At this time, Nashida began to blame herself. All of this was caused by her incompetence as a god.

It was because she was not a qualified god that the current situation occurred.

Let the fanatical believers for her fall into this kind of man-made danger.

"Abandoning yourself is not what a god should look like."

At this time, Lin Yu's figure fell from the sky and appeared in front of Nashida, Kong and Paimong.

Facing Lin Yu's words, Nashida slowly raised her head.

"Lin Yu! It's you!"

"Great, if Lin Yu is here, there will be no problem. Dina Zedai is saved!"

After seeing Lin Yu's figure, Paimong, who was originally in a very depressed mood, became excited in an instant.

Maybe this is the sense of security from Lord Yushen.

As long as Lin Yu is there, all the problems they encounter can be solved. This is some small experience summed up by Paimong and Kong in their past journeys.

"I already know your situation. The behavior of Xumi Jiaolingyuan is too much. I must personally end this farce." Lin Yu said.

Although Kong and Nashida have been investigating the usurpation of the Jiaolingyuan in these days.

But after such a long time, it is very shameful to say that they did not obtain important information about the Jiaolingyuan from the investigation in these days.

"That Lin Yu, what exactly is the usurpation of the Jiaolingyuan?" With doubts in his heart, Kong looked in the direction of Lin Yu and asked.

Lin Yu smiled softly. There was no question of whether he could say it.

"Huh? After investigating for such a long time, don't you have any gains?"

This is really a bit shameful.

Kong scratched his head and said helplessly: "··· There is really no discovery."

"Oh~ Is that so? But it doesn't matter. Since I have decided to take action myself, let me tell you about this matter." Lin Yu said with a soft smile.

Then he began to tell everyone about the collusion between the Fatui and the Church, and the usurpation they had committed.

After listening to Lin Yu's story, everyone was shocked.

Through the Flower God Festival, Kong knew more or less that the sages of the Church were a little crazy, but he never thought that they could be crazy to this extent.

He abandoned his own god and turned to plan with the Fatui to create a god.

Such behavior is no wonder that Lin Yu said it was a usurpation.

"God-making plan?!"

"Damn! No wonder the bad guys in the Church looked down on Nashida so much. It turned out that they were secretly planning to create a new god."

Paimon was very angry now, so angry that he stomped his feet several times in the air.

"I wonder who the god the Church wants to create is?" Nashida looked in the direction of Lin Yu and asked.

"That man is also the executive officer of the Fatui, codenamed Sanbing." Lin Yu replied.

Sanbing? ! !

After hearing Lin Yu's answer, Kong and Paimeng were shocked. They had never thought that this person would be Sanbing.

How could a guy like Sanbing who did so many bad things be worthy of being a god? Aren't these guys in the Order of the Church afraid that after Sanbing becomes a god, he will come back and wipe them out as soon as possible?

Or do the people in the Order of the Church have the confidence that they can control Sanbing after he becomes a god?

For this behavior of the Order of the Church, both Kong and Paimeng were very puzzled, because in their opinion, what is the difference between this and carrying a lantern into the toilet?

Only Nashida still looked puzzled. She didn't know the detailed information of Sanbing at present.

After that, after Paimeng's vivid explanation with dancing and dancing, Nashida deeply understood how bad Sanbing was.

"Damn it, we must stop Sanbing from becoming a god, otherwise I don't know how much trouble he will cause in Xumi." Paimeng clenched his fist and said.

If Sanbing is allowed to become a god in Xumi, it will definitely make Xumi, which is already in chaos, even more chaotic!

By then, I don't know how many innocent people in Xumi will be caught in this vortex.

Nashida, who understood this, revealed a firm look in her eyes. She would never allow such a thing to happen in Xumi.

She wanted to protect every citizen of Xumi.

"Of course I have to stop it. Didn't I say it? I will take action." Lin Yu's faceA confident smile appeared on his face.

Then Lin Yu rubbed Paimeng's head, and he smiled softly and said, "Let's go, I already know who the owner of the dream is. Now go and wake him up from the dream, and the current dream will naturally dissipate."

"Lin Yu, you are so awesome. We have been discussing here for so long and don't know the result. You already know the owner of the dream as soon as you come." Although Paimeng was very unhappy when Lin Yu rubbed his head, in order to be able to hold Lin Yu's thigh, Paimeng still activated his ability as the mouth of God.

On the way to the Grand Bazaar, Nashida expressed some of her concerns.

And these concerns of hers were caused by Lin Yu. After all, before, Lin Yu met Nashida and said a few harsh words, such as depriving the position of the God of Grass or lowering the nail of the cold sky.

Although Nashida already knew that these remarks were probably just talk, she would always feel a little uneasy if she couldn't get an answer.

Lin Yu stopped his pace, he came to Nashida and squatted down, stretched out one of his hands and rubbed Nashida's head.

Softly said: "Don't take the previous words to heart, I came to Xumi this time just for the Oasis Game Store, and to solve some troubles by the way."

"Thank you, Lord Ruler of Order, I will definitely become a qualified god." Nashida, who got the answer, smiled and blinked and said.

Paimon muttered, obviously came to solve Xumi's troubles, but he had to say it was for the Oasis Game Store, and the last time he was in Inazuma was the same.

Lin Yu, this guy, is really inconsistent!

"If nothing unexpected happens, the front is where the dream master is." Lin Yu said lightly.

And in front of everyone is the Grand Bazaar.

Kong is already very familiar with the Grand Bazaar. He basically knows what kind of scene is being staged in the Grand Bazaar during this time period.

The main people inside are Nilu, Dina Zedai, the Great Sage Azar, and Setare.

Who is the master of the dream among them? Kong couldn't help but touch his chin and fell into deep thought.

