Of course, the main reason is that the Taipu Division and the Cloud Cavalry Army can't spare more manpower.

We can only ask the Starry Sky Train to help deal with these matters.

"Then we have to ask Qingque to lead the way for us."

March Seven and the others didn't know where the base of the Qiongguan formation was, nor did they know how to restart it.

The only person they could count on was Qingque.

"Oh, I am really a hard-working person....Come with me, everyone. This matter is not too difficult. I think it should be handled soon."

Qingque's face was bitter. Usually at this time, she would have been slacking off in other places.

But after Taibu asked her to pick up someone, the situation gradually became a little bit wrong.

She had a hunch that this matter was just the beginning, and there might be more important things for her to do next.

"As a member of the Taibu Division, I have no way to refuse the order of the Taibu Master. Oh, what bad luck."

Although there were many thoughts in his mind, Qingque still did not complain.

Because the situation of the Taibu Division is very urgent now. If it is not handled properly, the entire Luofu Xianzhou may be in danger.

So it is better not to be hypocritical in such a very important situation.

"I would like to explain in advance that the Qiongguan formation can only be operated again after all three bases are activated, so we may have some trouble at that time."Qingque specifically explained how many tasks they will have next.

The Qiongguan formation is originally a treasure worthy of praise for the Luofu Immortal Boat, so the conditions for its operation are naturally more.

However, this will trouble Sanyueqi and others who want to come and activate them.

"It seems that this is not an easy task."

The pioneer scratched his head and said

"No, it is not that difficult to activate the formation. The difficulty lies in how we can start it safely."

Qingque thought that the pioneers were overthinking.

Although there are three formations, even a few-year-old child in Xianzhou can quickly master it.

So this matter is not difficult at all.

If we have to say where the difficulty of this matter lies, it is that they must always pay attention to the dangers that may appear at any time.

"The first formation base is in front of me. Let me see which one it is....Well, this is the Cosmic Array...."

It didn't take long for them to reach the first formation base.

Then, Qingque began to operate under the 200 eyes of the other people.

Countless runes were flowing rapidly under Qingque's hands, but she stopped after a while.

"Is that the end?"

Sanyueqi thought this might be a simple matter, but she never expected it to be so simple.

She didn't see Qingque do anything more complicated. She only saw him put the runes together and then finished the operation.

It seems that this matter is indeed not a difficult problem.

"The more complicated something is, the simpler it is to operate. The so-called simplicity is the best way. Do you understand?"

Perhaps because he successfully completed the first step, Qingque's tone gradually became a little boastful.

"But if it's so simple, why doesn't your Taibu come here in person?"

Sanyueqi asked in confusion.

It seems that Qingque doesn't need to come with them for this matter. The other party can even choose to give them the method of restarting.

It's just that this will make things a little more complicated.

"Hehe, maybe Master Taibu is just like me, and he also has a desire to slack off."

At this time, Qingque looked around furtively, and when he was sure that there was no one in his sight who would reveal what he said today, he smiled.

【Ningguang】:"This Qingque is really bold. She dares to gossip about her boss even in the Taibu Division. I think now I know why she was sent to guard the documents."

【Eula】:"Some people are born with a good talker. Qingque seems to be a person who can't sit still. I guess Fu Xuan has already gotten used to her, right?"

【Skirmishers】:"Haha, it seems that this Taibusi is really deserted."

【Skirmishers】:"She even sent out a guy who dared to criticize his superior. If such a person appeared among the Fatui, she would definitely end up in a very miserable situation."

【Rosalyn】:"Tsk tsk, this Taibusi Fu Xuan's subordinates don't even have a doorman, which shows that Fu Xuan himself is probably not that powerful. (sneer.jpg)"

【Diona】:"Humph, do you think everyone is as inhuman as you fools? If everyone is like you, then there is no point in living."

【Diona】:"An organization without any human touch will eventually go to its doom! (Firmly.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"Haha, human touch? Do you think a powerful force would need this kind of thing?"

【Dottore】:"Emotions will only make a force weak, and only by abandoning emotions can one have real strength."

【Dottore】:"Now it seems that the so-called Taibusi is probably a ridiculously weak force, right?"

【Dottore】:"In comparison, the Annihilation Gang of Grand Duke Hellfire is many times stronger than them. (Sneer.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Hahahahaha… Will human touch make people weak? If this were said in the Aradaki faction, I’m afraid people would laugh to death! (laughing.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Human relationships are the biggest driving force of our Arawaki sect. The relationship between us in Arawaki sect is so indestructible because of the human touch!"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"You Fatui executives will never understand the bond between us! Right, Ninja!"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say this... but it is true.——

"Aradaki faction?"

"Haha, what kind of funny organization is that?"

"Are they worthy of being compared with us Faints?"

At this moment, when he saw Aradaki Ito in the chat group bragging about his Aradaki faction,

Sanbing couldn't help laughing out loud.

And Rosaline on the side said with contempt:"Haha, nowadays any Tom, Dick or Harry dares to compete with us Faints."

Rosaline:"Sooner or later, we will let them know how powerful we Faints are."

Sanbing:"I think that day will not be too far away."



"These fools are really petty. They just hold on to what others said casually...."

Ying curled her lips slightly, and now her impression of the Fatui became even worse.

"That’s right, Qingque was just a hard-working worker. Is there anything wrong with him just complaining there?"

"And Qingque didn't use any radical tone, he just laughed at himself and made some people anxious."

Paimeng on the side also echoed, she felt the same way as Qingque.

Because in such a long adventure, she met many hard-working workers.

Paimeng knew a little about the thoughts of those guys.

Qingque said that without any malice, only people who wanted to find fault could find such a problem.

