However, because this approach is somewhat of a way of diverting trouble, it is necessary to personally send several immortals to Gui Yuli to discuss the feasibility of this matter.

If you can't join Gui Yuli, it would be great to get Gui Yuli's help.

"Well, this immortal has the best relationship with the Rock Demon God, so let this immortal go."

"With this immortal here, there will be no surprises."

Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun said.

"Haha, then I will go with you."

"How can this kind of thing be done without this immortal?"

"I also have a good relationship with the Rock Demon God."

"Let's go together."

Xue Yue Zhu Yang Zhenjun, Li Shui Die Shan Zhenjun, Yi Xiao Dao Tian Zhenjun, Ge Chen Lang Shi Zhenjun spoke one after another.

They are all immortals who have established some friendship with Morax, the Rock Demon God, during Morax's visit to the immortals.

So it is most appropriate for them to go.

The immortals have no other opinions on this.

According to the nature of the immortals, once things are decided, there will be no delay at all. Liuyun and his group of immortals directly transformed into their own beast forms.

Either flapping their wings to fly into the sky, or walking in the air.

They set out from Jueyunjian together and rushed towards the direction of Guiyuli Plain.

Soon after, the immortals passed the original territory of the Swamp Demon God and came to this swamp area.

In the entire swamp area, black stinking gas emanated from the swamp. Obviously, the swamp formed by the Swamp Demon God, the swamp gas released is definitely not as simple as naturally formed.

This swamp gas is not only stinky, but also contains deadly poisonous gas.

Even if they are immortals, if they are not careful and are entangled by these swamp gases, it will damage their immortal bodies.

Seeing that they were about to step into this place, the immortals mobilized their immortal power and formed a light white light cover around their bodies.

Use immortal power to temporarily isolate the inside and outside to prevent the marsh gas from entangled and invading the immortal body.

"What a spectacular scene. It's hard to imagine what the battle between the Rock Demon God and the Materialized Demon God and the Swamp Demon God would be like."

Flying over the endless swamp, True Lord Xue Yue Zhu Yang was inspired.

The Swamp Demon God has already fallen, but this swamp area formed by the Swamp Demon God still retains some of its past power.

It is enough to threaten their existence as immortals.

It's hard to imagine what kind of scene the Rock Demon God and the Materialized Demon God faced at that time.

"That day, this immortal happened to pass by and just looked at it from a distance at the edge. The entire swamp spread from the ground to the sky, covering the entire world."

"As for the situation inside, this immortal doesn't know."

True Lord Liu Yun Jie Feng said.

That day, Liuyun was collecting various materials needed for refining mechanisms in the nearby area.

She felt the huge movement of the demon gods in that direction.

Out of curiosity, she stopped and watched from a distance for a while.

Then she saw the grand scene.

"The demon gods have the power to move the world, not to mention the battles between the top demon gods."

"With such powerful rock demon gods and material demon gods, Guiyuli where they are is indeed a good place to go."

"At present, the war between demon gods is raging, and as immortals, we are also caught up in it and have no choice."

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun sighed.

At the same time, he was more certain of his decision to go to Guiyuli.

Guiyuli has two demon gods with such powerful strength. If Guiyuli had not remained neutral, I am afraid that most of the demon gods' territories would have been included in Guiyuli, right?

The immortals' flying speed is still very fast.

It didn't take long before they crossed the vast swamp area. After leaving the swamp area, the immortals took off their shields.

After all, maintaining this thing requires continuous consumption of immortal power.

No one knows whether they will encounter any crisis on the way to Guiyuli, so if they can retain some immortal power, they can retain more combat power.

"Is this the Guiyuli Plain? This immortal doesn't think there is anything special about it. The endless flatness is not as interesting as running through the mountains."

This is the first time that Master Liuyun Jiefeng has stepped into the Guiyuli Plain.

Most of the immortals are otakus and their activities are basically near Jueyunjian. After all, the surrounding area is the territory of the demon god.

If you just barge in, it is very likelyThey might be directly regarded as invaders by other demon gods.

"Hahaha, there are mountain scenery in the mountains, and there are also plain scenery in the plains. Why should we compare the two?"

Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun said.

I am used to the scenery in the mountains, and now I am on the plains, and there are also different emotions in it.

"Humph, such a shallow truth, how can this immortal not understand it?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said with a bird's head.

Then the immortals smiled and continued to fly towards the depths of Guiyuli.

Not long after, the Qianyan Army, which was patrolling on the Guiyuli Plain, discovered several beasts flying in the sky.

The monsters that thought they had crossed the swamp and entered Guiyuli immediately entered battle preparations.

The message was passed on, and thousands of Qianyan Army lined up on their flight path, ready to intercept!

The immortals flying in the sky soon noticed the humans on the ground in front of them.

"Eh? Look, isn't the formation used by those mortals the Seven Killings and Seven Absolutes formation that I gave to the Rock Demon God?"

"Why are these mortals forming a formation here? Could it be that they have discovered our identities and formed a formation to welcome us?"

Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun said after thinking for a while.

"Hmph, I think they are here to stop us."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said.

"Now we are in Guiyuli's territory. As the Thousand Rocks Army, they are fighting to protect Guiyuli. We must not look down on these humans because of our status as immortals."

"We will go down and show our identities. They should not embarrass us."

Gechen Langshi Zhenjun said.

When giving away the immortal method before, the Rock Demon God mentioned that he wanted to form a human army. Later, when he visited the immortal, he also told him the name of this army, the Thousand Rocks Army.

So what they are facing now is the Thousand Rocks Army formed to protect Guiyuli.

The Thousand Rocks Army can be said to represent the entire Guiyuli.

As immortals, although they have a close relationship with Qianyan Army in terms of immortality, they are not members of Guiyuli at the moment.

