Genshin Impact: Teyvat Travel Diary

Chapter 103 Leila And Leila!

The time came at dusk that afternoon.

Waking up in a daze, Laila found that she was sleeping in the office of the Holy Order. The table was full of documents. Memories from her 'sleepwalking' time quickly emerged in her mind - after entering the Jingshan Palace, which Gu Jing The gentleman motioned for the three of them to sit down.

The other party looked at Elhaysen first: "We meet again, Secretary Elhaysen, are you interested in making a deal with me?"

“Recently there has been a phenomenon of missing children in Vimo Village.

"I want you and Seno to go over there and help me deal with it."

"Solve this matter once and for all."

"You two can make a request of me that is not excessive."

In this regard, neither Elhaysen nor Sano refused. They captured the key word [lost child] and both of them were very serious.

Watching the two men stand up and leave, Mr. Gu Jing looked at her with a smile: "Miss Laila, are you interested in becoming an acting great sage?"

The first-person perspective makes it impossible to see the expression on her own face.

But Layla herself could clearly feel the excitement in her heart: "Of course! But why an agent?"

But Mr. Gu Jing smiled even more: "It's not impossible to get rid of the agent. Let me see what your capabilities are like."

"The position of the Great Sage happens to be vacant, and there is no one to handle the relevant documents." 1

"Laila's words..."

"Can it be done before the sun goes down?"


This... Looking at the sun that has not completely set outside the window, and then looking at the corrected documents on the desktop, Laila's head is buzzing. Although the documents have been corrected, she is not as confident as in her dream. !

However, the copy of Lord Shengjun's diary has also been updated with an article about her.

【About Laila————】

[Some people may not understand why I am so optimistic about Layila. 】

[But she is indeed a genius girl in the true sense. 】

[She has an introverted personality and always mutters words such as "I can't think of it", "Why", "It's over" in a low voice. 】

[And he often looks so dazed that he can fall asleep even while standing. 】

【That's exactly how she is. 】

[But it’s called a ‘humanoid self-propelled calculator’!]

【As for why this is?】

[As a sign of respect, I’ll call it ‘blessing from the stars’ for the time being (laughs). 】

[But no matter it is Laila who is introverted. 】

[Still the confident and cheerful Laila. 】

【I like them all. 】

【To Come. 】


"It's finished..."

"This time, Lord Shengjun is really on his radar."

Covering her red face, the blue-haired double-helix girl was very shy, but she was still a little happy to be recognized and encouraged by him.

So... we can’t disappoint Lord Shengjun, right?

After making up her mind, Laila held the corrected documents and walked towards Jingshan Official happily and nervously.

The second personality couldn't help but laugh at this: This little confused guy can only make so much in this life!


When Laila came to Jingshan Palace again holding the document.

Nasida, Yingmei and Paimon, who had nothing to do for the time being, had all entered the Dustsong Pot and were happily playing games.

Gu Jing, who was still sitting on the sofa waiting for her, saw that it was getting late and immediately took Fa Lushan to eat three-color dumplings.

"As you said before, right? Your mouth is relatively small."

"I met a relatively large tricolor dumpling."

"Want to swallow it all in one bite."

"Obviously not."

"Then there's no need to be so greedy."

"Eat slowly."

"No one will rob you."

Fa Lushan, who kept talking about him, couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

As a Xumi scholar who has never eaten Sancai dumplings, isn’t it normal to be excited when suddenly eating something you have never eaten before?

Two newly formed wind slimes were summoned by her, and they gave the bastard Gu Jing a mixed beating!

Layla came to Jingshan Palace and was very confused: "Senior Fa Lushan, you...

Hearing this, Fa Lushan, who had her back turned to her, turned around with a stiff expression. When she saw Laila, she immediately showed her senior's composure.

"As you can see."

"I want to try something new."

"But this bastard is so annoying when he talks."

"Don't show him any color."

"He probably really thinks I'm easy to bully!"

"Of course, senior, but it's too pitiful just to see him sitting here alone."

"Just passing the boring time."

"And don't you also have his diary?"

"Three-color dumplings are familiar to you, right?"

"Want to come together?"

While speaking, Fa Lushan, who had a hot face, looked around to avoid Laila's gaze, secretly tasting the three-color dumplings and being discovered by others. It was really embarrassing, but as a senior, she really didn't want to show her timidity in front of her juniors.


Laila, who was betrayed by the general, opened her eyes wide: "I, I won't eat it."

"Lord Holy Lord."

"This is the corrected document."

"Please take a look."

Walking shaky steps, she came to Gu Jing and bravely handed the documents over. Laila also noticed that the three-color dumpling, which was as big as her fist, actually wanted to swallow it in one gulp. Senior Fa Lushan really Somewhat impatient.

However, Lord Shengjun saw her just now and did not remind Senior Farushan. This...does this mean something else?


Sure enough, Gu Jing, who took the document, also smiled at her: "It's already dinner time, isn't it? Is Laila really not going to eat anything?"

Laila's ears turned red as he stared at her: "This...I'm really not hungry now...Thank you, Lord Shengjun, for your kindness..."

"That would be a shame."

“But I also admire girls who can stick to their principles.

"Whenever you have an idea."

"Laila can talk to me in private."

Having said this, Gu Jing smiled and looked at Fa Lushan, who was in a daze, and raised his finger to lightly tap her smooth forehead: "Senior sweet sister, don't be in a daze while eating, and you don't have to wait for me. I’ll come as soon as I’ve finished reading these documents.”

Being called his sweet sister, Fa Lushan was inevitably a little embarrassed. She rolled her cheeks and rolled her eyes at him: "Humph~ You are the only one who has many things to do!"

He retorted unkindly, and Gu Jing smiled and pinched Fa Lushan's cheek. She felt ashamed and happy at the same time. Fa Lushan was not so resistant at this time.

While she was eating the three-color dumplings again, Gu Jing was also flipping through the documents carefully, and Laila's head was buzzing in front of the two of them (so good Zhao).

But let alone her, she has not yet had a second personality that has emerged, and in fact it is not much better than her.

Obviously today's development should be that she, Leila, has perfectly completed the assessment given to her by Gu Jing, and then become a great sage and reached the pinnacle of life! But why... why did it become like this? Was it the wrong way to open the door just now?

Or...she has also contracted the symptom of being unable to wake up due to some confusion in her personality, and the current situation is actually that she is dreaming?

You can’t say—this is also a test set by the other party, right?


"Laila is handling it well."

"Besides, it's also good that you can stick to your principles."

"Whether it's talent or virtue."

"I'm very satisfied."

"And noble moral character is the character that a wise man must possess."

"from now on----"

"You are the great sage of the Order Academy!"

PS: Thanks to boss ‘Heavenly Blade King Shengyan’ for the vote

Pictured is Laijila.

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