"I think their next journey may not be so easy. After all, Fu Xuan had warned them early on that they might encounter some troubles, but I didn't know how serious the troubles would be." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ying laughed out loud about the Fatui executives who deliberately set the pace but were taught a lesson by everyone.

After all, this guy should be taught a lesson by others.

However, Ying didn't dwell on this matter for too long, and instead published some crises that March 7 and his team might encounter next.

Although it was just a rough inference, the credibility of it was still very reliable.

"There is a saying that goes,"When the bridge reaches the bow, the boat will be straight." I think everything will go smoothly for them from now on!"[]

Paimon seemed very energetic at this time, probably because he had just cursed the Fatui in secret.

It can be seen that there is really a big conflict between the two sides.

However, even if there was no live broadcast room, the Fatui's���

After all, given their personalities, if someone chooses to have any contact with the other party, it would be considered a blessing.

"You are right, little Paimeng. I believe they will be able to successfully complete the tasks assigned by Fu Xuan this time."

Ying also nodded very affirmatively, not to mention how confident she was.

The source of this confidence was the powerful combat effectiveness of the pioneers.

As long as they had enough strength, they could deal with any troubles they encountered with their own strength. So, there was no need to worry about March Seven and the others.

There was no need at all, okay?


"It was such an easy way to remove the formation, and the saying"the great way is simple" really has a deep meaning. It seems that the technology of this Xianzhou civilization must be at least hundreds of years ahead of us, right?"

When Qin saw the flying runes in Qingque's hands, as obedient as a slime that would not resist, her expression was really a little doubtful about life.

After all, even she had never seen such a bizarre thing.

But when the video was still playing very coherently, Qin knew that this was not her illusion, and everything happening in front of her was real.

"The more complicated something is, the simpler it should be when dealing with the problem. If the alchemists in our city heard this, it might set off a crazy experiment."

Kaia said with a smile:"Those guys are willing to pay anything for a perfect experiment."

Sometimes a sentence is not as simple as it seems on the surface, at least when a wise saying is only in the mouth of a celebrity.

But if the same sentence is put on an ordinary person, then this feeling becomes a bit weird.

"Some guys have been getting restless recently. I even suspect that the Fatui have some way of contacting them secretly."

Jin, the acting leader, has a good idea of the undercurrents in Mondstadt. Although she may not be clear about the details now, she still has some understanding of some general things. After all, it would be troublesome if she didn't know anything about those things if they really happened.

"It seems to be the case, but there is no need to worry about Mond being in danger in the short term. Just wait until they show up. When we need to catch them, they are big ones. It is better to throw them back to fish for those that are not of much value."

Qin's idea is very simple, that is, to cast a long line to catch a big fish.

So this time, Qin was thinking about asking Kaeya to help her investigate these things. She still recognized his ability.

And Kaeya also knew very well that those guys who like to act as mice in the dark.

They probably like to come out and make trouble in times of chaos.

But once those guys dare to show up, they can definitely blow up the other party's dog head in the first place.

"During the next period of time, we must pay close attention to the actions of those guys. If we find any abnormal actions from them, we must strictly monitor them immediately."

"Now we have reached a critical moment, we must not let those villains cause chaos in our Mond!"

At this time, Qin's expression was extremely serious. She didn't want the things that happened on the fairy boat to happen in their Mond.

As an acting leader, if such a thing really happened, Qin would not be able to face the leader who was away. The other party trusted her so much that he entrusted the important task to her.

As a result, when the other party came back, it became a mess, which would be very embarrassing.

"Don't worry, Captain. I'm very good at intelligence. Just wait and see. None of those guys can escape my eyes."

Kaia was full of confidence at this moment. If nothing unexpected happened, those evil-minded people in Mondstadt would be in trouble.

Even if they wanted to retreat now, it was too late. When Jean gave the order to attack them, there was no place for them in Mondstadt.

Back to the video, the pioneers had already arrived at the last place. As long as they could successfully piece together the formation here, their mission would be half completed.

Why half? It's because so far they haven't encountered any evil spirits contaminated by the star core.

But this time it wasn't as smooth as imagined.

"What is this thing? It looks so strange. Could it be a spirit from the gatehouse?"

March Seven looked at the thing not far away with some curiosity. She had never seen anything with such a shape before.

"Don't be nervous, there are no ghosts on the fairy boat, this is just a golden man guarding the formation, there are such things everywhere in our fairy boat."

Qingque saw that Sanyueqi was a little nervous, so he quickly explained

"Although that's what he said, this thing is squatting there with a sign saying"Keep Away". If we walk over there with a swagger, will it suddenly attack and hurt people?"

Although he got the explanation from the locals, Sanyueqi still had a little concern about this golden man. The reason was that this guy didn't look like someone who could be easily messed with.

And this thing just happened to be blocking their way. Could this be a coincidence? Sanyueqi didn't think so anyway.

Qingque said with some indifference:"We are here to activate the formation on the orders of Taibu. We are familiar guests, not strangers."

As if to prove the accuracy of his statement, Qingque even went up to verify whether he would be hurt by this golden man.���

As a member of the Taipusi, Qingque still has the confidence. It has been so long and I haven't seen any malfunctions in these golden men. I can't be so unlucky that I will encounter a malfunctioning product.


The approach of Qingque seemed to have activated some kind of program of the golden man. The guy immediately stood up from his original squatting position and seemed to be ready to attack.

"this...I can't be so unlucky, right?"

Looking at the oppressive feeling brought by the golden man in front of him, Qingque swallowed hard. If he could go back, he would definitely ask Taibu for compensation for work injury.

Because mental damage compensation is also a kind of loss.

And this is also a problem that occurred during working hours, why should he not get compensation?

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