Genshin Impact: Teyvat Travel Diary

Chapter 137 Fukalos: Then Villette, Are You Still A Single Dragon?

While Gu Jing was recording his diary, Villette's very calm voice also echoed in the Opécle Opera House.

However, all the Fontaine people present felt that their minds were very confused. They were actually transformed into pure water elves? This was so surprising.

Navilette's interpretation continued: "The content of this seventh stone tablet is that the Star-Swallowing Whale came to Fontaine, causing the water level of the Grand Fontaine Lake to rise, submerging the entire Fontaine, and the water of the original fetal sea contained in the water. Enough to dissolve.”

"That's why the scene inscribed on the eighth stone will appear."

"Only the water goddess Funina was left sitting alone on the throne crying."

"The above is the content of the prophecy tablet."

"As far as my personal feelings are concerned."

"The contents described on the prophecy tablet should be true."

"Ms. Funina."

"What do you think?"

I have to admit that Ms. Funina did a big job today, and Villette's surprise was undisguised.

The fates of all the key players in this disaster are almost laid out on stone tablets.

But where did he go?

Ask yourself, he will never stand idly by.

Navilette, who was very confused about this, looked at Funina on the high platform, but saw that the expression on Ms. Fufu's face was still confident:

"As I said before."

"Understand doomsday, then defeat doomsday!"

"Now that we know that the apocalypse that destroyed Fontaine was caused by the Star-Eating Whale."

"Then instead of sitting and waiting to die." 03 "Why can't we take the initiative?"

"In other words, why is this planet-eating whale bringing destruction to us?"

"Can't we kill it?"

"Start decorating now!"

"And then rely on the connection between Fools Executor Dadalia and it!"

"Draw it into our trap!"

"It may not be impossible to win in battle!"

Having said this clearly and methodically, Ms. Fufu, who raised her lips slightly, also looked condescendingly at the people sitting in the audience: "My lovely people of Fontaine, tell me - do you have the confidence to defeat it?"

Big, big, big

The sudden question also made the Fontaine man's expression straighten as he gradually calmed down.

Seriously speaking, in the prophecy, they were completely unprepared before being dissolved by the fetal sea water, but if Lady Funina's plan is followed, there is indeed a glimmer of hope, right? And sitting and waiting for death is the most uncomfortable thing!

And Lady Funina is right - why did this hateful star-eating whale destroy their Fontaine?

People who thought of this felt their anger rising, and then turned into murderous roars:

"Have confidence! No! We must defeat it!"

"Lady Funina is right!"

"Why should we let this hateful big whale destroy our Fontainebleau?"

"We have to fight back to kill it!"

“Victory over the doomsday!”

Seeing this scene through Gu Jing's live broadcast perspective, people represented by Ningguang Keqing nodded in approval.

People’s support is available!

However, most of the Fontaine people present were pampered gentlemen and ladies, so it was obviously a bit embarrassing for them to fight.

So Ms. Fufu also issued a recruitment order at Gu Jing's suggestion: Anyone who is willing to help can go to Momang Palace to sign up.

Regardless of money, effort, or materials!

All are possible.

In addition, the frontal battlefield of the battle with the Star-Eating Whale will also be given to her, Funina!

Big, big, big

As the excited Fontaine people left the opera house, only Navilette was left standing on the stage.

He looked at Gu Jing, Yingmei, Paimon, Navia, Charlotte, Clolinde, Arecino and others who were still in their seats.

Ms. Fufu, who was on the high platform, also walked down the stairs at the back and signaled to the surrounding security guards to drag Marcelle away and close the door.

Then she looked at Gu Jing with a smile and asked, "How did that scene make you feel?"

"Pretty good."

"I always thought that people from Fontaine would go to the theater."

"It was indeed a bit bloody just now."

In fact, all the developments today were planned by Ms. Fufu.

The two also made a bet about this matter. If the Fontaine people can rise up to resist, Gu Jing will help her and guarantee that the Fontaine people will not die; on the contrary, Ms. Fufu will also be his wife. The cat-eared maid who spent the whole day.

Now everyone is undoubtedly happy with this result. If they can choose to unite when danger comes, the Fontaine people are obviously not bad.

Looking at the silent Villette, Gu Jing said with a smile: "There must be many unanswered questions about Villette, right?"

"But wait a moment."

"There is still one last participant who has not entered."

With a slight snap of his fingers, Gu Jing's spiritual realm unfolded and the people present saw an unexpected person.

