The former great sage ushered in the second death of his life.

After waiting for Lin Yu to revive Azar again, Qingyu once again swung his sword and gave the former great sage Azar another completely different way of death.

This cycle repeated until the tenth time Azar finally ushered in his true death.

I just don’t know which of Qingyu’s various execution methods our great sage Azar likes.

If possible, I hope he can give a big compliment to the executioner Qingyu below.

Lin Yu was kind in the end, because after the tenth time he did not directly erase the soul of the great sage Azar, but let his soul enter the earth veins and start a new life.

Well, he is indeed a kind and benevolent god.

After the execution of the former great sage Azar, the people of Xumi Homeland Security Bureau pulled up the remaining three sages at a time under Lin Yu’s instructions.

At that time, the three sages watched the execution of the great sage Azar on the side of the public trial.

Now they only felt that their legs were no longer their own legs. They were shaking uncontrollably, a kind of fear from the depths of their souls.

In this extremely fearful mood, Lin Yu, as the highest judge, gave the most fair judgment in the world according to the sins accumulated on them.

"You are all sentenced to death."

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the sages couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yu immediately added another sentence.

"Death penalty, three times, executed immediately."

The sages' sigh of relief just now is now completely dead.

The three sages with desperate faces were dragged by the staff of the Department of Homeland Security to the executioner Qingyu's executioner.

Qingyu under the mask showed an evil smile that no one could see.

He has been looking forward to the day when he personally killed the sage for a long time.

Now I finally got what I wanted.

About half an hour later, under the execution of the executioner Qingyu, the three sages also followed the great sage Azar.

As expected of the sages who can jointly promote the god-making plan, they are inseparable from death.

Perhaps this is the power of faith? Seeing this scene, Lin Yu couldn't help but feel a little moved at this moment.

The people of Xumi under the public trial, with red necks and strong roars, are all expressing their deep reluctance for the departure of the sage.

They waved their fists in their hands, which was to express the spirit of the dead and the living...

This time, the public trial of Xumi was just a public trial for the sage. As for those people in the other church orders, it was not worth Lin Yu's personal trial.

He vaguely remembered that when he was in the last public trial of Inazuma, he sat in the judge's seat. Later, he was about to become a repeater, repeating the death penalty over and over again.

After learning from the last lesson, Lin Yu did not plan to do so this time.

As for the remaining people in the Order, it is better to leave it to the director of the Xumi Homeland Security Bureau, Seno. Lin Yu believes that Seno will be able to weigh their sins.

The three sages have died in the hands of the executioner Qingyu.

The Xumi Public Trial should have come to an end here, but Lin Yu suddenly remembered that he seemed to have an important person who had not been judged, so he decided to let the Xumi Public Trial add another one for him!

"Doctor Dotore, the executive officer of the Fatui, is the mastermind behind this Xumi God-making plan."

At the same time, above the Fontaine Sea, a winter-style speedboat was sailing, and the executive officer of the Fatui, Doctor, was standing on the bow at this time, with his hands behind his back.

He couldn't help but feel a palpitation, as if something was about to happen.

He felt a bit gloomy at this moment, along with the sky of Fontaine...

"Bring the criminal, Fatui executive Dotore, up to accept the trial."

The two employees of the Department of Homeland Security who were responsible for bringing the criminals to the public trial stood at the side of the public trial and looked at each other. When did Fatui executive Dotore appear among the criminals they arrested?

Oh no, the Rule of Order must be aware of this, right? If the prestige of the Rule of Order is damaged by this, wouldn't it be a huge sin for them?

What should they do now?

Just when the Xumi Department of Homeland Security was extremely anxious, a ray of light flashed in the sky, and the space gate suddenly opened in the sky.

A figure came out from the sky.He fell out of the door of the room, and the man turned in the air swiftly, and finally landed steadily on the floor of the public trial.

Originally, Duotole was standing on the bow of the speedboat and looking at it. Suddenly, his feet were empty, and then he fell here.

After standing firmly, Duotole did not show panic, but calmly looked around.

He saw Lin Yu sitting on it, and the excited Xumi people under the stage of the public trial. It seemed that he had come to a trial against himself.

It's really interesting.

He is so proficient in the use of space, so the person on the stage at this time must be the ruler of order.

Then he was at the public trial of Xumi?

"Sentence the criminal Duotole to death."

Lin Yu didn't care about Duotole at all, just sat on it and said such a sentence lightly.

"Death penalty? I don't think this is a reasonable verdict. The Fatui are the Fatui and the Fatui are the Fatui. The two cannot be confused." Dotole was not panicked by the death penalty, but just looked quietly in the direction of Lin Yu and said.

"This is the most fair verdict. You have no right to refuse on the trial bench."

"You can't kill me." Dotole smiled softly.

He has many slices in this world. As long as there are slices belonging to him in the world, even if he is now dead in Xumi, theoretically he is still alive in this world.

As for that you, is it still the real you?

This naive question is not important to him.

Looking at Dotole who smiled softly, Lin Yu immediately felt that Dotole was challenging himself, and he sneered in his heart.

In this world, he is not sure to kill except for the law of nature, but there is no existence that Lin Yu cannot solve. Even if a mere Fatui doctor has 110,000 or 100 million slices, what's the matter?

As the highest judge, once the verdict is handed down, there is naturally no reason not to execute it.

When Duotole said that, Lin Yu directly mobilized the spatial authority in his body, and with the world tree search of the smart tablet, he locked the slices in all periods except the one in front of him almost instantly.