The door of the Grand Bazaar opened automatically, and a group of people walked into the Grand Bazaar.

At this moment, an extremely familiar scene is being performed on the stage of the Flower God Dance in the Grand Bazaar.

"There is a law for such performances. It is not allowed to be held without reporting. Don't you understand?"

"Flower God Birthday Festival... It is also forbidden to hold large-scale god sacrifice activities privately, right? The right to host can only be in the hands of the Church."


"Art, dance, in this country of wisdom and reason, don't you feel ashamed to pursue these frivolous and empty things?"

"For all scholars who pursue truth, truth and truth, the gods created the paradise of Xumi City... and people like you want to defile it."

Listening to the words of the great sage Azar, Nilu lowered her head, and for a moment she didn't know what she should do.

She really wanted to complete the dance of the flower god and dedicate it to the little auspicious grass king.

But... was blocked by the great sage Azar.

Just when Nilu didn't know what she should do, a white light flashed, and it was Lin Yu's figure.

Lin Yu clamped the Great Sage Azar's neck with one hand, interfering with the entire dream with the power of the soul, and a fake night light appeared in Lin Yu's hand.

Lin Yu forcibly stuffed the night light into the mouth of the Great Sage Azar, and then punched the Great Sage Azar away, instantly piercing through the top of the entire Grand Bazaar, including the Church of the Order, and flew to the night sky above the giant tree of Xumi City and exploded.

There was no horrible effect produced by the explosion of an ordinary night light, but the most beautiful fireworks were presented for the Flower God's Birthday Festival.

Nilu was shocked when she saw this scene!

"I, am I dreaming? The Great Sage seemed to have been punched away just now?!" Nilu said in surprise.

Lin Yu nodded: "Yes, you are in a dream now, and the dream is about to wake up. While the dream is not over yet, if you want to do something, just do it."

Because it was a dream, Ni Lu quickly accepted this.

She then came to the center of the entire stage.

"Since we are in a dream, can the last flower god dance be performed more gorgeously?"

"I have waited for you all for a long time, let me present the flower god dance to the gods!"

After saying this, Ni Lu began to dance on the stage, even the previously sickDina Zedai also appeared at the scene of the Flower God Dance in the form of consciousness.

Various gorgeous particle effects surrounded Nilu...

Dance began, dance ended.

As Nilu, the owner of the dream, realized the fact that she was dreaming, the dream world was disintegrating and dissipating little by little. With the end of the dream, all the people trapped in the dream began to wake up.

At the same time, on the other side, in the real world outside the dream.

Xiao held the Hepu Kite and led three thousand virtual entity soldiers to the gate of the Order Institute.

"Who are you? This is the Order Institute! Why don't you retreat quickly!?"

"Quick! Seek support!"

The two mercenaries guarding the gate saw that the situation was not good, and immediately reported the changes in front of the Order Institute through the void terminal worn on their ears.

But the next moment, the man was directly pierced by Xiao's Hepu Kite.

Those who hinder the order of the feather god will die!

"Quickly block this place, follow me to arrest all the people in the Order Court."

"Yes!" Three thousand virtual entity soldiers said in unison.

Then the three thousand virtual entity soldiers were divided into two groups, one group was responsible for blocking the entrance and exit of the Order Court, and at the same time resisting the mercenaries who came to support from other places in Xumi City.

The other group was responsible for following Xiao, entering the Order Court and arresting anyone they saw.

Regardless of whether they committed a crime or not, Xiao arrested them all according to the order of Lord Yushen. If they did not commit a crime, I believe that Lord Yushen will give them justice in the future trial.

"What are you doing? You damned mercenaries, you have no right to arrest me! Only the disciplinary officer has this right!"

"Stop shouting, I am the disciplinary officer, and I am arrested now."

"It would be great if the Grand Disciplinary Officer was still here. The Grand Disciplinary Officer would definitely not let them be so arrogant!"

A large number of scholars and disciplinary officers in the Order Institute were detained by the virtual entity soldiers.

All of them were locked up in the dungeon of the Order Institute.

The two sages who had been locked up in the dungeon a long time ago were forced to be locked up here by the great sage Azar because they opposed the god-making plan.

"Damn Azar, he will definitely pay the price for his actions!"

The two Xumi sages clenched their hands, their faces full of grief and anger. After seeing this scene, they naturally thought that Azar persecuted these scholars.

But then they found something wrong. Why are more and more people being arrested? This might mean that everyone in the Order House has been arrested.

They even saw several staunch supporters of the Great Sage Azar.

Something is wrong, something is definitely wrong! Could it be that a coup has taken place in Xumi City? Or did the group of sand people attack Xumi City with the power of the Red King and now occupy the Order House?

Upon learning that the Order House was under siege, the Great Sage Azar immediately entered the God-making factory built underground in Xumi through a hidden passage.

At this time, the God-making plan was underway, and the Fatui's executive officer, Doctor, as the creator of this experiment, was naturally on the scene.

"Waste, it's really a waste that can't do anything good but only makes trouble."

"If the experiment can't continue because of this, I think there's no need for a corrupt institution like the Xumi Church to continue to exist."

"The experiment is at a critical stage and cannot be affected by the outside world. Let our people step up and eliminate all those who are making trouble in the Church."

The Fatui Executive Doctor in the underground god-making factory of the Church has been observing the data generated by the experiment. For him, the process of each experiment is extremely important and cannot be disturbed by others.

"Yes, Doctor, I know how to do it."

The Executive Doctor's subordinate said respectfully.

Soon after, several portals with the breath of the abyss appeared inside the Church, and these portals were the technology obtained by the Fatui through research on the abyss.

Large numbers of Fatui soldiers walked out of the portals.

The war between the virtual entity soldiers and the Fatui is about to break out!

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