If they accidentally clash with Qianyan Army due to improper operation.

Then the plan to join Guiyuli will end before it even begins?

"Guiyuli ahead! Demons are forbidden to move!"

The soldiers lined up and watched these monsters lower their altitude and approach them. They shouted in unison with full of courage without any fear!

And they were ready to attack at any time. As long as these monsters in the sky were abnormal, they would launch an attack.

No matter what the result is, this is Guiyuli they want to protect!

"We are immortals from Jueyunjian. We came to Guiyuli to find the Demon God of Yan to discuss some things. Why are you stopping us?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked at Qianyan Army and said.

After hearing this news, the Qianyan Army below looked at each other.

Looking at the appearance of these beasts, they do not have the same ferocious feeling as those demons, but this may also be the disguise of other demons.

Immortals in Jueyunjian?

They just heard that there is a group of immortals in Jueyunjian, and they have a close relationship with their Lord Emperor.

Since Morax formed the Qianyan Army, the title of Yanwang Emperor has gradually begun to spread among the people in a small range.

Until now, the title of Yanwang Emperor has been loved by the people and has gradually surpassed the original Lord Yanshen.

Although the immortals have a close relationship with Lord Emperor, they have never seen immortals as part of the Qianyan Army.

Naturally, they cannot determine the identities of these immortals.

Without being able to confirm their identities, who can know whether these immortals are pretending to be other demons?

Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun saw that these mortals were thinking about something at the moment.

He stepped forward and then the immortal method on his body was revealed.

That was the immortal method "Seven Killings and Seven Absolutes Formation" given to Morax by Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun.

The Qianyan Army was shocked!

Originally, they thought that they were going to attack them, but then they took a closer look without waiting for the attack.

The formation seemed a little familiar, no, not a little familiar.

The formation composed of those rules, isn't it the Seven Killings and Seven Absolutes Formation?

This formation was given by the immortals.

So are these monsters in front of us really immortals?

"This is a serious matter. Please give us some time to report this to the emperor!"

Yan Jun, the captain of this Qianyan Army, clasped his fists to the immortals and said in a slightly respectful tone.

After the immortal method of Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun was revealed, everyone's belief in their immortal identity has reached70% of it has been reached.

"Okay, then I will wait here for a while."

said Master Liuyunjiefeng.

Soon Yanjun tore up a Thousand Miles Transmission Note and briefly reported the situation here.

And the Thousand Miles Transmission Note in the hands of Qianyanjun could not be materialized by Lin Yu, after all, Lin Yu was busy practicing every day, where was he so free.

This talisman was produced by Guizhong after studying the power of the runes on the Thousand Miles Transmission Note, simplifying it again and mass-producing it with his own divine power for the communication of Qianyanjun.

After all, if the enemy comes, Qianyanjun still has to run to convey the message. Can they outrun those powerful demons?

Although this weakened version of the Thousand Miles Transmission Note is not as powerful as Lin Yu's, it is not a problem to use it normally within Guiyu's range.

Lin Yu's version of the Thousand Miles Transmission Note does not have the distance limit, as for whether it will be affected by space, it is not clear.

After all, it has not been tested, so there is no right to speak.

On the other side, after receiving the message, the Qianyan Army station immediately passed the news to the Liyu Palace.

"Why are Liuyun and the others here? Could something have happened in Jueyunjian?"

Morax, who received the message, immediately thought.

After all, generally speaking, the immortals in Jueyunjian would not leave the scope of Jueyunjian.

It must be that something happened in Jueyunjian.

Morax, who received the news, immediately turned into a ray of golden light and flew towards the immortals.

Not long after, a golden light flashed.

Then Morax's figure appeared in the sky.

"Lord Emperor!"

Seeing this, the Qianyan Army saluted with fists.

Morax nodded slightly, and then came to the front of the immortals.

"But what happened?"

Morax asked.

The immortals nodded.

Then True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang briefly told Morax about the current situation in Jueyunjian.

After listening, Morax also understood Jue Yunjian's situation.

But he still didn't know why the immortals came to Guiyuli this time.

If they needed help.

Based on their past friendship, Morax would naturally not refuse, but it was not a solution to the problem after all.

He could save them for a while, but could he save them for the rest of their lives?

Could it be that he wanted to eliminate all the eight demons?

"Then I understand. It's not appropriate to talk about this here. Let's go to Guiyuli with me."

Morax looked at the immortals and said.

Naturally, the immortals had no objection to this.

As for what the prosperous scenery of Guiyuli, which mortals talked about, looked like, the immortals were actually more or less curious.

So under the leadership of Morax, the immortals soon arrived above Guiyuli.

Today, Guiyuli has gone through several decades of development. The economic depression, people's worries, business decline and other problems caused by the Demon God War have been alleviated, and Guiyuli has become more prosperous on the original basis. The Demon God War is naturally impossible to end in a short time, so it is really difficult to change the various negative effects brought by the Demon God War. However, Guiyuli can switch from external circulation to self-circulation. Rich resource industries can completely make Liyue self-sufficient. "This is the prosperous Guiyuli City in people's mouths! Now it seems to be worthy of the name!" said True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang. "This immortal, I think it's good, but the scene of the bustling crowd is a bit too noisy." True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng commented. If you live in such an environment, how can you calm down to practice immortal methods and study mechanical techniques? "The scene in this world has always been like this. From a general rational point of view, it is indeed a bit noisy for people who practice immortal arts."

"Please follow me."

Morax said.

After many visits to immortals, Morax has long been accustomed to Liuyun's way of speaking.

So he didn't mind.

Then he took the immortals and flew into the sky.

The immortals were a little confused. Where was Morax going to take them? Did they want to talk in the sky?

Until Morax took them to the pavilion in the cloud built by Lin Yu.

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