In these doctoral slices locked by Lin Yu, a ray of light was condensing at an altitude of 10,000 meters above his head. It was a miniature version of the God's Punishment Nail about three meters long.

The God's Punishment Nail was hanging high in the air and its body was slowly rotating.

Lin Yu looked at Duotole at the public trial, and a faint smile appeared on his face. Then the God's Punishment Nail hanging above the slices fell instantly!

After a moment, Duotole, who was standing on the stage of the public trial, could no longer remain calm.

Just now, he lost the induction between all his slices, and he immediately realized something. He raised his head and just met Lin Yu's smile.

"Do you still think that I can't kill you?" Lin Yu smiled softly. I really don't know where Dotore got his confidence from. Isn't it as easy for him to control Dotore as Paimon eating?

"You can't do anything to me. We have the same lofty ideals."

The same lofty ideals? Why can't Lin Yu remember what lofty ideals he had? Could it be that the doctor said to overthrow the law of nature?

He has never thought about overthrowing the law of nature.

···Maybe in the future, but not now.

"I'm sorry, we don't have any common ideals, so accept the trial."

Lin Yu didn't want to continue to say anything more to the Fatui executive doctor. After all, it was meaningless to talk to a dead person.

Just waved his hand lightly, and a long sword composed of light elements hung high above Dotore's head.

And Dotore naturally sensed this.

He knew very clearly that he could not be the opponent of the ruler of order in front of him, but now all his slices have disappeared. If he falls on this trial platform, then the existence of the Fatui executive doctor will disappear from this world forever.

So no matter what, he must fight hard.

Of course, it is not to fight with Lin Yu, but to escape from here with all his strength. As long as he can escape back to the Queen, even the ruler of order will not come to ask for people.

When the doctor was about to mobilize the ice element in his body to attack the Xumi people under the trial platform to create chaos, he found that he could not mobilize any power in his body.

Lin Yu, who felt the fluctuation of his own materialized power, could not help but raise his mouth slightly.

Before he sent Duotole over through the space gate, he had already been in the entire public trial.The scene of the meeting was set up with a ban on magic. He is the dignified Lord Yu Shen, how could he not consider things carefully?

Under the ban on magic, if Dotole can use his power, then Lin Yu thinks that the Fatui don't need to go against the law of nature, why not let Dotole do the law of nature?

All Fatui executives Dotole, get ready to die!

The long sword hanging above the head of Fatui executive Dotole began to rotate at high speed. The doctor's face changed when he noticed this situation. He knew very well what would happen next.

"No, you can't do this!"


"The Queen's plan failed, and the result will make you and everything you cherish pay the price!"

"Damn you"

Before Fatui executive Dotole finished speaking, the long sword suddenly fell and hit Fatui executive Dotole in an instant, and a golden light burst out on the trial stand.

After waiting for the golden light to dissipate, the Fatui executive doctor had already disappeared.

A disdainful smile flashed across Lin Yu's face. The failure of the Ice God's plan would cost him and everything he cherished?

Sorry, Lin Yu doesn't care about the plans of the weak.

He doesn't think that the Ice God's plan can solve the world-destroying disaster that the Teyvat continent will face many years later. It has never been Lin Yu's style to put hope in the hands of others.

When people are given enough power, they can have the possibility of reversing all situations.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Yu has accumulated his own strength bit by bit since ancient times, and has improved his strength step by step through continuous practice.

Lin Yu doesn't know where his strength is now, because at this time he doesn't have an accurate standard for going up.

After all, he has never seen Tianli take action, nor has he ever seen the "Lord of the Abyss" take action.

However, he knew that with his current strength, if he faced the servant of the abyss that appeared in the war of Kanreya five hundred years ago, Lin Yu only needed to make a slight move to easily solve it.

The Xumi people under the stage of the public trial burst into a burst of warmer and warmer cheers.

Compared with the previous witnessing of the execution of the sage, it has become a trivial matter, because now they have witnessed the divine power of the ruler of order!

How lucky is it to be able to witness the divine power with your own eyes?

After Lin Yu completed the trial of the Doctor, the executive officer of the Fatui, the public trial of Xumi came to an end.

Lin Yu stood up from the position of the presiding judge of the public trial, and after a ray of light, Lin Yu's figure had disappeared in front of everyone.

As the director of the Xumi Homeland Security Bureau, Seno immediately stepped onto the stage, then announced the end of the public trial, and began to arrange personnel to evacuate the Xumi people in the Grand Bazaar in an orderly manner.

There are a lot of people on the scene. If the management is not appropriate, there is a great possibility of a large-scale stampede. At that time, it will not only be disrespectful to the gods, but also a blasphemy to one's own work.

At the same time, on the other side, as the Queen of Winterland, the Fatui was founded by her. She gave each Fatui executive a share of the power of the gods.

So once an executive gets into trouble, she will know it at the first time.

She now realizes that the Fatui executive doctor has died. When the doctor cuts out a slice, the power she gave will also be divided together, so each doctor's slice has her power.

But now all the doctor's slices point to the final result.

That is death...

The Queen of Ice is in the tower, looking at the ice and snow in the distance, and can't help but fall into contemplation.

What exactly happened to the doctor? There are not many beings in the world that can destroy all of the doctor's slices in an instant, and with the doctor's intelligence, he should not make such low-level mistakes.


The Ice Queen immediately sent down an oracle, demanding a thorough investigation of the matter.

At the same time, it was notified that the unfinished slice left by the doctor could now be continued.

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