She has the same face and figure as Funina, but the clothes she wears are the color of the starry sky. Compared with Ms. Fu Fu, who has an out-of-the-box personality, her temperament is very sacred. Anyone who looks at her will know that she is A true god.

Facing everyone's gaze, she smiled and raised her hand to say hello: "Hello everyone, we finally meet.

Big, big, big

Looking at Fukalos standing on the stage, everyone present except Gu Jing was very surprised and dumbfounded.

But let alone them, watching the live broadcast from Gu Jing's perspective, Captain Qin and others were also a little dumbfounded.

But he saw Fukalos looking at Funina with a smile: "You have worked really hard for so many years. Although there are still many things I want to say to you, please wait a little longer. The secret only belongs to the two of us. It is best for us to Talk in private."

Ms. Fufu, who was almost stunned, nodded to her after coming back to her senses: "Yes."


“Where better to begin?”

Having said this, Fukalos looked at Gu Jing with interest: "You wouldn't mind if I corrected you a little, right?"

Gu Jing raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "You tell me first, I'll decide based on the situation."

"Too stingy.

"You won't be liked by girls."

"But your fists are big."

"I'm also afraid of getting beaten."

"So I won't sell it."

Fukalos couldn't help but smile as she folded her arms. Under the gaze of everyone, she began to tell the story of that year.

It turns out that Egoria used the water of the original womb sea to create humans before the Lemurian civilization, and after creating humans, she was imprisoned by the laws of heaven.

For the crime of "stealing the power of the original womb sea", God punished him, weaving his future destiny, and even turned into a prophecy slate.

Then Remus came to this area on the Fatuna, took over the mess left by Egolia, and created the Lemurian Dynasty. So when will people be dissolved by the sea water? things.

It wasn't until she ran for the position of the Seven Gods that Egolia was released again and took over the ruins of the Lemurian Dynasty.


After telling the story clearly, Fukalos couldn't help laughing: "Don't tell me, I still find your speculation about the earth veins quite interesting."

"I don't know if that's the case."

"After all, I just took over the position of Water God from Lady Egolia."

"I really don't know exactly how she does it."

"But I think you have a point."

"After all, ley lines are the basis of the cycle of life."

"The people of Teyvat have feelings, love, and even kiss."

"But there was really no part of making three-color dumplings together from beginning to end."

"Maybe that's what it is."

Hearing this, Yingmei and others all looked at Gu Jing: That's right! It was this dead ghost who led them to evil!

Gu Jing is not surprised. After all, this is 12+, and some things cannot exist.

As for why the deviation occurs?

Of course he had read the backstory of Still Water's Glow.

But I’m really unfamiliar with Fukalos. 127

Written this way on purpose.

Of course it is to create a topic.

Not to mention, Ms. Fukalos, who has a rather humorous way of speaking, is really to his liking.

However, Navilet, who felt a big headache, couldn't help but ask: "Demon God Fukalos, the disaster will not change because of the reversal of the order. Now this prophecy will become a reality. What is your current situation? "

Hearing this, Fukalos gave him a playful smile: "Interrupt at this time, Villette, are you still a single dragon?"

Phew~ Ms. Fufu and the others couldn't help but laugh out loud when they were struck by the joke.

But is Villette actually a dragon?

There is also the matter of Wendy and Tevalin. Zhuyu is at the forefront, and Yingmei and others think that the two may also be related.

But Gu Jing gave an explanation in his diary.

[About Navilette————]

[This Mr. Navilette is of course the serious Water Dragon King. 】

[Just like the research information of Yuanxia Palace said. 】

[This generation of Water Dragon King will appear in human form. 】

[But the situation with Tevalin is different. 】

[Navilet was deceived into the position of Supreme Judge by a letter written by a certain water god. 】

[Working diligently for more than 400 years. 】

[To put it bluntly, this is also related to the plan that Ms. Fukalos is executing. 】

[Let her speak for herself. 】

[But then again. 】

[There is a wind dragon in Mondstadt, a rock dragon in Liyue, a grass dragon in Xumi, and a water dragon in Fengdan. 】

[Where did Inazuma’s Brontosaurus go?]

[According to rumors. 】

[Because Ah Ying is too murderous. 】

[So a certain Thunder Dragon King packed up his bed and ran away overnight. 】

[Running from Inazuma to Nata. 】

[We don’t know if this is true. 】

[But it’s interesting. 】

Everyone couldn't help laughing: Bird food!

PS: Thanks to the boss of ‘Yi You Ban Zi’ for the vote

Pictured is Fukalos.

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