosaline looked at Huang Quan who was already trapped in the illusion of [Masked Fool] Fireworks.

She couldn't help but sneer.

Scattered Soldier:"The three illusions created by [Masked Fool] seem to be quite strong."

Sanbing:"I didn't expect that the crazy-looking little girl actually has something."

At this time, even the usually arrogant Sanbing couldn't help but say.

Dotole:"Hehe, it's just some tricks to fool people."

Dotole:"But what I didn't expect is that such a small trick could actually trick this [Void Commander]."

Dotole:"It seems that I really overestimated her before."

Dotole:"Now it seems that there is no powerful existence in this collapsed world."

Dotole:"It's really disappointing, huh"

At this time, Dottore snorted coldly.

Piero:"Hehehe... It seems that after we gather the seven God's Hearts and defeat Tianli, we can consider entering the Collapse World."

Piero:"I guess with the strength of us [Faints], after we reach the Collapse World, it will definitely be a dimensionality reduction attack!?"


At this time, the [clown] Piero on the side couldn't help laughing and said

At this time, the video was still playing.

In the screen, as the attacks of the three"Star Core Hunters" became more and more fierce,

Huang Quan's figure also became faster and faster.

In this short moment, the two sides had fought back and forth dozens of times.

However, no matter how fierce the attacks of the three"Star Core Hunters" were, they could never touch Huang Quan's hair.

Seeing this, the three"Star Core Hunters" in the screen suddenly attacked Huang Quan at the same time.

They attacked Huang Quan together.

However, at this moment,

Huang Quan slowly grasped the handle of the knife.

"I mourn for the dead"

In the picture, Huang Quan suddenly drew out his long sword, and in an instant, countless sword lights were slashed out.

"Let it flow"


The next moment, the three"Star Core Hunters" were slashed with several cracks by the long swords.

Then... the whole picture shattered like a mirror.

In the video, the"faded" white-haired Huangquan flashed across the picture.

"Restore this lost memory"

The next moment, the entire video screen suddenly became colorful, as if a plate of paint was poured onto the drawing paper, dazzling.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered Huang Quan's 1.9 eyes, and in her ears, the previous voice sounded again.


"Your color."

When Huang Quan opened his eyes again, everything around him had already returned to calm.

Even the three"Star Core Hunters" from before had disappeared.

Only the giant screen of the Robin advertisement was left in front of him.

"I have seen her"

Looking at the familiar yet strange face in the picture,

Huang Quan seemed to remember something.

【"find me"】

【"find me"】

【"The final you"】

【"And the original me"】

On the huge screen of the advertisement, the robin in the picture seemed to be telling Huang Quan something.

Hearing this,

Huang Quan suddenly took a step forward and held the long sword again.

"All Past"

"All have returned to nothingness."

In the picture, Huang Quan slowly pulled out his long sword.

As the long sword was unsheathed, the color on Huang Quan's body faded again.

Only a line of bright red tears of blood was left.

"Like tears"

"Will eventually disappear in the rain"

The next second, when Huang Quan pulled out all his swords, the entire scene... was suddenly covered by a huge black hole!

"Don't look back"


"There is nowhere to go."

As Huang Quan swung the knife, the whole world seemed to be cut off by the knife.

The world in the picture was shattered.

Then, a void enveloped the whole world.

The next moment... the whole world... returned to nothingness!

When seeing this scene, everyone in the continent of Teyvat... was stunned.

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