
The evil spirits and ghosts that had just filled the entire open space were smashed to pieces by Yato's sword. Countless pillars were broken by the powerful impact, and the tall buildings began to collapse.

Yato's body was as fast as lightning, and he came in front of Isayama Yomi in two jumps. The two swords collided with each other. Ran Honglian also felt the call of the master and cooperated with Isayama Yomi to attack Yato.

General Raiden stood on a car and watched the battle between Yato and Isayama Yomi. The battle situation was that Yato easily suppressed Isayama Yomi. If it weren't for the assistance of the evil spirits and Ran Honglian, Isayama Yomi would have been chopped down by the sword long ago.

"Everyone, please be careful. The barrier can no longer hold up. There are too many ghosts and evil spirits!"

"Guys in the countermeasures room, have you gathered the items used to seal the barrier? It looks like the situation is not optimistic!"


Yato and Isayama Yomi were fighting to the death, while the Ministry of the Environment and the special forces were also deploying personnel and materials according to the current situation. They did not expect that Sanzu River and Hong could actually open the Yomi channel.

The barrier finally broke apart after being unable to withstand the impact of thousands of evil spirits. The personnel who had been prepared for a long time poured holy water containing the power of purification on them one after another. The huge fire hoses exerted the same power as Gatling guns and Vulcan cannons.

Countless evil spirits were eliminated at the first moment of contact. Although the strength of evil spirits and ghosts in this era has been greatly improved, most of these evil spirits are small fish and inferior monsters, and the corresponding modern ratings are only D and E grades.

The exorcists with live ammunition immediately eliminated all the evil spirits that could barely survive the impact of holy water to ensure that everyone would not be disrupted by the impact and disrupt the defense formation.

This is a modern and efficient way to exorcise demons. As long as enough time and information are given, you can gain a huge combat advantage.

"Her strength is not bad! But she is too young."

Isayama Yomizumi was kicked down from the building like a bullet. Her body was covered with wounds and blood was leaking out. However, the dark red energy kept repairing the wounds, making her body white again.

Yato jumped down, and the sword light cut countless evil spirits approaching him into pieces, as if cleaning the world's dirt, and the blade pointed directly at Isayama Yomizumi.

""Ran Hong Lian!"

A huge body immediately appeared beside Jianshan Huangquan and launched a fierce attack on Yato. Countless boulders flew everywhere, causing some combatants to suffer unexpected disasters, and vehicles were smashed with dents everywhere.

Yato would naturally not fight head-on with such a thick-skinned spirit beast. Its body was the sword Lion King. As long as the spiritual power supply of Jianshan Huangquan and Lion King was blocked, it would collapse without attack and disappear on the spot.

Jianshan Huangquan would naturally see Yato's plan, but the open field would undoubtedly be more suitable for Yato. Yato's battle-hardened skills could not be compared to that of Isayama Yomi. No matter how talented she was, she was just a girl fighting against evil spirits and monsters.


Yato cut the tendons of Isayama Yomi's hand, then slightly drew a circle with the sword, knocking the Lion King into the sky. With a slight leap, he received it in his hand. With a burst of divine power, the scabbard dozens of meters away also received the call.

A complete sword Lion King was held in Yato's hand. The bloodshot in Isayama Yomi's eyes became more and more obvious, and the killing stone on her forehead also emitted more and more power rushing through her body.

"Commission completed!"

"We meet again now!"

Yato turned into a shadow and came to the side of the person who issued the task, handed the Tachi Lion King to him, and said to himself:"I feel the breath of Bishamonten again. The battle has consumed most of the divine power. Let's run away quickly!"

Under the surprised eyes of the man in black, Yato suddenly disappeared from the spot, but he found the fearful eyes of his companions next to him.

A head shattered like a watermelon hit by a bullet, and the Tachi Lion King in his hand was once again tightly grasped by a slender palm. A huge red lotus appeared beside her and attacked the creature next to her.

""Come out, spirit beast Bai Rui!"

Tugong Yale made a seal with his hands, and a creature with white hair and a giant snake-like body emerged from beside him. There were countless chains wrapped around its head, and several eyes were staring at Jianshan Huangquan tightly, opening its bloody mouth and biting her.

Jianshan Huangquan saw this scene and naturally would not use his body to receive this bite with infinite power, and hurriedly drove Luan Honglian and Bai Rui to fight, but the situation was unexpected.

The strength of the spirit beast, in addition to its own strength, also has to take into account the spiritual power of its owner. Now, there is Jianshan Huangquan, who was supplied with infinite demonic energy by the Killing Stone, had a lion king in his hand, which was originally a spirit beast of the same level as the dog god.

The huge Red Lotus pounced fiercely, stepped on the void, bit Bai Rui's neck, and shook its head madly to bite. Bai Rui was unwilling to fall behind and bit it, but the winner was soon decided.

The Red Lotus, blessed by the demonic power of the Killing Stone, was more than a circle larger than before, and its body became more violent. Compared with Bai Rui who had been sealed and bound, it could exert more strength.

"Lord Tugong, you have overdrawn your vitality to drive the Killing Stone to subdue Bai Rui and fight for you. How long can your body last?"

Jianshan Huangquan chopped the black-clothed man who was in the way in the side into two halves with a knife, and said jokingly, the Lion King is the body of the Red Lotus, unlike the damage suffered by Bai Rui, which will also be reflected on the owner through the soul connection.

This is why the Tugong family can use the power of the Killing Stone to control Bai Rui to win the first place, but it is also the reason why the Tugong family will be particularly short-lived when using Bai Rui���

""Ran Honglian, use Roaring Wave~"

Jianshan Huangquan's taunting did not bring about a counterattack from Tugong Yale. Instead, the dense ammunition from the special forces punched several holes in her body, making her angry and letting Ran Honglian attack the combatants.

"How can it be repaired!"

The dog god Bai Rui was controlled and forcibly accepted the powerful attack of Luan Honglian. His body was blown away, and Tu Gong Ya Le also vomited a large mouthful of blood, but he also saved the lives of dozens of combatants.

"Boring mercy!"

Jianshan Huangquan angrily swung the Lion King and fiercely cut open the body of Tugong Yale, but not long after the cut, a big spear resisted its cutting momentum.

It turned out to be a fighter wearing Mingwu armor, holding a long spear to block the attack, and launched an attack on Jianshan Huangquan. The angry roar of Sanzuhe Kazuhiro was also heard in the distance. It turned out to be four fighters wearing Mingwu armor, ignoring the dense tide of evil spirits, and directly rushed to the side of Huangquan's crack and attacked Sanzuhe Kazuhiro.

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